Radical Feminist and SJW's incessant cultural Marxism could create havoc on internet infastructure.

27 Jan 2009
Oh what, elmarko criticises Jordan Peterson and calls Brexit and Trump voters idiots, but is an actual Socialist? hahaha what a surprise

Elmarko's a walking cliche in relation to socialism...... rattles on about how they know everything about the views of someone because they use terms like 'cultural appropriation' or 'gender pronouns' (pro tip these terms weren't first used by the people on the 'right' of politics they were introduced to wider public attention by the 'progressives' )

But we get all the usual talking points expected from a Socialist (even if they claim to be in support of a techocracy) .......

Cliche 1) 'real' socialism hasn't been tried yet....

Indeed, it's very washy - usually I tend to just go with the basic aspects of 'left wing economics' regarding collective ownership & worker empowerment.

From that perspective it's never really been done, but you are correct - it's very much pendent on which group specifically you are describing (which is why I tend to go with basics).

Cliche 2) some variant of the argument that a Scandinavian country is 'Socialist' (see above as to why this is silly)

Indeed, I always find it odd that people forget that the most capitalist country's in the world are those most in debt & struggling.

The more socialist country's of the world are doing much better, with higher education levels, lower crime rates, lower unemployment & a higher overall quality of life.

Edit - Before anybody starts trying to say that China was socialist they should read up on what socialism actually entails - socialism does not require an authoritarian state restricting freedom of speech to function , look at Norway.

Ah yes Norway a country with a tiny population, massive amounts of natural resources and which rates at 23\180 ranked countries for economic freedom (an index with with positive indicators that are the opposite of Socialist ideology....)

What a great example of to use as to why 'socialism' would / is a better system then any given capitalist one.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
come on @Yadda have a think.

You do realise that the Hitler movement started out socialist in nature? like a lot of other socialist ideas it was always a good one, and then the bodies started to pile up, for varied reasons, can you even explain some of them? because i can, its why i fear it.
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
You do realise that the Hitler movement started out socialist in nature? like a lot of other socialist ideas it was always a good one, and then the bodies started to pile up, for varied reasons, can you even explain some of them? because i can, its why i fear it.

The Nazis were never socialists. And don't give me the "it says socialist in their name" garbage, North Korea styles itself the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" but only an idiot thinks it's a democracy.
8 Jan 2007
The Nazis were never socialists. And don't give me the "it says socialist in their name" garbage, North Korea styles itself the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" but only an idiot thinks it's a democracy.

Antifa would be a more modern/relevant example of a group that does the opposite of what their name suggests..
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
The Nazis were never socialists. And don't give me the "it says socialist in their name" garbage, North Korea styles itself the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" but only an idiot thinks it's a democracy.

I said socialist in nature, in one form or another state control of major industry, state controlled transport, state indoctrinated social conditioning, even right down to the state providing vocational entertainment, state provided accommodation, state provided luxuries, the peoples car, many of us own its descendants today......
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27 Jan 2009
The Nazis were never socialists. And don't give me the "it says socialist in their name" garbage, North Korea styles itself the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" but only an idiot thinks it's a democracy.

You either a liar or ill informed.. I leave it up to you which one you prefer......

But assuming it's the later I'll enlighten you....Mr Jack welcome to the Nazi 25 point plan....

The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party

1. We demand the union of all Germans in a Great Germany on the basis of the principle of self-determination of all peoples.

2. We demand that the German people have rights equal to those of other nations; and that the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain shall be abrogated.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population.

4. Only those who are our fellow countrymen can become citizens. Only those who have German blood, regardless of creed, can be our countrymen. Hence no Jew can be a countryman.

5. Those who are not citizens must live in Germany as foreigners and must be subject to the law of aliens.

6. The right to choose the government and determine the laws of the State shall belong only to citizens. We therefore demand that no public office, of whatever nature, whether in the central government, the province, or the municipality, shall be held by anyone who is not a citizen.

We wage war against the corrupt parliamentary administration whereby men are appointed to posts by favor of the party without regard to character and fitness.

7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.

9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.

20. In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

21. The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centers, by prohibiting juvenile labor, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.

22. We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.

23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press, we demand:

(a) All editors and their assistants on newspapers published in the German language shall be German citizens.

(b) Non-German newspapers shall only be published with the express permission of the State. They must not be published in the German language.

(c) All financial interests in or in any way affecting German newspapers shall be forbidden to non-Germans by law, and we demand that the punishment for transgressing this law be the immediate suppression of the newspaper and the expulsion of the non-Germans from the Reich.

Newspapers transgressing against the common welfare shall be suppressed. We demand legal action against those tendencies in art and literature that have a disruptive influence upon the life of our folk, and that any organizations that offend against the foregoing demands shall be dissolved.

24. We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race.

The party as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession. It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the pinciple:


25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

The formation of professional committees and of committees representing the several estates of the realm, to ensure that the laws promulgated by the central authority shall be carried out by the federal states.

The leaders of the party undertake to promote the execution of the foregoing points at all costs, if necessary at the sacrifice of their own lives.

(Any bold/underlined sections my emphasis)

Of course the Nazi's weren't 'just' socialists.... The were national socialists (at least to start with)

But the claim that the Nazi's weren't ever Socialist in their nature is a demonstrable falsehood.....

What with them demanding communalisation and nationalisation of private property and industry.... Policies straight out of the Socialist textbook...
12 Dec 2012
Has anyone genuinely met a radical feminist in day to day life ? or a die hard SJW (not someone who just believes in the concept of social justice) ? or someone who identifies as a marxist ?

Im pretty left leaning and close to my 40's and I've never come across any of them in my entire life despite mostly socialising with liberals... and yet little dweebs on the internet are telling everyone they are taking over the world, whats that about ?
18 Mar 2008
I've not even met them AT University for christs sake, and these silly badgers think they're a massive militia of hooded hooligans, its ******* hilarious.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Has anyone genuinely met a radical feminist in day to day life ? or a die hard SJW (not someone who just believes in the concept of social justice) ? or someone who identifies as a marxist ?

Im pretty left leaning and close to my 40's and I've never come across any of them in my entire life despite mostly socialising with liberals... and yet little dweebs on the internet are telling everyone they are taking over the world, whats that about ?

Go to a Labour conformance these days, you're surrounded by all of the above.
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
I said socialist in nature, in one form or another state control of major industry, state controlled transport, state indoctrinated social conditioning, even right down to the state providing vocational entertainment, state provided accommodation, state provided luxuries, the peoples car, many of us own its descendants today......

Your grasp of what Socialism is needs work.
19 Nov 2009
@Yadda by association i'm a Nazi?

Can you see the irony in that assertion?

You made the assertion, not me. I'm just pointing out the rather unpleasant history of the term and asking if it's coincindence that certain groups have adopted it to the point of it becoming cliche.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
You made the assertion, not me. I'm just pointing out the rather unpleasant history of the term and asking if it's coincindence that certain groups have adopted it to the point of it becoming cliche.

Well no you made the comparison.

It is unpleasant, its why the debate needs to be had, i don't believe for a second we will ever become a socialist state but i do feel it is an ideology that is aggressively on the rise again, just that on its own can cause a lot of damage.
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