*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Yeah the way your decisions largely have no impact is annoying and pulls me out the game - there are several points where you can do things like not take an item (assuming it even gives you that option) but later in the game just assume you took it anyway, etc.

There is the core of a good game there but it needs both more time and either more experienced developers or developers with a broader mindset to get it to there.
Only "Iconic" weapons/clothes can jump up tiers, normally crafted clothes/weapons can not jump up tier. Also when you uptier the Iconic item you can only do so once per level and the crafting menu shows you that you need the previous level item before it will let you "jump up".

Im sick to death of hearing about 'Tiers'
Exactly. Almost everything CDPR was telling it will be in the game is not there. Core as you said is there, you may say it is the world and that is the only Wow moment I had, world looks beautiful on my C9. I'm trying to remember everything they said it would be in the game related to game play and it is not there.
- you will find quests just by listening to conversation on the street
- meaningful street gangs and relationship with them
- branching dialogue and impactful decisions
- really interesting quests that will be more memorable than Baron quest from TW3
- deep relationships with characters in game
- police responding according to your actions
- very emotional quests with your personal interest in them - do not expect all side quests to be with happy ending like all games before

I can go on and on....

Edit: What's with corpo/street kid/ nomad? There is absolutely no point in them, they do not affect the story in any way, aside of few reply lines here and there. I didn't find any in my nomad V playthrough so far
Thank goodness it's nothing like the Witcher 3, bored me to tears that game with its pointless waffling every time you meet any NPC.

Easily goty for me this, heck the only game that has kept me playing for hours on end in the last few years, thank goodness as was starting to lose all interest in gaming.

Also, I love how people in this thread are bashing the game yet have about 40+ hours in it..... :D
Also, I love how people in this thread are bashing the game yet have about 40+ hours in it.....

The thing is - there is the core of a good game there - but it is like a very early beta version and much of the stuff talked up is a pale imitation of what it is supposed to be. For instance almost nothing you do has any real meaning because only one of the many different paths has actually been implemented but you can see where the other paths were supposed to be LOL.
It's more clear the further you go into the story that decision making answers/questions are all the same one question just worded differently lol. If you select one and then reload a quick save and select another, the same outcome turns out in many instances.

It's pretty much evident throughout that the game is indeed at an 80% release ready state. The final 20% is just bolting on those botchy AI bits and refining the Q&A outcome scenarios. All of these things can be added in patches but it's something that should be there out the box so the CDPR execs all forcing the pre-end of year release seems to be the end result here.

Still, there are plenty of things to like, just it's not matching the blurb we've been shown and told all these months!
I'm not bashing the game. And I didn't say it has to be the same as TW3. Go and read what I posted.

I'm pointing that they degraded in quest quality from Witcher games.
What become of all those things CDPR was telling us will be in the game.
I feel we got brainless shooter/driving game with few short movies in between. Action adventure at best. What roles are there to play in this RPG ?
It's more clear the further you go into the story that decision making answers/questions are all the same one question just worded differently lol. If you select one and then reload a quick save and select another, the same outcome turns out in many instances.

It's pretty much evident throughout that the game is indeed at an 80% release ready state. The final 20% is just bolting on those botchy AI bits and refining the Q&A outcome scenarios. All of these things can be added in patches but it's something that should be there out the box so the CDPR execs all forcing the pre-end of year release seems to be the end result here.

Still, there are plenty of things to like, just it's not matching the blurb we've been shown and told all these months!

It'll probably be great after a few major patches. As you say, it's just not finished. Almost finished, but the devil is in the details.

Here's another example of something obviously not properly finished and tested - crafting. The interaction of crafting, scrapping and the relevant perks in the crafting tree is very obviously untested because it's possible (even straight after character creation - it only requires minimal crafting tree stuff to do) to scrap stuff for more and/or better components than are required to craft it. So you can start from a can of pop (or the cash to buy a can of pop) and end up with a million in cash and thousands of components of every type solely from doing the craft/scrap tango. And I do mean that literally. You really just need a can of pop or the money to buy one. If anyone wants details, The Spiffing Brit (unsurprisingly) made a video having a laugh with exploiting the unbalanced mechanic.

