Chances of UKIP winning General Election?

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6 Oct 2011
Distcrimination is discrimination, but it's a little bit different when we're talking about the persecution of black and brown people!

That's what is up with this country at the moment. Discrimination is discrimination. End of. No if's no buts. Regardless of what it is we are discriminating against. I don't understand why we have such an obsession with colour.

Also I can't understand why we think it is acceptable to positively discriminate?
18 Oct 2002
So I see Labour have come up with a fresh and exciting election pledge; throw more money at the NHS (possibly through raising NI). My word.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
NVP(or anyone) is being a homo' a natural thing ? That's the question.

if its Natural then how can it be abhorrent, as its "for use of a better word" gods will.

or do we take the line that Homosexuals have something wrong with their personalities and should/can be treated the same way as infertility.
13 Nov 2013
You what? Infirtility is generally caused by complications with the reproductive organs... Natural. How do you want me to relate homosexuality to this argument?

Sterility is a disability, do you consider homosexuality a disability too or something similar? It's a simple question, why is it so hard to answer it?
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
Sterility is a disability, do you consider homosexuality a disability too or something similar? It's a simple question, why is it so hard to answer it?

I'd consider sterility more disability lite, as it doesn't impact everyone negatively (some people choose not to have kids, so fidning out that they are sterile doesn't actually impact them in any way), as opposed to, say, blindness, every blind person is negatively impacted by that.

Some might argue that homosexuality is a disability if you want to have children, but there is nothing stopping people getting sperm donors or surrogates to get around the biological boundry. If you are gay, and don't want to have kids, it's only a disbility as far as having to deal with bigotted ****s.



6 Sep 2007
NVP(or anyone) is being a homo' a natural thing ? That's the question.

if its Natural then how can it be abhorrent, as its "for use of a better word" gods will.

or do we take the line that Homosexuals have something wrong with their personalities and should/can be treated the same way as infertility.
Sterility is a disability, do you consider homosexuality a disability too or something similar? It's a simple question, why is it so hard to answer it?

I don't see why an opinion on homosexuality is required for this discussion, it will simply cause offence to some and potentially derail this thread - but I will humor you both for a second with my opinion, and that is all this is, my opinion.

Talking purely from a naturalistic viewpoint, Life is about procreation so that a species can survive. If a superior species is capable of such intelligent thought that it has determined the key to life is this most basic of natural instincts, to procreate, yet one member of the species decides against this as fluctuations in hormone levels make them behave differently to another member of the same species... is this natural or against nature? It may be against their chemical make-up, but it is also against Life itself - You tell me which is "more natural"?

Not everything is black and white.
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9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
I don't see why an opinion on homosexuality is required for this discussion, it will simply cause offence to some and potentially derail this thread - the point was raised as something but I will humor you both for a second with my opinion, and that is all this is my opinion.

Talking purely from a naturalistic viewpoint, Life is about procreation so that a species can survive. If a superior species is capable of such intelligent thought that it has determined the key to life is this most basic of natural instincts, to procreate, yet one member of the species decides against this as fluctuations in hormone levels make them behave differently to another member of the same species... is this natural or against nature? It may be against their chemical make-up, but it is also against Life itself - You tell me which is "more natural"?

Not everything is black and white.

Being homosexual only excludes you from creating a child with your same-sex partner, it does not actually stop you from creating a child.

As a superior species, we have also noted that the world is over-populated, so not propogating the species might actually ensure it's survival.

Me, I'm straight, but don't wish to ever have children. Does that make me 'against life', or someone that needs to be cured?
18 Oct 2002
Could you state why that would be a bad thing?, we spend less on the NHS & already get a service far superior to nations which spend a comparable amount.

Isn't throwing money exactly what Labour did last time? It didn't solve the problem, it never does. The result was the shambolic PFI scheme, too much middle management and inefficient spending.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
Isn't throwing money exactly what Labour did last time? It didn't solve the problem, it never does. The result was the shambolic PFI scheme, too much middle management and inefficient spending.

Throwing money at it correctly however would see great things. Just because Labour were hopeless are delivering an idea, doesn't make the idea a bad one.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Homosexuality is perfectly natural, to argue otherwise is "old fashioned" for want of a better phrase. We don't live in the early 20th century anymore. It's shameful that people today, so long since then, still take issue with it. Whoever a person decides to bed is none of your business! Also, homosexuality doesn't just occur in humans.

