Road Cycling

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25 Feb 2004
Careful out there today guys. Came off on some black ice this morning, and now feeling very sorry for myself. My **** is covered in road rash, work will be fun today :p

Think I've done quite a bit of damage to the bike unfortunately, gear shifters shattered. Derailleur has 'bits' missing. Back wheel badly buckled. I need to a more thorough inspection though.

Have to say, the motorists around me were really nice couple of people offered me lifts.

Doesn't sound good! I'll have a look tonight if you want! Probably be bit later as I'm going to drive over now!
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
Careful out there today guys. Came off on some black ice this morning, and now feeling very sorry for myself. My **** is covered in road rash, work will be fun today :p

Think I've done quite a bit of damage to the bike unfortunately, gear shifters shattered. Derailleur has 'bits' missing. Back wheel badly buckled. I need to a more thorough inspection though.

Have to say, the motorists around me were really nice couple of people offered me lifts.

Not good :/ It has been a bit milder around here and I've not seen any ice at all thankfully. Hopefully I'll be lucky tomorrow too.

Well that's a new experience, Reynards kicked in seriously badly today, got to work in quite a bit of pain in my hands, thought I was ok, went and had a shower, and had to sit down in the shower, went seriously light headed. Had to get out once I got myself back to normality and go sit down and have some sugar.

Not sure what caused that, possibly combo of my body being in pain and no food in me yet, wasn't a pleasant experience!

Also ouch. I'm feeling pretty sort for myself with a slight hangover, which I'm sure is equally as unpleasant...right?
20 Dec 2006
Doesn't sound good! I'll have a look tonight if you want! Probably be bit later as I'm going to drive over now!

You don't want to look at my road rash mate trust me! :)

It's cool, I'm working from home this evening so work are going to let me head off early. I'll probably take the bike over to a friend that's a mechanic. I should be back in time to see you.
27 Dec 2005
So...anyone have any thoughts on this route? I'm riding it on Friday when I go to visit a friend. I'm too lazy to do the whole 140-odd miles so I'm getting a train down to Crewe and then riding on to Cheltenham.

Mostly wondering if anyone that has ridden any of those roads/areas can see something obviously terrible I've missed.

Had a look at your route round the Worcester area.

Eckington Bridge was shut earlier in the week due to flooding not sure if it has re-opened yet.

In Worcester you could use ride along the river and cross at the next footbridge down and skip riding through the city centre.

28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Today's the last day of riding to work in Manchester - leaving drinks tomorrow so no riding! I set off nice and early today and was making good time until the halfway mark when I got a puncture. Never happened before in the 4 or so months I've been cycling in on and off, so Sod's law it had to happen at least once before I stop riding into town. I replaced it with a spare tube, found some spiky crap in the tyre and went on my way. I forgot to do up my brake caliper which made the next stop a bit surprising, but no big deal.

Four miles on and I get another puncture. Argh! Different spot in the tube this time. It's now raining. No more spare tubes so I patch it like a boss and head off again.

Half an hour late. Arse.
25 Oct 2006
How much is it this year? A friend did it last year, raised a load of money for a local charity and still had to fork out several hundred of his own to ride it. I really can't see the appeal and why so many people harp on about it - there's plenty of other cheaper sportives with closed roads... Which much better scenery! :confused:

I think it is about £75. What are the other ones apart from Velothon?
9 Nov 2005
Careful out there today guys. Came off on some black ice this morning, and now feeling very sorry for myself. My **** is covered in road rash, work will be fun today :p

Think I've done quite a bit of damage to the bike unfortunately, gear shifters shattered. Derailleur has 'bits' missing. Back wheel badly buckled. I need to a more thorough inspection though.

Have to say, the motorists around me were really nice couple of people offered me lifts.

Doesn't sound too good for bike or you!

If you need new components, there are some decent bargains at Merlin at the mo, you could even use it as excuse to upgrade to 11-speed (perhaps even with Shimano hydraulic discs if you bike is disc ready).
20 Dec 2006
Doesn't sound too good for bike or you!

If you need new components, there are some decent bargains at Merlin at the mo, you could even use it as excuse to upgrade to 11-speed (perhaps even with Shimano hydraulic discs if you bike is disc ready).

Thanks, unfortunately the bike already has hydraulics and is 11 speed. It's about 6 months old so can't really justify (or afford) an upgrade just yet.
I'll get the mechanic to take a good look tonight, and go from there.
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
No, I looked at insurance when I first got the bike. Do they cover damage from wet or icy roads? The companies I checked out indicated they wouldn't pay out in those circumstances, if I recall correctly.

