Gamer Girl selling her bathwater?????

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Personally I pay for premium subscription so I get to see everything in glorious 4k HDR. I want to be able to see each track mark, bruise and scar. (Not serious)
Obviously a joke but it’s reminded me of how some people evidently enjoy their pr0n and it makes me feel uneasy!

The below isn’t aimed at you or anyone else specifically.

I used to be pretty indifferent but with this trend evidencing, from my perspective, some sort of increase in depravity (based on what you see coming up on mainstream free to view sites - which to my mind has seemed increasingly ‘warped’, to put it mildly) I now do think widespread easy access to porn must be pretty terrible for mental health unless you are a extremely robust person, not unlike drugs or gambling really. Pure bliss in escapism making life dull and disappointing... you just need more and more...

The problem is, unlike drugs or gambling, nobody talks about it (for obvious reasons) so it escapes somewhat unregulated.

I don’t think drugs, gambling or porn should be outlawed but all of this stuff needs way more publicity on how damaging it can be, in a manner that is not just “people who gamble / watch porn / take drugs are bad people, shame on them”. Because everyone is just a human looking to get by and have fun.

All such things are perhaps best left as an ‘infrequent jolly’, at most... maybe.
21 Jun 2006
Obviously a joke but it’s reminded me of how some people evidently enjoy their pr0n and it makes me feel uneasy!

The below isn’t aimed at you or anyone else specifically.

I used to be pretty indifferent but with this trend evidencing, from my perspective, some sort of increase in depravity (based on what you see coming up on mainstream free to view sites - which to my mind has seemed increasingly ‘warped’, to put it mildly) I now do think widespread easy access to porn must be pretty terrible for mental health unless you are a extremely robust person, not unlike drugs or gambling really. Pure bliss in escapism making life dull and disappointing... you just need more and more...

The problem is, unlike drugs or gambling, nobody talks about it (for obvious reasons) so it escapes somewhat unregulated.

I don’t think drugs, gambling or porn should be outlawed but all of this stuff needs way more publicity on how damaging it can be, in a manner that is not just “people who gamble / watch porn / take drugs are bad people, shame on them”. Because everyone is just a human looking to get by and have fun.

All such things are perhaps best left as an ‘infrequent jolly’, at most... maybe.

Theres been plenty of articles on the BBC about how some guys when they got their tinder date into the bedroom thought it's normal to choke, spit, slap, DT, manhandle, etc. Kids are watching it from a young age as it's so much easier to access than in the 80's or 90's and it's also getting more extreme too. Back then it was pretty tame you get more action in game of thrones nowadays for example.

I understand what you are saying and it's a hard one. Maybe there should be levels like there are for movies with age ratings. Where only basic stuff can be viewed without a login. The more harder stuff and extreme requires a login and to get a login you have to prove your an adult.

However it's impossible to police the internet fully they could tackle the mainstream sites or you could alway install your own filter on your home connection however that's not going to stop their friends, etc sharing it through WhatsApp. Or the more inventive ways to gain access. Like Reddit will usually work anywhere and bypass most filters.

On a stag do in Amsterdam a long time ago must have been 15 years or more we walked into an adult store for a gander at their toys and DVDs. My mate said whoever finds the filthiest porn wins and tbh some of the stuff he found in that shop was truly disgusting involving animals and feces, etc. I refused to even try and find one worse after he showed me a couple. I thought it would be funny at first but if you saw some of the images it put me off my dinner. Good times.

There you go. It's been a well known issue for a while. I suppose the only real solution would be proper sex education in schools where you teach children what's normal and okay and the stuff online is for show by paid actors and way over the top like a Hollywood movie. Therefore not normal or safe for folk to try at home unless everyone is into it. You will get a certain religion of peace though protesting against such education which has happened before.
27 Jun 2006
Not here
Adult movies are dominated by American film companies, with all this choke, spit, slap, DT, manhandle, Step-Whatever and is seen as normal by teens watching it.
12 Jul 2007
As uncomfortable as it makes parents, alongside having the birds and bees chat (or do parents just let schools do that now?) it might be worth adding "you know how a Movie isn't real life, well porn isn't real either" type conversation too. Or maybe I'm just old and this is way Kids want to be nowadays?
10 Mar 2012
There are two outcomes here.

The first is that she's capitalizing on this opportunity she's got and is investing her money wisely so she'll have a comfy life and not have to carry on doing this for much longer.

The alternative is that she gets in to the seedier sides of the porn industry and ends up on all manner of drugs and whatnot, still selling herself when she's past her 40s as no self respecting company would go near this chick (I say that, but it wouldn't surprise me if a company manages to cash in on her fame too).

I suspect it'll be the former, if nothing else she's certainly proven she's not stupid.

Wasn't one of the biggest porn stars in the industry found homeless in some tunnels near Vegas not long back?
13 Jan 2010
Fair play to her. She's just making the most of what she's got while she's young, popular and capable of earning that much. If it's not her it'll be someone else, so why not.

If I was a girl I'd certainly be doing it.

As much as apparently its a man world, no guy can earn so much doing so little.
I'm genuinely amazed the market isn't "saturated" by now

Would you rather be stacking shelves in tesco all day for years or do a few videos, sell yourself and live the rest of your life with no worries?

It's the men paying for this I pity.
I envy her
29 Jan 2008
There are two outcomes here.

The first is that she's capitalizing on this opportunity she's got and is investing her money wisely so she'll have a comfy life and not have to carry on doing this for much longer.

The alternative is that she gets in to the seedier sides of the porn industry and ends up on all manner of drugs and whatnot, still selling herself when she's past her 40s as no self respecting company would go near this chick (I say that, but it wouldn't surprise me if a company manages to cash in on her fame too).

I suspect it'll be the former, if nothing else she's certainly proven she's not stupid.

Yeah I mean it seems like she's a multi-millionaire already, she's set up multiple LTD companies to handle this stuff and is doing it with her boyfriend etc...

She's not some low IQ but hot 21 year old chick who has started camming then been scouted to move to LA to get a few hundred or a grand or so per scene... they're the ones at risk of living a good life for a few years but having it all blow up a bit later on. See also most NBA or NFL players who don't become superstars etc.. most are a bit dim financially and a huge chunk end up bankrupt despite starting their 20s with a ridiculously well paid but short career.

Wasn't one of the biggest porn stars in the industry found homeless in some tunnels near Vegas not long back?

Yes, Jenny Lee lived (or perhaps still does) in the Vegas tunnels! Such a shame.

from this:

to this:

to this:
29 Jan 2008
Give it a year or two and she'll be noshing off Arabs on their boats for silly money.

doubt it, that sort of thing is for the insta hoes with 5 figure or low 6 figure follower counts or maybe top 1% OF girls...

this chick had several million followers on Instagram and similarly has 7 figures on twitter too and is like well into the top 0.01% or higher for OF girls.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
doubt it, that sort of thing is for the insta hoes with 5 figure or low 6 figure follower counts or maybe top 1% OF girls...

this chick had several million followers on Instagram and similarly has 7 figures on twitter too and is like well into the top 0.01% or higher for OF girls.
Indeed, she already makes more than most pro porn stars, so why would she go down that route?
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