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Will you pre-order or buy a Rocket Lake CPU?

18 Oct 2012
i have amd pcs. i have intel pcs. brand is not important. i just buy what works for what i do for the best value bang for buck. amd cpus are good. never said they wernt. they are over priced and if being honest you have more hassle than with a intel chip while owning one.

amd were close but the price of intel chips was very similar yet they were faster. add in the above about owning amd cpus is often more stressful than a intel cpu. there was no real point in buying them. right now there is.....but they are over priced. so they have a amazing range of cpus all over priced ! due to stock gouging and the current world situation. thats not amds fault but...it does sour what would be a amazing line of cpus.

In fairness the hope of 11700k being that it is listed at £389.99 is that AMD react to at least match that price point for the 5800x. I understand the 5800x is the better chip from what we have seen between it and the 11700K but the mindshare for people going 11700k because Intel and both 8c16t it would at least pull AMD pricing back in line with closer to expectation of pricing people had.

If AMD really want to respond they could even drop the 5800x to something like £369.99 and then the only point Intel would have in price would be nullified as the 11700KF is listed at £369.99 and really more close to competitor. It won't likely happen due to current market demands but yeah.

The thing is if the 11700k is coming in under 5800x in 99% of situations then does the 11900k become the one the 5800x is competing against and with that price point being at least £529.98 (based on the below KF price point) does that make the 5800x still the best performance to cost ratio even at the inflated £419 price. That of course assuming they are trading blows more often than the 11700k does? I mean we should really be comparing the 11700KF and 11900KF, the only place I found the 11900KF is listed at £519.98. And from what I have seen previous the performance difference isn't there regardless of the iGPU or not so at best the 5800x is £100 cheaper than it's competitor the 11900KF.
26 Apr 2013
I want an 11400 or a 11500 for a media server/NAS. I'd love a T model, but you can't buy them outside of OEM pre-builts. I was going to go 10th gen, but the 20 PCIE lanes on this gen mean I can have an NVME as a cache and two HBAs.

My gaming PC has a 5900X though, so I have no interest in the i7's or i9's. I wouldn't buy into 14nm for a gaming PC at this point.
19 Jul 2016
amd were close but the price of intel chips was very similar yet they were faster. add in the above about owning amd cpus is often more stressful than a intel cpu.

Yes they were a little faster, but the price wasn't similar, and yet you still told people to buy intel. Roles have now reversed, but now for that little faster CPU(AMD) , you're now saying it's not worth paying extra. You are very Intel biased.

Edit: Also never had a problem since owning my R7 1700
1 Jun 2006
well no...the prices for each segment prior to the recent gouging was similar. only since the new intels and new amds has amds cpus prices gone silly.

i dont make up the amd issues. go see for yourself on this very forum. go cpu thread and go back the last two to three pages. tell me there is no issues. thats just with recent just launched ones. nevermind prior ones. i would link all the threads but its to time consuming.
18 Oct 2002
well no...the prices for each segment prior to the recent gouging was similar. only since the new intels and new amds has amds cpus prices gone silly.

i dont make up the amd issues. go see for yourself on this very forum. go cpu thread and go back the last two to three pages. tell me there is no issues. thats just with recent just launched ones. nevermind prior ones. i would link all the threads but its to time consuming.

The answer is always Intel with you, could you stop wasting everyone's time pretending to be impartial? You don't want to buy anything other than Intel, cool, good for you.
18 Oct 2012
well no...the prices for each segment prior to the recent gouging was similar. only since the new intels and new amds has amds cpus prices gone silly.

i dont make up the amd issues. go see for yourself on this very forum. go cpu thread and go back the last two to three pages. tell me there is no issues. thats just with recent just launched ones. nevermind prior ones. i would link all the threads but its to time consuming.

