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Why GPU prices are NOT likely to drop significantly EVER!

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24 Jun 2021

Parents didn't exactly spend their money on me?
Plus they were miffed at me dropping uni and living rent/bills free!
Worked out fine in the end though.

If I lost that few hundred I would have looked for a day job. Still got my A levels and gcse's!
24 Jun 2021
Nor is inflation theft. It's an unavoidable part of our economic system.

Your economic system is just something dreamed up by a bunch of crooks, the politicians and their rich friends make all the crooked laws.

Inflation's been there since humans trading dinosaur meat against animal skins, Good thing is your crooked politicians have NO WAY to stop it!
Look at US President Biden trying to reduce the inflationary tax prices for the plebs, the market will crush him and the mighty US like a rag doll and
walk away laughing! Currency collapse is going all the way to 2030, wait and see.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
I was very young then I dropped out of uni...<SNIP>
NO beans on toast, my parents were well off. :cool:

Yeah I can see that making sense then as I think I could have been frugal and focused when I was still single or at least before youngsters came along. Living at home with little outlays would make that a good time to get stuck in.

Was trying to comprehend the bit where you don't cash out and live off thin air - that would be hard with extra mouths to feed, clothes/food/expenses/bills.
30 Jun 2019
Your economic system is just something dreamed up by a bunch of crooks, the politicians and their rich friends make all the crooked laws.

Inflation's been there since humans trading dinosaur meat against animal skins, Good thing is your crooked politicians have NO WAY to stop it!
Look at US President Biden trying to reduce the inflationary tax prices for the plebs, the market will crush him and the mighty US like a rag doll and
walk away laughing! Currency collapse is going all the way to 2030, wait and see.

Dude you're ranting. It's not my economic system (nor are they the politicians I would choose), it's the one we've got. You can accept it and live in reality, or dream up fantasy scenarios.

You haven't said how governments could avoid inflation, nor why it would even be desirable to do so.



8 Jul 2019
"Inflation's been there since humans trading dinosaur meat against animal skins......."! Hope you are having a laugh with that statement?

24 Jun 2021
@Harold lloyd how old are you, to be able to sit back now? At what age did you retire and what age did you start?

I retired in my thirties but by that time I was sitting around as I was already a fair bit into hard assets, get this folks its the sitting for years and being patient that gets you the profits, done right it can set you up for life, and you don't need to start big either.
I'm in my forties now and everything is paid for, no crazy 9 to 5 job and my family gets whatever it wants.
19 Jan 2010
I retired in my thirties but by that time I was sitting around as I was already a fair bit into hard assets, get this folks its the sitting for years and being patient that gets you the profits, done right it can set you up for life, and you don't need to start big either.
I'm in my forties now and everything is paid for, no crazy 9 to 5 job and my family gets whatever it wants.
Do you see anything positive about the future of the earth? I see a lot of negative posts from you. Just an observation
24 Jun 2021
Do you see anything positive about the future of the earth? I see a lot of negative posts from you. Just an observation

Yep, disassembled Watch Dogs Legion and a few other games, there's some real progress, devs are starting to use a texture LOD system instead of the old mipmaps. What this means is if you are running 4k ultra then expect Super crisp textures (less blurring), wont make any difference to 1080p users also
needs a LOT of VRAM but the results are amazing if you are into hd quality!
Maybe post up some screen grabs of my results later.
19 Jan 2010
Yep, disassembled Watch Dogs Legion and a few other games, there's some real progress, devs are starting to use a texture LOD system instead of the old mipmaps. What this means is if you are running 4k ultra then expect Super crisp textures (less blurring), wont make any difference to 1080p users also
needs a LOT of VRAM but the results are amazing if you are into hd quality!
Maybe post up some screen grabs of my results later.
Yea I tend to swap the real world out for the virtual one from time to time too :D
24 Jun 2021
You haven't said how governments could avoid inflation, nor why it would even be desirable to do so.

I was assuming you were pro government, since your not then its okay.

The Fed (central bank) suppresses interest rates by buying bonds, stocks go up, even as inflation rates go up only a FEW points so that the plebs don't riot
and the debt is inflated away.

Now we suddenly have commodity inflation due to lack of crude oil even without altering the money supply, BUT that tin of beans jumps from £1 to £1.50
in just a year. The gov wants beans to go up say £1 to £1.10 max yearly. The big commodity boom inflation has thrown a spanner in the works of their crooked game. Huge inflation yearly and stocks/jobs system will breakdown, when people can't afford to feed their families or buy energy or buy decent gaming GPUs there will be riots, and gov is trying to avoid this at all costs.

Make up your own mind folks,
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wealth increased to $115 million
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell net worth increased to over $34 million
Federal Reserve (money printing) chief Jerome Powell is worth up to $55 million (sold between $1 million and $5 million worth of stock just before a large stock market crash on October 1, 2020)

Who is benefiting, who are the crooks, and here in the UK?
1 Oct 2020
I retired in my thirties but by that time I was sitting around as I was already a fair bit into hard assets, get this folks its the sitting for years and being patient that gets you the profits, done right it can set you up for life, and you don't need to start big either.
I'm in my forties now and everything is paid for, no crazy 9 to 5 job and my family gets whatever it wants.

It's the sitting for years that gets the profits, but you retired in 15 years. You started with 300, so to turn that into big money with patience would take a lot longer, it must have been traded hard to start the snowball effect so passive patience isn't the answer. It's the beginning part that most difficult, when patience doesn't get you anywhere.

So.... Success is easy with patience, *after* success has already been had. Assets generally gain value, but it's the acquisition of the asset which is the difficult bit. Not easy if you don't have backing from some other source.
17 Nov 2020
50+ 6800xt in stock here, priced between £1050 and £1300

50+ 3060ti in stock here, priced between £630 and £750

Thats just 2 cards im looking at, presumably there is 50+ for mutliple other cards as well, so whats the deal with the prices still being double what they should be? Crypto is tanking as expected, stock is piling up as expected. When are the sellers going to relent a bit?

Would like to know what their markup is before I can justify paying over the odds.
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