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How do you plan on buying a 4000 GPU? (if you plan at all)

30 Jul 2006
4090 on 850w = BOOM
I don't like the idea of buying something when something way more powerful and possibly cheaper could hit a month after. We don't even know if AMD have worse RT this time yet. A full chip could be announced by Nvidia that will smash the 4090 for the same price if AMD have done well.
20 Aug 2019
SW Florida
I don't like the idea of buying something when something way more powerful and possibly cheaper could hit a month after. We don't even know if AMD have worse RT this time yet. A full chip could be announced by Nvidia that will smash the 4090 for the same price if AMD have done well.
This is also contributing to my FOBR this gen.

1) Nvidia's presentation avoided raw raster performance like the plague.

2) Nvidia priced their cards based on a bunch of metrics that mean nothing to me.

3) AMD seems to have a more cost effective way of producing a meaningful performance uplift.

4) AMD's promised performance uplift of 50% performance/watt could make for a compelling offering.

5) If AMD brings competitive products on November 3rd, Nvidia may be forced to drop prices and/or offer a 4090Ti with better even performance.

All of this sounds like a recipe for 4090 regret.
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27 Dec 2014
I'll be F5ing all the sites at just before 2pm with credit card in hand

I've still got a 1080 Ti and feeling it's showing its age as I'm running a 3840x1600 144Hz monitor now.
Unfortunately it's a G Sync monitor so locked into the Nvidia ecosystem.

I can't bring myself to pay £650 for a 3080 in 2022. The tech is 2 years old and still selling at RRP.

So not much choice but to splash out on a 4090.
Hopefully manage to grab an FE card as the AIB ones will be much more expensive.

that's the best justification I've seen to date! I cannot pay £650 so the next logical move is to spend £1600! Nvidia must love you :p
22 May 2010
Nope not this time, don't see the need tbh. Every game i play pretty much maxes out at my monitors refresh rate with the only exception being Cyberpunk 2077 with RTX on.

Gonna wait and see what happens with DLSS 3.0 on 30 series gpu's if and when it does come.

Might be tempted by a AMD gpu though depending on what they offer and at what price point. If they can do a similar 4090 performing gpu at 500-600 less like 3090 and 6900xt then it'll be a huge win for team red.
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16 Aug 2017
That pricing is clearly made for either 100% enthusiasts/hobbyists or people who earn money on these cards (creators, scientists etc.). Typical gamer has been priced out and pushed either for 3k series or AMD cards below £1k - most people buy GPUs in the range of 200-300 quid, as far as I read last time. Enthusiasts are usually willing to spend a lot but even they have psychological limits plus NVIDIA is really not that consumer friendly and they do not even hide it anymore.

Considering that I am much less of a PC enthusiast these days, who plays little (and it's not that new games are any good in most cases, or require such fast GPUs), I can't justify spending that kind of money on a toy, which will also lose value very quickly too. Most other hobbies usually involve buying things that last many years, hardly lose value (often grow up in value) and are more than just toys. GPUs for gamers are just that - pure entertainment, toys in a way. Way overpriced for such use-case, IMO.
10 Feb 2021
Its staggering to me the amount of people on here prepared to blind-buy a £1700 graphics card for gaming??
Especially the ones already running 3090s.
What games are you playing that you are not getting a good experience in to warrant spending so much?

Whats most staggering to me is that they clearly wont be spending any time waiting to see which AIB cards turn out to be the hot picks this time around? As I understand it, the reviews should go up a day or 2 before the launch. Barely enough time to watch a few and get a feeling for whats what.

If I was looking to spend £1700 on a GPU... id want to be dam sure its a good one. I don't want coil-whine, or a crappy cooler. Or even things like ****** RGB software to spoil the purchase.

The 4090 is the first to launch... and while it will be the fastest... will it be worth it over a 4080?
What about AMDs new cards?

I just cant wrap my head around it.
If the 30 series launch taught me anything, its that a fast card is still fast in 3 months time or in 2 years. People turning there nose up at spending £xxx on 30 series card now as if it somehow slow now?

New shiny is always round the corner. And if you hitch your wagon to always having the bleeding edge, your only going to see more of these crazy prices going forward.

Good luck to you day 1 buyers. Cant see it going the way of the 30 series.
15 Oct 2019
I can't bring myself to pay £650 for a 3080 in 2022. The tech is 2 years old and still selling at RRP
The fact that it's still selling for £650 just shows what a good card it is for the money, how much will a 4090 or 4080 be selling for in 2 years time? I'd guarantee no where near msrp.
16 Jun 2004
I 'might' be able to understand paying £1600+ for a GPU if you were getting Triple A PC exclusive games, doing stuff that the consoles are still 1 or 2 generations away from coming close to, but we're not. All we PC gamers now get are console hand me downs, running at higher resolutions, that are invariably broken and need 6mths worth of patching to get in to a fit & proper state.

There are simply no PC only development studios left to deliver the groundbreaking games of the past.

