I've started playing this after a long break, I was wondering if anyone has used the FS Academy VFR course as a beginner and if it was any good?
Other than the *very* occsaional glitch were missions fail to progress (possibly due to pilot error) I really rate all the FS Academy stuff.
Hope that helps...
I have given the triple monitor setup a go. I do sim racing so already have the setup.
I am getting about 15 FPS on this, ultra detail which I guess is not ideal!
I have 32Gb ram , a 5600x and a 1080ti. It says it is GPU limited, which is not a surprise.
Anyone know what kind of uplift I could expect in FPS from a GPU upgrade - to say a 3080ti?
Thanks, I run at 1440 also - looks like a 3080ti should be plentyI've been running it on an 3080ti and and that point the CPU is limiting the performance, not the GPU.
Not sure what res your running at, I've been really happy at 1440p getting about 50 FPS but again depends where you are (its always worse on the ground!)
Has anyone else tried FSLTL for ai traffic? Seems a lot better than AIG now - though I need to tweak the proportions.
Latest nvidia drivers seem to have fixed DX12 for me. No more crazy stuttering. I’m seeing higher fps now as a result using dx12 rather than dx11 as the game has gone from being MainThread limited to GPU limited in most scenarios.
Dx12 still as crap as ever for me. DLSS just doesn't work either
Has anyone else tried FSLTL for ai traffic? Seems a lot better than AIG now - though I need to tweak the proportions.
DX12 was an easy way to reduce my system to around 10 fps but yes I’ve just tested it and it’s much better and very playable but still has stutters compared to DX11, it’s like a 100 times better but still not there yet.Latest nvidia drivers seem to have fixed DX12 for me. No more crazy stuttering. I’m seeing higher fps now as a result using dx12 rather than dx11 as the game has gone from being MainThread limited to GPU limited in most scenarios.