Best 4 Door Coupe?

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27 Jul 2012
hey guys,

im looking for lowest insurance, but the best car i found is the CLA 180, has all the perks but highest mileage and lowest engine size (1.3)

the premium plus is £28K…ted

my budget is max 30K, 4 door coupe (was thinking of alternatives like audi a6 but they were way over budget)

alternatively looking at e class saloon, their oldest model with the comand online is 2016

looking for car advice, not financial advice
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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
This makes very little sense. How is an Audi A6 'way over budget' if you've got 30 grand? Spending this much money on an entry level bottom of the range Mercedes with a tiny engine seems absolutely mad. Why not wait a couple of years if insurance is an issue until you can buy something actually good?

Don't spend massive money on rubbish cars. You'll look back in regret.
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
21 with a £30k car!?

Insurance is gonna be a bitch lol...I wouldn't be surprised you'll be dishing out £4k pa
27 Jul 2012

thanks for having the first genuine contribution

the 6 series looks insane are there other models i could look at? is 60k mileage gonna be a problem, reckon its better to spend more and get with 20k mileage?

the insurance would be like 4k+ on a 3l lol
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25 Sep 2016
At 21 do you need a 30k depreciating asset?

You can’t be a petrol head given the car your looking at.
So it must be the the perceived prestige of driving a Mercedes around.

My advice would don’t fall into the car debt trap.
A car several years old would be my recommendation - Seat Lean <10k ?
27 Jul 2012
It's a stupid idea at 21. Get a cheaper car and spend the money on doing things you'll actually enjoy.

Right I’ll say this once and I don’t have to justify what I spend my money on:

I live at home. Save over 2K a month. Go on holiday several times a year. Don’t spend on anything else.

There are savings accounts that pay 5% interest that generate more money than the loan. Going through a loan means my money works for me, and I already have several YEARS worth of emergency buffer to cover me in loan payments.

Now for the last time. Not looking for finance advice from people that save less money than me. Here looking for car advice.

If you don’t have any car advice, don’t bother posting. I don’t have time for smart ass keyboard warriors.
1 Jun 2014
I can't help but echo the sentiment of most in this thread, unless you are earning silly money (which the car choice suggests you are not) this is not going to end well!
Don't lump yourself with a 30k debt at that age, it isn't going to be fun and within a year you'll be regretting it probably within a year.
Also, incredibly unlikely you'll get a loan at that percentage again as others have said..
3 Jun 2012
Right I’ll say this once and I don’t have to justify what I spend my money on:

I live at home. Save over 2K a month. Go on holiday several times a year. Don’t spend on anything else.

There are savings accounts that pay 5% interest that generate more money than the loan. Going through a loan means my money works for me, and I already have several YEARS worth of emergency buffer to cover me in loan payments.

Now for the last time. Not looking for finance advice from people that save less money than me. Here looking for car advice.

If you don’t have any car advice, don’t bother posting. I don’t have time for smart ass keyboard warriors.
Wow, stuck up a little?

If you have saved that much, go and buy the car outright.

The car you want is crap. Absolutely boring.

Have fun in your slowmobile
14 Jan 2018
Right I’ll say this once and I don’t have to justify what I spend my money on:

I live at home. Save over 2K a month. Go on holiday several times a year. Don’t spend on anything else.

There are savings accounts that pay 5% interest that generate more money than the loan. Going through a loan means my money works for me, and I already have several YEARS worth of emergency buffer to cover me in loan payments.

Now for the last time. Not looking for finance advice from people that save less money than me. Here looking for car advice.

If you don’t have any car advice, don’t bother posting. I don’t have time for smart ass keyboard warriors.

Don’t buy the car, put the money towards a house. And if you want car advice don’t buy some crappy terrible engined merc for the perceived image.
8 Jun 2008
I was in the same position at 21,

Living at home, saved a 30k lump, no outgoings, looking at something stupid like a Porsche Cayman s or a cheap vantage.

Ended up doing neither, grew up and bought a house.

But on the subject of car advice, don't buy a 180 repmobile for 30k.
18 Oct 2002
Right I’ll say this once and I don’t have to justify what I spend my money on:

I live at home. Save over 2K a month. Go on holiday several times a year. Don’t spend on anything else.

There are savings accounts that pay 5% interest that generate more money than the loan. Going through a loan means my money works for me, and I already have several YEARS worth of emergency buffer to cover me in loan payments.

Now for the last time. Not looking for finance advice from people that save less money than me. Here looking for car advice.

If you don’t have any car advice, don’t bother posting. I don’t have time for smart ass keyboard warriors.

That's cute. You're assuming a lot about others (I save a lot more than £2k a month). I was offering some genuine advice based on what I've learned from bad experiences at a similar age.

Your choice. Go for it.

Personally I'd be putting it into something to create long term wealth, but if you're not interested in that then crack on.

Also, which account pays 5% interest on £30k+?
27 Jul 2012
This is capitalism kicking in.

I feel sorry for these people.
That's cute. You're assuming a lot about others (I save a lot more than £2k a month). I was offering some genuine advice based on what I've learned from bad experiences at a similar age.

Your choice. Go for it.

Personally I'd be putting it into something to create long term wealth, but of you're not interested in that then crack on.

Also, which account pays 5% interest on £30k+?

HSBC saver account, there are others but no Vanguard account does less than 5%

My “long term wealth” plan is to triple my take home.... I’m not gonna get there with the hundred or two quid I’d get in interest from saving thousands on thousands

And again this is less than a third of my income, I will still be clearing 2K savings...

For the final time; no more ****** financial advice from keyboard warriors.

Post about cars or GTFO
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