Just a thought, for all us straights, if in an alternate dimension, men reproduced with men, but you were only attracted to women. Would you be happy to accept "treatment" to make you attracted to men, in the name of procreation? Question mostly aimed at spankingtexan and Co. I mean, this is assuming you are not allowed to have children by any other means people can have them like adoption and surrogacy.
30 Apr 2006
Could you state why that would be a bad thing?, we spend less on the NHS & already get a service far superior to nations which spend a comparable amount.

Because it would be wasted by higher ups by hiring more middle-management and failed projects (Billions wasted on a scarped IT system anyone?)

Extra money in itself is fine but it would have to be tightly micro-managed to an inch of it's life and the track record of that has been abysmal

Throwing money at it correctly however would see great things. Just because Labour were hopeless are delivering an idea, doesn't make the idea a bad one.

Agreed, but trusting Labour with the keys of economy again? Trollalololololol!!!!
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22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
I don't see why an opinion on homosexuality is required for this discussion, it will simply cause offence to some and potentially derail this thread - but I will humor you both for a second with my opinion, and that is all this is, my opinion.

Talking purely from a naturalistic viewpoint, Life is about procreation so that a species can survive. If a superior species is capable of such intelligent thought that it has determined the key to life is this most basic of natural instincts, to procreate, yet one member of the species decides against this as fluctuations in hormone levels make them behave differently to another member of the same species... is this natural or against nature? It may be against their chemical make-up, but it is also against Life itself - You tell me which is "more natural"?

Not everything is black and white.
Everything is natural, the opposite of natural is supernatural & gay people are not mythological creatures.

The 'nature' argument is based off a flawed & simplistic view on social human evolution.

Certain traits can be positive for the collective, I'll give you an example - if a species had a mutation which put a small percentage of the population outside of the standard competition dynamic but as a result of this were better able to assist in the rearing & upbringing of children.

Those genes would be passed on via successive generations through there siblings - put short, person A will have the genetic propensity for homosexuality which over enough time is beneficial due to the positive social influence of having siblings not competing for mating opportunities.

This gene would be passed on when it's likely hood would reach an equilibrium - in that it's not so high it stops the gene from being passed on all together, but often enough to provide a reliable advantage for reproduction.

You can't look at individual reproductive success to determine if something is 'against nature', which is also a stupid phrase to use because nature has no purpose.

Reproduction is a means for a species to continue, it's not a purpose - that's your subjective evaluation & an attempt of applying meaning to something which objectively has none. Regardless of either of these facts it's also as 'natural' as anything can be & see in other animal species.

Because it would be wasted by higher ups by hiring more middle-management and failed projects (Billions wasted on a scarped IT system anyone?)

Extra money in itself is fine but it would have to be tightly micro-managed to an inch of it's life and the track record of that has been abysmal
Flawed argument, I could disregard any suggestion on anything by implying it's only outcome would be void of any benefits & only include the potential negatives.

Looking at the NHS objectively it's already incredibly efficient so I see no real reason to disregard any potential for increased funding.

Agreed, but trusting Labour with the keys of economy again? Trollalololololol!!!!
You mean residing over one of the strongest periods of growth until the global financial crisis?.

Have you ever even looked at our historic growth & debt as a percentage of GDP statistics or are you just repeating something you read in a tabloid?.


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18 Oct 2002
Throwing money at it correctly however would see great things. Just because Labour were hopeless are delivering an idea, doesn't make the idea a bad one.

I was going to add spending it wisely would be more prudent but yes throwing money correctly would also be a good thing. Do you trust a Labour Government headed by the very same people behind the scenes of the previous 13 years to do this? I certainly do not. In fact I don't trust any UK politician or Government to do this effectively. They should build an IT system to make it all better......:p



6 Sep 2007
Reproduction is a means for a species to continue, it's not a purpose - that's your subjective evaluation & an attempt of applying meaning to something which objectively has none. Regardless of either of these facts it's also as 'natural' as anything can be & see in other animal species.

You are right, I guess I am mirroring religion here by imposing my belief that "the purpose of life is to procreate" on this situation. I don't feel this debate is warranted for this thread however, so I'm going to back away as to avoid any offence.
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