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Official OcUK RX480 4GB and 8GB review thread

21 May 2013
Seems pretty average. I think it will look like a more attractive option once the launch hype pricing has died down.

As usual: the hype train performance has reduced a bit, the hype train price has increased a bit, the overall change in price/performance means it's not really better than anything else around.
22 Aug 2008

AMD’s Radeon RX 480 draws an average of 164W, which exceeds the company's target TDP. And it gets worse. The load distribution works out in a way that has the card draw 86W through the motherboard’s PCIe slot. Not only does this exceed the 75W ceiling we typically associate with a 16-lane slot, but that 75W limit covers several rails combined and not just this one interface.

With peaks of up to 155W, we have to be thankful they're brief, and not putting the motherboard in any immediate danger. However, the audio subsystems on cheaper platforms will have a hard time dealing with them. This means that the "you can hear what you see" effect will be in full force during load changes; activities like scrolling may very well result in audible artifacts.

We’re also left to wonder what we'd see from a CrossFire configuration. Two graphics cards would draw 160W via the motherboard’s 24-pin connector; that's a tall order.
20 Mar 2006
People can complain until they're blue in the face but for £350 you can get the 4GB version and and a 24inch 144hz freesync monitor. To someone who has neither a decent monitor or GPU. This is a bargin!

This is me and I am stoked. OcUk forums has a lot of elitists and dedicated enthusiasts. For the average gamer on a budget I think this is liberating.
8 Mar 2010
Why are people hating on it. I like it. And for £175 that's fair enough for the 4Gb. The 8Gb one almost seems pointless as it seems to run out of juice the higher the resolution you go but It's a 1080p card for me after seeing reviews. At this res it can run everything just as well as a 290x/390x. Sometimes it's slower than a 970 but rarely and sometimes faster than a 390x. For 175 who can complain at that!
6 Feb 2010
In absolute terms it is a perfectly fine card - slightly better performance per dollar than the 970. It is only looking particular bad when you consider it is pretty similar to the 970 for only a little less money but 2 years later, the power efficiency is now equivalent to Maxwell on 28nm, Pascal has 80% better efficiency, and the imminent 1060 may well be faster and use half the power.

Given then choice between a 970 and 480 at current rices, if I totally set aside my desire for Linux, openGL and CUDA then I could swing a 480 (if I never wanted to overclock). But compared to what nvidia is going to be offering this is pretty dire. A 2dn hand 970 offers better value for money, price per FPs is in pascal's favor funny enough.
You are doing it wrong, the RX480 should be compared to the 960 as it is the price at the same launch price bracket of £150-£200 and sub £200 category, and the RX480 is around 70% faster than the 960 (base on techpowerup's chart).

How is that NOT impressive? The only thing you have highlight is that what a joke it was for the Nvidia cards below the 970.
18 Oct 2002

AMD’s Radeon RX 480 draws an average of 164W, which exceeds the company's target TDP. And it gets worse. The load distribution works out in a way that has the card draw 86W through the motherboard’s PCIe slot. Not only does this exceed the 75W ceiling we typically associate with a 16-lane slot, but that 75W limit covers several rails combined and not just this one interface.

With peaks of up to 155W, we have to be thankful they're brief, and not putting the motherboard in any immediate danger. However, the audio subsystems on cheaper platforms will have a hard time dealing with them. This means that the "you can hear what you see" effect will be in full force during load changes; activities like scrolling may very well result in audible artifacts.

We’re also left to wonder what we'd see from a CrossFire configuration. Two graphics cards would draw 160W via the motherboard’s 24-pin connector; that's a tall order.

yet again Im right, I said that it was possible to draw more than 150w form the PCIE and 6pin. I thought AMD would be safe and draw more like 140w total but I guess I was too optimistic.
18 Oct 2002
You are doing it wrong, the RX480 should be compared to the 960 as it is the price at the same launch price bracket of £150-£200 and sub £200 category, and the RX480 is around 70% faster than the 960 (base on techpowerup's chart).

How is that NOT impressive? The only thing you have highlight is that what a joke it was for the Nvidia cards below the 970.

What:confused::confused: Are you just trolling me?
17 Feb 2006
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