Bean to Cup Coffee Machines 2021

14 May 2007
So i currently use either an Aeropress or small french press 4 or 5 times a day with whatever ground coffee is in ASDA.
As i only go to the office a handful of times a year I'm pretty much full working from home. The sage precision brew looks good but is a bit more than what I want to pay. I tried the 25% off code mentioned earlier in the thread but that no longer works.

Are the sage machines worth the extra over something like the Melitta coffee machines for like £60? Or in middle with Wilfa Svart Classic machine for £160ish?
Ideally i want to be able to get a filter coffee machine and alright coffee grinder for around £200 or so.

At the moment i find the ground coffee tends to turn a little bit by the time i've used them all.

Suppose I'm trying to come to the conclusion of should I just get the grinder for now until there's decent discount on the sage machines again? If so any recommendations on Grinders? Ideally around £60

22 Nov 2007
I'm after a bean to cup machine, budget £500. What one involves the least faff? I want to get up in the morning and do as little as possible to get a decent coffee.
Or am i better off with a nespresso?
25 Nov 2020
I'm after a bean to cup machine, budget £500. What one involves the least faff? I want to get up in the morning and do as little as possible to get a decent coffee.
Or am i better off with a nespresso?
Nespresso or another pod machine would be minimal faff. If you want to use beans then a B2C machine like the Caffè Corso will sort you a black coffee out if you just keep bean and water levels up.
I had a Caffè Corso for years. It doesn't produce the same quality as the added-faff Barista Express.
1 Mar 2010
The ceramic on the rosa is too thick the drink would be cold in no time, unless you have a real pro machine, like in a bar, with a stack of pre-warmed cups,
the classic illy ones must be half their weight/heat capacity.

just got some new beans - had to back the rocky grinder off from about 5 to 8, so the grind is about 60% larger, before it would go through the espresso machine,
I never saw that before and initially thought the espresso machine was broken ?

About cups

I learned I am not a Illy or Gaggia fan (middle), and want a slightly larger capacity (and handle) (left) of ~70ml .Churchill ceramics top left was a recent bay discovery and is current preference. Fracino 8oz cappuccino (bay £10/set) are interesting offset design, space for biscuit.
25 Nov 2020
just got some new beans - had to back the rocky grinder off from about 5 to 8, so the grind is about 60% larger, before it would go through the espresso machine,
I never saw that before and initially thought the espresso machine was broken ?
I've had this with some beans recently. Usually Rave's Fudge Blend or Espresso Blend are on grind 2 on mine. I ordered some Brazilian Mio Microlot from them (1990 and 2008) which needed to be ground at setting 5 or 6 as they choked the machine when I left it at 2.



19 Jul 2010
Thoughts on the De'Longhi EC9155? Or De'Longhi in general? I know Sage are highly regarded on here but they seem to come with a premium price. Got a voucher that I'm need to use and since they don't sell computer hardware, a bean to cup coffee machine is my next choice. The voucher would cover half the price of the EC9155.

Having never owned a B2C before is there anything to look for? Are they fairly straight forward to use?
1 Mar 2010
as discussed, like the barista express, de'longhi is not really a true bean to cup .. ie put the beans in the hopper press a button and you have a drink.

I'd still go separates though and consider a de'longhi dedica/£100, plus, say, a Sage grinder/£130 - which can be sub £250 for the pair.
whereas a sage duo plus/bambino machine is nearer £300 machine alone.
there are several posts about dedica benefits ovewr the last few years in this forum.
13 Sep 2008
So i currently use either an Aeropress or small french press 4 or 5 times a day with whatever ground coffee is in ASDA.
As i only go to the office a handful of times a year I'm pretty much full working from home. The sage precision brew looks good but is a bit more than what I want to pay. I tried the 25% off code mentioned earlier in the thread but that no longer works.

Are the sage machines worth the extra over something like the Melitta coffee machines for like £60? Or in middle with Wilfa Svart Classic machine for £160ish?
Ideally i want to be able to get a filter coffee machine and alright coffee grinder for around £200 or so.

At the moment i find the ground coffee tends to turn a little bit by the time i've used them all.

Suppose I'm trying to come to the conclusion of should I just get the grinder for now until there's decent discount on the sage machines again? If so any recommendations on Grinders? Ideally around £60

TIMEMORE Chestnut C2 Manual Coffee Grinder Capacity 25g with CNC Stainless Steel Conical Burr - Internal Adjustable Setting,Double Bearing Positioning,French Press Coffee for Hand Grinder Gift

85'c water, the above grinder filled to brim with beans of your choice with the coarseness dial set to 15 clicks, fill aeopress to lvl3.5 leave for 2mins, give brief shake, leave for 20 seconds then press slowly. Add whisked boiled milk from pan.
End result I have yet to find noticeably bettered by any machine I've come across to date.
£100 for a setup that requires zero maintenance and minimal cleaning.... Save your money!
1 Mar 2010
TIMEMORE Chestnut C2 Manual Coffee Grinder Capacity 25g with CNC Stainless Steel Conical Burr - Internal Adjustable Setting,Double Bearing Positioning,French Press Coffee for Hand Grinder Gift
yes look like an interesting grinder and fast it seems - I didn't know you can do 14g in ~ 20s
how long have you had it ?

guy I'd recently linked for de'longhi dedica tear down / review coincidentsally uses one

Delonghi Dedica Home Espresso Machine Review & Test

13 May 2003
Just picked up a Jura E8, very impressed with it, not far off my old Rocket Appartamento in Espresso quality.

This looks promising. I'm looking for something to replace my Sage Barista Express with as I'm lacking the patience for the manual elements, but still equivalent (or close to) the quality of the coffee.

There seem to be huge price variations on this model across suppliers; where did you buy it from?

Can you plumb a permanent water supply into it?
20 Aug 2006
yes look like an interesting grinder and fast it seems - I didn't know you can do 14g in ~ 20s
how long have you had it ?

guy I'd recently linked for de'longhi dedica tear down / review coincidentsally uses one

Delonghi Dedica Home Espresso Machine Review & Test

I'm in the market for a coffee machine I'll look at the Dedica thread in more detail

Anyone know please whether the Sage Duo is worth the 60-70 more ?
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