That's a good question. I always assumed they would pay out in the event of a crash, whatever the conditions. I should double-check this.

I'm with Bikmo.


Accidental damage

Whether you slip on ice, hit a corner too fast or a mate brakes too quickly, coming off your bike can cause a lot of damage to your frame, wheels or expensive components. Accidental damage cover means you can claim for those occasions and be back on your bike as soon as we can get it repaired or provide a replacement.

Hopefully that means I'm covered :)
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
How much you paying for insurance?

Quite a lot now as I've upped it to cover my turbo trainer bike and all my components and accessories, including my PM. Total cover is £3250 at home, £2250 on the road and I'm paying just over £15/month.

I may consider dropping the turbo trainer bike at some point but for the extra few quid it's costing me I'm not sure I'll bother.
18 Oct 2002
Careful out there today guys. Came off on some black ice this morning, and now feeling very sorry for myself. My **** is covered in road rash, work will be fun today :p

Ouch! Hope things are easily sorted for you mate - the rash will clear up just take it easy. I found the best thing was to keep it covered (couple of large plasters in my case) to avoid aggravating the damage and surface until the damaged skin had died, once it has keep it moist and exposed to the air if possible to aid healing... Mine was easy on my knee, hip was a little more interesting, your a** (?) could be even more so lol :o:D

Components are the more worrying thing, hope your friend knows shifters as they're probably the most expensive part if they're knackered... Mine both took the brunt of the slide when I came down - was thankfully on my left side so RD was untouched. The damage to them is purely cosmetic so I've not done anything about it, will probably touch them up with black nail varnish when next doing a 'full' service. Need to get some white and some silver nail varnish too lol :rolleyes:


Not sure what caused that, possibly combo of my body being in pain and no food in me yet, wasn't a pleasant experience!

The light headed does sound like lack of glucose/sugar, I have got it occasionally. My family suffers from high (& low) blood pressure so I'd previously put it down to that and being unfit, now I'm fitter it really has to be something else (although I don't feel it as frequently).

Yeah I'd seen one of the NTFO guys I know sharing this on Facebook - it seems a complete surprise to most of the guys around here. I guess with the amount of interest in cycling around here it was only going to be a matter of time until something was considered. I'd always thought it more likely that something was done in Abergavenny as the crits there are very popular and they've hosted the UK road race several times. Most of the Hereford clubs seem to head to Stourport for racing.

No, I looked at insurance when I first got the bike. Do they cover damage from wet or icy roads? The companies I checked out indicated they wouldn't pay out in those circumstances, if I recall correctly.

Surely the insurance should cover the bike, regardless of the 'accident' which causes the damage?! :o
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18 Oct 2002
Four miles on and I get another puncture. Argh! Different spot in the tube this time. It's now raining. No more spare tubes so I patch it like a boss and head off again.

Half an hour late. Arse.

Rubbish luck mate! At least you hadn't made a habit of it! Something spikey from the first incident left inside your clincher?

In Worcester you could use ride along the river and cross at the next footbridge down and skip riding through the city centre.


Good shout, although only knowing some of Worcesters roads I'd avoid riding through it at any kind of busy point of the day... On a broader look you're only hitting the middle of Worcester due to your turn East after Great Witley. You could come to Martley then turn along the B4204 which would open up options to cut south before Worcester. The 'ring road' (A4440) is busy and dual lane in places but I'm fairly sure there's a cycle path along much of the side of it? I've seen people riding/running it. Can you confirm what it's like Nursie? You'd get the benefits of the bridges without the traffic...

Much of the Worcester ringroad has been redeveloped to make it dual lane, but guys cycle it as I found some on street view (looking lost) when trying to see if Googlemaps had the development finished lol

Personally I'd avoid it AND Worcester, doing something like this:
May take a little bit of fiddling and wriggles a bit as with the Teme and Severn there you are stuck with very few points of crossing. Crossing the Severn at Upton rather than Worcester allows you to miss Worcester and it's ring road completely. You could turn west on the A44 to come back and cross the Teme to then take the road to Alfrick->Leigh->Bramsford, like this? It would avoid much more of the A44 (which can be busy & fast). Although I do ride it further to the west with no problems (with a little less traffic). Again, depends what time of day you're hitting it.
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