As it is, I can see this 40xx series launch being the worst Nvidia has ever seen. I don't expect these prices to last long, TBH. The poor (by Nvidia standards) sales will quickly force a rethink on them, I can easily see the 4080 16GB getting a quick price drop in the new year to sub $1K, the 12GB version going EOL to make way for its reintroduction as the 4070 at $699.

..even the 4090s are going to sell in much smaller numbers compared to the 3090, whose sales figures were skewed by people buying them during the mining craze, as nothing else stayed in stock for more than a minute or two.
14 Nov 2006
The fact that it's still selling for £650 just shows what a good card it is for the money, how much will a 4090 or 4080 be selling for in 2 years time? I'd guarantee no where near msrp.

Nvidia know what theyre doing. The 4080 particularly are overpriced then eventually when nvidia bring the prices down it'll be 'oh better value , oh 650 for a card is such a good price!'. just like the 3080.

yes the 3080 was 650 but then the price went up and up- they were selling and nvidia have learnt from that.

I don't agree that its right but then it's more money and a a longer term plan for nvidia. That's my take on it

the 4090s are going to be a lot because they are catering for the ' money no object' customer.
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17 Jun 2007
Its staggering to me the amount of people on here prepared to blind-buy a £1700 graphics card for gaming??
Especially the ones already running 3090s.
What games are you playing that you are not getting a good experience in to warrant spending so much?

Whats most staggering to me is that they clearly wont be spending any time waiting to see which AIB cards turn out to be the hot picks this time around? As I understand it, the reviews should go up a day or 2 before the launch. Barely enough time to watch a few and get a feeling for whats what.

If I was looking to spend £1700 on a GPU... id want to be dam sure its a good one. I don't want coil-whine, or a crappy cooler. Or even things like ****** RGB software to spoil the purchase.

The 4090 is the first to launch... and while it will be the fastest... will it be worth it over a 4080?
What about AMDs new cards?

I just cant wrap my head around it.
If the 30 series launch taught me anything, its that a fast card is still fast in 3 months time or in 2 years. People turning there nose up at spending £xxx on 30 series card now as if it somehow slow now?

New shiny is always round the corner. And if you hitch your wagon to always having the bleeding edge, your only going to see more of these crazy prices going forward.

Good luck to you day 1 buyers. Cant see it going the way of the 30 series.
17 Jun 2007
Nvidia know what theyre doing. The 4080 particularly are overpriced then eventually when nvidia bring the prices down it'll be 'oh better value , oh 650 for a card is such a good price!'. just like the 3080.

yes the 3080 was 650 but then the price went up and up- they were selling and nvidia have learnt from that.

I don't agree that its right but then it's more money and a a longer term plan for nvidia. That's my take on it

the 4090s are going to be a lot because they are catering for the ' money no object' customer.
Ah the Apple approach
15 Oct 2019
Nvidia know what theyre doing. The 4080 particularly are overpriced then eventually when nvidia bring the prices down it'll be 'oh better value , oh 650 for a card is such a good price!'. just like the 3080.

yes the 3080 was 650 but then the price went up and up and nvidia have learnt from that.

I don't agree that its right but then it's more money and a a longer term plan for nvidia. That's my take on it

the 4090s are going to be a lot because they are catering for the 'no money no object' customer.
The 4080 16gb would have to drop to around £650 before I considered it and the 12gb would only end up a side grade over my 3080 so not worth bothering with even if the price drops.

If nvidia want to play it that way then I'll see what AMD offers, if they're no better then I'll wait another 2 years.
16 Aug 2009
That pricing is clearly made for either 100% enthusiasts/hobbyists or people who earn money on these cards (creators, scientists etc.). Typical gamer has been priced out and pushed either for 3k series or AMD cards below £1k - most people buy GPUs in the range of 200-300 quid, as far as I read last time. Enthusiasts are usually willing to spend a lot but even they have psychological limits plus NVIDIA is really not that consumer friendly and they do not even hide it anymore.

Considering that I am much less of a PC enthusiast these days, who plays little (and it's not that new games are any good in most cases, or require such fast GPUs), I can't justify spending that kind of money on a toy, which will also lose value very quickly too. Most other hobbies usually involve buying things that last many years, hardly lose value (often grow up in value) and are more than just toys. GPUs for gamers are just that - pure entertainment, toys in a way. Way overpriced for such use-case, IMO.

The existing cards can cope with existing games they're mostly console ports and theres an oversupply of 3xxx cards so arguably the market is saturated right now so drip feed at the highest end and charge the earth for what will sell in relatively low numbers seems to be where the margins are right now
16 Aug 2017
The existing cards can cope with existing games they're mostly console ports and theres an oversupply of 3xxx cards so arguably the market is saturated right now so drip feed at the highest end and charge the earth for what will sell in relatively low numbers seems to be where the margins are right now

Agreed, they don't even hide it either. At the same time, they have competition (even though they like to ignore it), so I can't wait to see how that will shape up. NVIDIA also adds things like DLSS 3 exclusive only for these new cards, which normally wouldn't be anything out of ordinary but now it feels a bit like a kick in the nuts of the consumer (especially with that pricing), after all the mining times shenanigans with pricing etc. Corpo is a corpo, after all - they will suck us all dry, if we let them.
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