You're more than welcome to mention more as like i said I'd struggle to give someone compelling reasons.
That wasn't really the question, it was "why anyone, even someone who has an existing PC, would buy a graphics card when they could just buy a console" however as long as you've not rephrased it in an attempt to strawman me then I'll accept and address it in a similar vain. The reason someone may buy a console instead of a graphics card is because for the same price they can have a similar, if not better, experience on a device that's dedicated to gaming than something they may use for other tasks.
e: Let me put it this way: If someone said they wanted to get into gaming and they have a 5-10 year old PC (seems reasonable, no?) would you say they should buy a $299-499 graphics card or a console?
Like i said though it's not good enough to just say these things are the same or similar, there needs to be a compelling reason for someone to choose one over the other and even though in the past you'd be paying a little more for the experience on the PC it would be a better experience and more utilitarian than consoles. I feel i can no longer make that argument in good faith any more. At best all i can say is that you'll probably be paying double the cost of a console and getting a similar experience and maybe you can use it to do some things that you're probably already doing on your phone/tablet/notebook.
Surely "what games do you (want to) play" is a critical factor to take into account?
If all they want to play is AAA blockbusters like FIFA, COD, etc. then fair enough, by all means a console is probably adequate.
There's no point in suggesting an Xbox or PS5 if they want to play MMOs, RTS, MOBA, or serious/competitive shooters, not to mention the hundreds of Indie games which are only available on PC.
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