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5 Nov 2020
Long time listener (well, since Sept 17th) first time poster. Ordered an Eagle OC at 3.14 (sat refreshing the wrong page on Nvidia for 40 mins like an idiot)..Current queue position after the drop today, 80 something.

Luckily, using Telegram I managed to nab a 3080FE today off the *actual* favoured partner. I'm not cancelling my Eagle until it arrives though (Monday).

I'm posting not to gloat, far from it (card hasn't arrived yet) but to say some of the fury has been quite unreasonable.

1. People are angry because OC are still taking orders. Why? That's OC's mess to fix and I assume they aren't stupid, so it probably means they know 1000s are going to drop. It doesn't affect when you get the card, so unless you've ordered and THEN found out you're 3000th in a queue (most ranters are not) you beef has no basis.

2. People are furious that this "Gibbo" has a few bob or cars or something and doesn't spend his day telling you all the nothing he knows, or is allowed to say, and if he did post daily nothings then you'd complain about that. Also, money doesn't buy class, clearly, because comms have been rubbish, but they wouldn't actually change anything.

3. You rant about other places getting cards. I admit this irked me, though actually the Eagle's haven't really been anywhere. In the end I took matters into my own hands, treated it like a game, and had distill (useless, but maybe i set it up wrong), nowinstock (too slow), discord (erratic notifications) and in the end I joined a Telegram group that was brilliant and worked like a charm. I always had the security of "I've got my backup with OC". Admittedly not everyone can dish out at least £1300 at once by having a backup and cash to snatch another, but those are the very people who should be happy they got in before prices rose.

In summary you have four options, 1.wait 2. wait and hunt 3. Cancel and hunt 4. Be angry and miserable over a graphics card because you backed the wrong horse this time.

P.S. all said, would I ever preorder with OCUK again? Absolutely no chance. But I'm not *angry* about it, that would be silly.
This is absolutely brilliant
8 Oct 2020
For people queueing for a 3070 Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3070 Eagle (non OC), I went from 22 in the queue to 10 with today's update, but I managed to buy a 3070 founders edition earlier so will likely be cancelling my Gigabyte order here which will reduce the queue by 1 more :)

Given I am upgrading from a 2GB 960 card, I think I will still see a decent boost with an FE card :) Now to save up and replace my 3 year old Ryzen 7 1700 CPU :)
6 Nov 2020
I love it how you have written an essay and complained about how silly other people are for complaining :rolleyes:
A fair point. Though it's sad you see it as a complaint, it's merely a set of observations that you're free to ignore. I'm not complaining at all, it's all been very entertaining. Is it overlong and self-indulgent, yes, probably. If you think it's essay length, however, you probably didn't do too well in school, but hey, you obviously did well enough to spend 650+ on a graphics card, so good luck to you, I hope you get your card soon.
5 Jul 2014
Northumberland, UK
I get to finally leave the queue thread with my FE coming monday. I was really depressed last friday when my monitor I waited 5 weeks for was defective out the box - still not heard anything about re-stock on that but I feel better today. Hope everyone gets their cards super quick - good luck
5 Oct 2020
Long time listener (well, since Sept 17th) first time poster. Ordered an Eagle OC at 3.14 (sat refreshing the wrong page on Nvidia for 40 mins like an idiot)..Current queue position after the drop today, 80 something.

Luckily, using Telegram I managed to nab a 3080FE today off the *actual* favoured partner. I'm not cancelling my Eagle until it arrives though (Monday).

I'm posting not to gloat, far from it (card hasn't arrived yet) but to say some of the fury has been quite unreasonable.

1. People are angry because OC are still taking orders. Why? That's OC's mess to fix and I assume they aren't stupid, so it probably means they know 1000s are going to drop. It doesn't affect when you get the card, so unless you've ordered and THEN found out you're 3000th in a queue (most ranters are not) you beef has no basis.

2. People are furious that this "Gibbo" has a few bob or cars or something and doesn't spend his day telling you all the nothing he knows, or is allowed to say, and if he did post daily nothings then you'd complain about that. Also, money doesn't buy class, clearly, because comms have been rubbish, but they wouldn't actually change anything.

3. You rant about other places getting cards. I admit this irked me, though actually the Eagle's haven't really been anywhere. In the end I took matters into my own hands, treated it like a game, and had distill (useless, but maybe i set it up wrong), nowinstock (too slow), discord (erratic notifications) and in the end I joined a Telegram group that was brilliant and worked like a charm. I always had the security of "I've got my backup with OC". Admittedly not everyone can dish out at least £1300 at once by having a backup and cash to snatch another, but those are the very people who should be happy they got in before prices rose.

In summary you have four options, 1.wait 2. wait and hunt 3. Cancel and hunt 4. Be angry and miserable over a graphics card because you backed the wrong horse this time.

P.S. all said, would I ever preorder with OCUK again? Absolutely no chance. But I'm not *angry* about it, that would be silly.

This is most level headed, well articulated response I’ve seen on this forum in the last 5 weeks. Well done.
20 Sep 2020
Pretty much agree. The level of anger has sometimes gone way passed what I'd call reasonable. People are very frustrated,a nd clearly comms could have been far better handled, but some people are acting like its life or death. And of course, conspiracy theories abound.

Good bants though. I'm almost going to miss it.
I come back here every now and then for the bants, I got my 3080 from here about 5 weeks ago (Ventus btw if anyone has any questions about feel free to message). But it is really interesting to see how it’s going and some stuff on here is genuinely funny :D
20 Sep 2020
Essentially got a 3070 from the now clearly elite, superior even, UK competitior. Is that too much hinting? The whole process that the competitor played a role in were flawless and smooth and ended with a card coming to me next working day with no extra cost unlike Ocuk.

Im still waiting on my inno3d x3 3080 and am now 18th in the queue from 31st with 0 orders shipped after almost two months. I am going to stay waiting if not out of spite, to see the ongoing communication situation or lack there of from OC.
Excited to switch from my 1050 which was just a placeholder for my 3080 though am fairly sure that may be arriving around jan so the 3070 will get some good use before it goes to a mate for 200, no scalping here!

Last edited:
18 Jun 2016
A lot of removed competitor posts... guessing there was another midnight drop somewhere? :p

Honestly it was so satisfying uninstalling distill, leaving all the telegram chats, uninstalling telegram, leaving a bunch of discord servers, turning off tweet alerts. Theraputic, even.
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