Well no that just isn't true. 3800x vs 9900k & 10700KF (both mainstream high end 8-core CPUs)
  • 9900k release price UK £530-£550
  • 9900k price at 3800x release date (July 2019) in UK was £479
  • 3800x release price was £389 (July 2019)
  • The 9900k did not drop to £389 till August 2020
Let us take look at the 10700KF since that was then their flagship 8 core without iGPU
  • 10700k release price UK £389.99 in May 2020
  • 10700k dropped to £360 by July
  • 3800x in July 2020 price was £315 and actually had been since Feb 2020 with it for a long period actually £299
Current Intel release pending
11700KF current 8 core without iGPU but no longer flagship in this example
  • This is release at £379.99
11900KF current 8 core without iGPU and is flagship
  • Tis is release at £519.98
Current AMD - already out
  • 5800x £419.99 at release (ignoring secondary scalpers)
  • 5800x has been as low as £389.99
  • 5800x currently sits at £408.54
With all that shown and can be googled/tracked and checked I would say that you are way off in terms of pricing in each segment being similar and even now if you want to check flagship CPU's between AMD and Intel for the same core count then AMD is still £110 cheaper. The 11700KF wouldn't be a bad shout if if it wasn't for the 10700kf which would be the better product choice at an 8 core options with them at £275 and I would pick that over a 5800x as well if that is what I was looking for. If I wanted to via from 8 core with a little more core count then an i9 10850K at moment would be a good option at £347 right now. That I would probably still pick over a 3900x that can be had for £385 again that depends exactly where you sit on core to speed and slight percentage difference. Neither would be better over the 10700kf for gaming and end of day if you want more cores you'd probably opt to go 12 over 10 core making the 10850k a little bit in no-mans land.

But that doesn't change that at the market segments on latest hardware AMD have still been the better value at release in their segments and even now appear to be with their inflated priced.

I would as above like to have seen the 5800x come in at £369.99 to just slide under the 10700k and the 5600x drop to more £229.99 from the current £299.99 price point it is at to compete with the Intel 11600KF. That is the only price point where Intel have come out swinging recently but do think it will be way off the 5600x performance wise from specs shown.
1 Jun 2006
a detailed post but some of the pricing has been a lot different. if you pinch the cpus regardless of amd or intel there can be huge differences. which obviously alter which cpu you would buy.

10700kf have been as low as 240 new
10700k have been as low as 250 new
10850k have been as low as 300 new

im obviously not listing scalped prices. as i just ignore those.

if the 5600x was 229 right now yeah fairly exceptable....but it isnt. no bias right now if you could buy a 10700k for 250 why would you choose a 5600x at 300 ? loyal brand bias. that is the only reason. at 229 you could kinda say fair enough. not at 300 .
18 Oct 2012
a detailed post but some of the pricing has been a lot different. if you pinch the cpus regardless of amd or intel there can be huge differences. which obviously alter which cpu you would buy.

10700kf have been as low as 240 new
10700k have been as low as 250 new
10850k have been as low as 300 new

im obviously not listing scalped prices. as i just ignore those.

if the 5600x was 229 right now yeah fairly exceptable....but it isnt. no bias right now if you could buy a 10700k for 250 why would you choose a 5600x at 300 ? loyal brand bias. that is the only reason. at 229 you could kinda say fair enough. not at 300 .

I am literally taking the windows of CPU release and their price points. The statement was segment prior to recent gouging was similar. The prices and dates shown in my post show clearly they were not. For instance the lowest price that PriceSpy has for the 10700KF is £275 and is now. It had never dropped below £325 till January this year. That is not comparing segment pricing to recent gouging with a figure for the £240 not something I can find anywhere or track or see it has been.

Tbh with regards to the 10700k in your example now is showing lowest ever at £287 but up to December was never lower than £319 so up till December they never made sense either. And fairly acceptable at £229? That would be a steal considering it's competitor and performance point. That is why I would really like to see them there, there is literally zero option to compete at that point.

