*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Still - GTAV has nasty mouse input unless they've fixed that since I last tried it - can't be dealing with split X/Y mouse sensitivity with no way to change it!

One thing I will give Cyberpunk they've managed, at least on my setup, to avoid anything objectionable mouse input wise.
One thing I will give Cyberpunk they've managed, at least on my setup, to avoid anything objectionable mouse input wise.

Shame the rest of the controls are all over the place. Can't Change Use key, can change Move keys as long as you don't want to use the Arrow keys. You have to manually alter the ones you cannot in-game in the main game folders [folders because they are stored in two different places]. This includes being able to change the Move keys to the Arrow keys.
Shame the rest of the controls are all over the place. Can't Change Use key can change Move keys. You have to manually alter the ones you cannot in-game in the main game folders [folders because they are stored in two different places].

Yup - and absolutely shambles it wasn't one of the first things they fixed with a post release patch. The controls situation is more seriously impacting on my enjoyment of the game than the bugs, etc.
On another note tried the hotfix drivers with the latest patch and HDR still doesn't work optimally on my display - it is better than it was but still the highlights don't pop as much as other titles and mid-tones are slightly desaturated - it actually looks better without HDR and slightly altering the contrast, etc. on my 43" display which has high constrast ratio and QLED, etc.

EDIT: I think something was broken with 4K before as well - with the 1.05 patch and latest nVidia hotfix drivers 4K is sharper/higher resolution looking, more like 4K should look, but takes around a 30-40% performance decrease compared to 1440p versus ~6% before.
Look I can explain...


EDIT: Then things got really weird

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Umbrellas have been de-invented just like de-spawning vehicles in Night City!


Haven't you noticed that in some sheds the water dripping down the walls shader is applied inside as well? :D

I never said it was :D. I said if you remove it the game is no better graphically than a lot of older games. I agree it was probably a balance but I just think it reduced a little too far in my opinion.
The multi-layered approach could still work but the first step change is too close to the camera FPS view.

Which other older games do you refer to? Don't forget, have to be first person, open world.

Aye it’s pretty damning. I don’t see how anybody can argue it’s not a bit embarrassing, unless they activate full fan boy defence mode :p. Doesn’t stop CP being fun but just shows how far they’ve missed the goal by.

On the other hand, if the December delay gave them death threats, how would have been a delay until December next year? :D
Which other older games do you refer to? Don't forget, have to be first person, open world.
GTA V ? Far cry?people have already posted videos.

There isn't even water splash. But I suppose some may say that was never promised because it's not a fishing game:D.

I'll even add crysis to the list just for fun :D

This one might go a little too far
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Graphically IS better than GTA. Sure, it has some features missing (sadly), but also has stuff on top: you can't hide bodies in the trunks of vehicles in GTA, you can't take a stealth approach in GTA, you can't use multiple points of entries in GTA, fire fights are worse/laggy due to Euphoria (is one of the drawbacks of the system), you don't have crafting, story and characters aren't at the same level (although you may find this is subjective and I agree), the city is a bit more vertical in Cyberpunk as you have easier access to roofs where stuff actually happens and probably more.

BTW, the whole "police is spawning around you in Cyberpunk", is the same in ALL Rockstar Games (and in all games in general), they just spawn it further away. There is no game out there yet, which has a proper system in which is keeping track of AIs spread across the map, which are patrolling or guarding something and which respond realistically to threats ONLY when the news about something fishy reaches their ears. All games are cheating in some form, but they're doing it a bit better than Cyberpunk. :)

Far Cry? Just lol.

PS: People should say that Cyberpunk doesn't have the physics of Red Faction Guerilla! That was an open world as well! :D
Graphically IS better than GTA. Sure, it has some features missing (sadly), but also has stuff on top: you can't hide bodies in the trunks of vehicles in GTA, you can't take a stealth approach in GTA, you can't use multiple points of entries in GTA, fire fights are worse/laggy due to Euphoria (is one of the drawbacks of the system), you don't have crafting, story and characters aren't at the same level (although you may find this is subjective and I agree), the city is a bit more vertical in Cyberpunk as you have easier access to roofs where stuff actually happens and probably more.

BTW, the whole "police is spawning around you in Cyberpunk", is the same in ALL Rockstar Games (and in all games in general), they just spawn it further away. There is no game out there yet, which has a proper system in which is keeping track of AIs spread across the map, which are patrolling or guarding something and which respond realistically to threats ONLY when the news about something fishy reaches their ears. All games are cheating in some form, but they're doing it a bit better than Cyberpunk. :)

Far Cry? Just lol.

PS: People should say that Cyberpunk doesn't have the physics of Red Faction Guerilla! That was an open world as well! :D
You can hide bodies in the boot of a car in CP2077? I've tried this (because it seemed like an obvious use for all those empty boots) but it didn't work. No F prompt etc.
I've clocked 27hrs 36m without a single crash. WTF?

80+hrs now on a gaming laptop - no crashes and only 2 mission restarts req'd for "glitches" which broke the mission - usually me doing something out of the games expected/designed order i.e. killing a boss through a wall or 3 with a power Sniper & ping before I'm supposed to or double jumping into areas I'm not "allowed" to yet etc.

It must be something affecting certain systems for some reason, windows builds, driver version or unique combination of settings. It's frustrating and F5 has saved me from having to replay much, at least it doesn't take too long to load up!
It must be something affecting certain systems for some reason, windows builds, driver version or unique combination of settings. It's frustrating and F5 has saved me from having to replay much, at least it doesn't take too long to load up!
No crashes from me as well after 40 hours in.

You should create a thread and post your specs and setup and others who have same crash do the same. There will be a pattern there somewhere!
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