The other problem (again related to a business decision rather than game-making) is claiming it ran adequately on a PS4 or Xbox One when it doesn't.

I'm glad I followed my usual custom of not buying games on release. By the time I get around to buying Cyberpunk 2077 it should be patched.
They will patch the trade<>cash<>sell loophole to basically have infinite cash soon enough, which is why I've been making use of it getting specced up on mods before they nuke it lol. The rare painting from space will remain in my backpack until then!
tbh its a mess

all of the perks / mods / balancing / weapons / skill tree / armour etc etc is completely broken - I don't think I have lost a firefight in 40 hours
The conversation stuff is 90% makes no difference, with only a few choices changing any story elements
most of the world in not interactive at all
also car stuff is not much depth - can buy a car or steal one but no modding or upgrades or anything?


I am really enjoying it anyway despite all of the missing things or poor design or lack of detail in the world
Its still very immersive feeling and the story, voice acting, graphics is all really good
It'll probably be great after a few major patches. As you say, it's just not finished. Almost finished, but the devil is in the details.

It is going to need some major patches - the potential for a great game is there but they really need to take a step back and take another pass at it with the experience they've gained so far.

A lot is going to depend on their handling of the situation now especially from those higher up on the business side.
It's laughable the amount of bugs there are. Not even meme spinning. It's just a mess.

Visually, it's stunning. Probably one of the most beautiful games ever, but the framework of the game is tissue paper.
It's laughable the amount of bugs there are. Not even meme spinning. It's just a mess.

Visually, it's stunning. Probably one of the most beautiful games ever, but the framework of the game is tissue paper.

The main ones I've had so far:

- UI features and/or hints not showing (often a certain point in the game seems to trigger them into existence or back into existence) - but can still be done if you know the key press.
- NPCs who somehow get on the wrong script with physical collisions detached from the visual model position and actions out of sync with their surrounding i.e. will wander off down a corridor while supposed to be leant against a pillar talking to another NPC nearby - but still carrying out the conversation but collisions only happen at the original position not where they are visually.
- The odd mobile phone or cigarette that becomes orphaned and floating in mid air.
- Mission progression bugs where it won't move on to the next way point or objective until you save and reload or in one case having to reload a save a couple of minutes back.
- Stuck in certain statuses until you save and reload such as certain screen glitch effects or limitations on what equipment you have/can use.
- NPCs glitching through scenery - not had any floating cars yet but I've found my character floating 4 foot off the ground sometimes in cut scenes and/or photo mode despite being at the right height in first person perspective.

A lot of the other bugs including some of the more game breaking ones I've not had... yet.
only actual bugs I've noticed in 40 hours:

  • Mission with Panam just wouldn't load, loading bar comes up but never moves, reloading saves didn't fix - - played some other missions and came back, worked fine
  • 2 enemies stuck half under the road shooting at me
  • 1 cop spawned in a room behind me with no other doors when I killed a bad person on one mission (saw this on Angry Joe video as well)
- you will find quests just by listening to conversation on the street
There are at least a few of these. To say there are none is disingenuous at best

- really interesting quests that will be more memorable than Baron quest from TW3
Entirely subjective.

- deep relationships with characters in game
- very emotional quests with your personal interest in them - do not expect all side quests to be with happy ending like all games before
I found every potential romance character's questlines deeply engaging and emotional and became very attached to those characters
Yeah the way your decisions largely have no impact is annoying and pulls me out the game - there are several points where you can do things like not take an item (assuming it even gives you that option) but later in the game just assume you took it anyway, etc.

There is the core of a good game there but it needs both more time and either more experienced developers or developers with a broader mindset to get it to there.
Happens with panam in a quest gives you option to say no but you actually have to do it anyway so the choice was pointless
I just look forward to mods. In some scenarios I was disappointed that I couldn't exercise more of an ultra-violent playthrough.

Also relationship choice appears to be limited.

But I am sure mods will fix these.
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