**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

Anyone know if the HDR is messed up in this now? I didn't play for months due to moving house and now the blacks are crushed at night with HDR on :/
Are you following any tutorials or anything for the 737? Been looking at YouTube for some inspiration as I've no idea where to start!

Flightdeck2sim is your man! He's a 737 Captain and trains others in a level D simulator. He's superb at explaining real life procedures. His livestream from Friday takes you through a lot with the 737 in msfs.

I've done a couple of flights in the 737-800 this weekend. Quite enjoyable to get back into it. It's been over 2 years since I really flew it.

It performs a lot better in terms of fps and smoothness compared to the pmdg in p3d or zibo in xp11, running at 1440p high end settings on my gtx1080 and it was really smooth.

I did knock it up to 4k medium in flight and it looked stunning, but it's quite the slideshow at an airport with those settings. Looking forward to upgrading my GPU to be able to run it at 4k ultra.

Spent a fair bit of time getting back into it all though. I used to use pfpx and topcoat for flight planning, but that software is incredibly dated now and seems to be lacking in any kind of updates. So using simbrief and paid for a year's subscription for virtual performance tool which seems pretty good and accurate. Also spent a fair amount of time getting the honeycomb alpha and bravo control profiles set up for the 737 as well as setting up custom views etc.
Are you following any tutorials or anything for the 737? Been looking at YouTube for some inspiration as I've no idea where to start!

As @andy_mk3 said above, 'Flightdeck2sim' is fantastic.

'737NG Driver', again a real world 737 pilot and also a member of the PMDG tech team.

'British Avgeek' - fantastic videos and he has also published some handy 737 NG abbreviated checklists on his website.

'Jonathan Beckett' has published some very helpful 737 tutorial videos. Less of a high profile Youtuber than those above, however he explains things very well and I highly recommend his tutorials.

I also recommend the unofficial PMDG Discord for posting quick questions, there is at least one real world 737 pilot who regularly responds on there. However, I found watching lots of YouTube videos the most helpful.
The 737 is easy when you know how, extremely straightforward, mind you I always land at a runway with ils. Just have to make sure you get down and set the flaps etc.
Simbrief or littlenavmap for the plan and save in the correct folder.
Yeah the 737 is a nice jet to fly really. Once you get used to where things are on various panels and get used to a flow of setting it all up it's pretty nice.
any help appreciated, recently i upgraded the pc from a i5 8400&Z370 mobo to a B660& i3 12100f, all other hardware remained unchanged, 16gb ddr4 3200 cl16 GTX 1660 super 6gb etc. I get hiccups while gaming, i thought it was down to 12100f being a 4 core cpu yet the utilization during the game is lower than the 8400, around 40% max over london for example. I did a fresh install all over again and hiccups again....the pc is lightining fast at everything else except MSFS.
I had something similar ages ago and I think I had to go into the setting and set the graphics to s preset, medium etc and it reset something that was causing issues. May be worth doing it for others as well, not sure if there's any config files on the PC that can just be deleted to reset them all
any help appreciated, recently i upgraded the pc from a i5 8400&Z370 mobo to a B660& i3 12100f, all other hardware remained unchanged, 16gb ddr4 3200 cl16 GTX 1660 super 6gb etc. I get hiccups while gaming, i thought it was down to 12100f being a 4 core cpu yet the utilization during the game is lower than the 8400, around 40% max over london for example. I did a fresh install all over again and hiccups again....the pc is lightining fast at everything else except MSFS.
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