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The GTX 980 Ti owners thread.

30 Mar 2010
According to Gigabytes web page: H=42mm, L=309mm, W=135 mm


Evga is making it really hard to persevere as a loyal customer... I'm on the verge of swapping my order from Classy to the MSI card - so that I can finally get something decent for my rig without any more waiting.

Yep, me too. If it's not in today, I'm probably cancelling on the Classy in favour of MSI. There's gonna be what, 50MHz between them when OC'd? A pound a megahertz.

Sent a web note asking about availability.
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31 Dec 2007
The TARDIS, Wakefield, UK
Gibbo mentioned a factory 980ti hof with waterblock coming in august. Just a bit of red cable:p

What on earth is that button for ? Does it turn into a Titan X if you press it ?
2 Apr 2011
I still find it quite noisy at that that level, it's easily the loudest thing in my case. But I'm not used to air cooling as I always watercool my cards. Just waiting on EK. . .

My first G1 was a right pig, had a awful whine which drove me nuts.

Only had a asic score of 66% as well.

I got a replacement though G1 and she is miles quieter, only a very,very slight hint of whine (only when overclocked) and you literally have to put your head right up next to it. I've got no problem with that as you can't hear anything at normal distance whatsoever. All I hear is fans/air moving.

A HUGE improvement!!!

It also has a ASIC score of 75.4% which is a lot better than 66% on my previous card.

It runs a lot cooler over all (even the fans seem quieter at the same rpm) and the best bit I've run it with heaven, valley, firestrike, realbench countless times (and a good dose of BF4!) @ 1504/8000 with just +10v on stock voltage (so 1.1870v at load!!!) no problems at all on the stock bios.

WOW - This girl's got a ton of headroom left in her and I'm sure will go much higher. As I seem to have a little gem now I'm gonna wait till she is watercooled (come on EK!) and then go for it! :D

Well chuffed now and certainly worth a tiny bit of hassle with swapping cards.


The ASIC quality on mine is showing as 79.3%, which is why I'm really annoyed about the coil whine I'm getting, really don't want to exchange because of the good clocks on it but I think I might have to :(
11 Mar 2013
It is out of their hands..

I will try and make this clear again for people who have no read my posts before.

At launch EVGA focus entirely on our SC ACX cards. We focus 100% of our production on these models only. We were first to market with our virtual design by over 1 week.
After launch around a month we will start to produce other cards like Classified, Hybrid and KingPin.
If you want the higher powered cards and more niche cards please be aware of this, I also passed this message to OCUK that there would be no stock of Classified until at least July so please bare this in mind when ordering EVGA cards.

Supply is coming of these cards but please be aware of the above when ordering, the more niche high powered (fine tuned) cards take time to develop in just the way the consumer wants. Thus bringing them to the market takes time so please bare with us while we do this.

8 Oct 2006
Yep dead easy to answer. Simply because msi wrote the bios in such a way the 9% power is all you can add to the default. Gigabyte allowed 30% in the bios. They could actually be the same final amount just depends on the default power. For reference the G1 bios has default power of 300w. Max power at 390w. Not got an msi bios to check but itll be different.

Reference cards and the zotac amp which is a reference card with a custom cooler has a default power of 250w. Max power of 275w hence 110% power in after burner.

Make sense?

What is interesting about this is most 980tis boost to 1450mhz within the 275w max power. A g1 could go to 1550 but to get there might need 390w! So thats 100mhz for 115w extra power over 1 mhz per watt!

Or in other terms to get 7% clock boost by buying a g1 you add potentially 42% power and pay 24% £££££. If my maths are right.

Hmmmmmmm. Not pretty. Especially that power jump. Quite clearly a steep rise in power usage over 1450mhz.

So am I right in thinking that with a 6+8 configuration the Amp! should only be able to max out at 300w, with the PCIe lane providing the missing 75w?

In that case how can an 8+8 have anything higher than a 375w limit like the 390w you mention for the G1?

Or can a 75w 6pin PCIe cable actually provide, if needed, 85w for example.
2 Feb 2014
I will try and make this clear again for people who have no read my posts before.

At launch EVGA focus entirely on our SC ACX cards. We focus 100% of our production on these models only. We were first to market with our virtual design by over 1 week.
After launch around a month we will start to produce other cards like Classified, Hybrid and KingPin.
If you want the higher powered cards and more niche cards please be aware of this, I also passed this message to OCUK that there would be no stock of Classified until at least July so please bare this in mind when ordering EVGA cards.

Supply is coming of these cards but please be aware of the above when ordering, the more niche high powered (fine tuned) cards take time to develop in just the way the consumer wants. Thus bringing them to the market takes time so please bare with us while we do this.

This can also be read as:
We test every GM200, keeping the better ones in different tiers to allocate towards Classified and Kingpin.
The reason we can't start selling those higher tiers cards when a new generation comes out, is because we don't physically have time to acquire the right silicon.

Yes? Nothing wrong with that of course.
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19 Oct 2002
Haha, the only reason I ask is that I read somewhere that the MSI specs aren't correct as well and the length was closer to 290mm... But obviously that doesn't make much sense, but still thought to verify.

That's okay, don't put yourself out!

So am I right in thinking that with a 6+8 configuration the Amp! should only be able to max out at 300w, with the PCIe lane providing the missing 75w?

In that case how can an 8+8 have anything higher than a 375w limit like the 390w you mention for the G1?

Or can a 75w 6pin PCIe cable actually provide, if needed, 85w for example.

Correct pretty much. the power amounts are from the pci-SIG SPEC. 75w from slot, 75 watt from pci 6pin. 150w from 8pin. However you are dealing with a psu rail here and those can supply way more than that. The default amp bios and reference bioses all already allow a max of 108w from the 6pin. This is because must 6pins are just 8 pins minus 2 loop wires On a psu cable.

So the amp unedited bios actually allows your psu to provide 358w in total if you add up the settings for each individual connector. This is already there but they left the total watt power bios line at 275w.
8 Oct 2006
Correct pretty much. the power amounts are from the pci-SIG SPEC. 75w from slot, 75 watt from pci 6pin. 150w from 8pin. However you are dealing with a psu rail here and those can supply way more than that. The default amp bios and reference bioses all already allow a max of 108w from the 6pin. This is because must 6pins are just 8 pins minus 2 loop wires On a psu cable.

So the amp unedited bios actually allows your psu to provide 358w in total if you add up the settings for each individual connector. This is already there but they left the total watt power bios line at 275w.

Ah I see, thanks for the explanation.

I'll be having a closer look at the bios settings over the next few days!
13 Mar 2008
forget the nvidia bridges these bad boys look better imo

looks awesome once installed and lit up will post pics later

Only if you like red. I would swap my EVGA one for a proper NVIDIA Bridge right away if I could.

No way am I paying this, excluding Irish customs and extra vat though.

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