Well you will be glad to know that landlords like me will be selling up in there millions soon.Landlording is simply immoral. No excuses.
I have housed 16 families for the last 20 years, didn't have a pot to **** in but it was at the time the banks were throwing money at small business like mine(retailer) where they even worked a different loan for the deposit.
I basically got my properties on interested only mortgages for practically nothing up front apart from broker and bank fees. PS in case you didn't know, this reckless lending is what caused the massive crash in 2008.
Whilst I have never missed a payment tens of thousand took the money and ran, I was small change, the defaults were from huge companies.
12 of those families have been with me from the start, the other 4 are the only ones that pay their own rent, the others get everything paid for them but that doesn't make them bad people.
I am now selling when they become vacant, I wont be evicting anyone (you can if your selling) just waiting on them leaving.
Bottom line though is the government have shafted us over the years, its now at the stage where we cant put interest on the loans through as a business expense as well as other penalties so it's simply unaffordable now to let properties.
In Scotland we have had the forever leases for years, it's just been introduced in England, which means you cant evict anyone unless they are in months of arrears, even then it takes a year to get an evection order.
So those LL's in England are simple evicting or selling up when a tenant leaves.
There will be a massive housing shortage in the next 2 or 3 years and it's already started, there is a reason rents are so expensive just now and that's because of lack of LL's like me. it's supply and demand
So yes if you Rent and complain about LL's then get a mortgage, if you cant get a mortgage then be thankful there is LL's like me, but no you just complain because you cant get a mortgage and have to rent, well that's your fault no one else's
You need someone to blame? Well Thatcher is to blame, she sold everyone their council homes on the cheap so getting a council home is near impossible. Most of those homes that are sold are now rental properties.
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