I am not disagreeing with what I would choose right now. I am pointing out that prior to this batch of gouging AMD has won out every time and to an extent still does in the latest CPU to latest CPU. Your argument on why would you buy a 5600x over a 10700k was never in question. The point is would you buy a 11600K, 11700K (KF) or 11900K (KF) over a 5800x or 10700K depending on preference.

If you want to compare the 10700k, you should also be throwing in the 3800x which then compete again at £287 & £299 price points.

Edit: If you want to see any of the prices I have used then you can check PriceSpy since that is where my data comes from because as far as I am aware it is the best database for picking up product pricing history and information.

Edit 2: The 10850K also shows cheapest now at £347 which is a drop in just last 4 days with it up to end December never being lower than £404.
Last edited:
14 Nov 2005
so....thats my fault? they have been as low as that numerous times.

honestly no bias why would anyone buy a 300 quid 6 core over a i will be fair with the price 270 - 300 8 core ? its obvious the 6 core will need changing far sooner than the i7 10700k option. there isnt any performance difference. you get it cheaper more longevity and use out of it with less issues for a cheaper price. :confused:

Still waiting to hear back from you on if the 11900K is rediculously overpriced at £550 for an 8 core CPU, you seemed to of ignored this question and seem to busy critising AMDs pricing
22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
Clicks "show ignored content"
Sees DG trolling utter horsemuck again

Do you ever quit dude, or is your fevered ramblings actually an addiction now?

His stance is one of petulant trolling, wheeling out hyperbolic nonsense like "god CPU" and "AMD bias" on the forums for Christ knows what reason.

No doubt he will ignore your direct statement and retort with fanciful abstracts like "Intel offers better price-performance" and "better pricing" despite that being a negative when AMD were in that exact position. And then toddle off into his dark little hole for a while until he recharges the idiot battery and comes out again, probably when more Rocket Lake reviews come out to further solidify proof that it's hot garbage and Intel can't touch AMD right now.

He can't help it :D
1 Jun 2006
Still waiting to hear back from you on if the 11900K is rediculously overpriced at £550 for an 8 core CPU, you seemed to of ignored this question and seem to busy critising AMDs pricing

we know it is and why i mentioned the 10 series cpus. they are great value performance. 11 series are pointless.
1 Jun 2006
And at release of amd 3 series he was still suggesting Intel, even though as can been seen from your post they weren't similar prices.

the problem is how people decypher a post then run with it. the prices i suggested are real and can literally be found to be true in about 30 seconds , weather someone else can do the same and see the same pricing is out of my hands.
18 Oct 2012
I'd sooner have a 10850k for £300 over a 5800x for £420..

Yep but since the 10850k is cheapest £347 and the is £408 that price difference of £120 you suggested has shrunk to £61. That is closer to having a think about it and deciding bearing that the 5800x is the better chip and the performance is better. That was the same argument presented on why to go Intel still when the 3000 series AMD chips dropped. Most of us said go AMD still as the percentage difference is close enough for the cost saving. Dg has come out swinging back the other way every time and now AMD are in that similar position has gone back to buy Intel as the performance isn't worth the premium even though said the opposite 18 months ago.

It is about being consistent and that is where Dg seems to struggle. I would probably not get either chip and just go for a 10700k at £280.
18 Oct 2012
the problem is how people decypher a post then run with it. the prices i suggested are real and can literally be found to be true in about 30 seconds , weather someone else can do the same and see the same pricing is out of my hands.

Except they can't though. I mean I have googled for the prices you've given, checked shops and have used PriceSpy as per and they don't appear to be anything close to your statement and never have been in the UK.

The difference with the prices I have given is that you can actually check and see them using Pricespy for their whole life history on all known UK sites.

I would say being able to compare 27 to 36 stores (Varies depending on product as it of course showing listings) that sell a product is pretty solid and I have looked up the 3-4 others I know that haven't popped up and they all at higher price points than the lowest listed on Pricespy. So I expect unless you know where to look or have looked at the particular shop then it isn't going to be something a 30 second google will find because how a search engine works.
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