Hayfever - Thread

9 Dec 2006
just wanted to update, i bought an air purifier, whilst i thought my air quality was good this has changed my life

before (with windows open or not)
sneezing constantly (good 10 or times without stopping)
itchy eyes
aches and pains (not sure why?)
itchy throat
noise streaming with water
had to take 2 tablets+ a day of hayfever tablets

after (2 days worth of testing) with windows open & closed
sneezed twice, both times as i opened a window
itchy eyes has reduced, not perfect but i think its left overs from weeks of pain
aches & pain gone
itchy throat gone 90% of the time
headache gone
noise streaming gone
1 tablet has been enough

i did look at the filter, out of curiosity whilst it looked fairly clean you could see a fair of particles trapped in filter 1 & my sneezing fit started so put right back in the unit & ran away :D

i got a dark black core 300 from leviot which is on deal atm from a major online store for sub 100 & its soley worth it.
25 Nov 2005
The Pollen keeps getting worse each year, it feels like its weaponised, I used to have a few bad days a year with sneezing and sore eyes but now I'm getting constant runnny nose everyday, really annoying

I wonder if because there's a correlation with decline in Bees and increase in hayfever suffering due to less Bees collecting pollen so there's more pollen in the air to irritate us ?
9 Dec 2006
The Pollen keeps getting worse each year, it feels like its weaponised, I used to have a few bad days a year with sneezing and sore eyes but now I'm getting constant runnny nose everyday, really annoying

I wonder if because there's a correlation with decline in Bees and increase in hayfever suffering due to less Bees collecting pollen so there's more pollen in the air to irritate us ?
last 5 years theirs been people planting plants that bees like so in sense producing more pollen :( to helptheir numbers
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16 Aug 2009
Its already officially the hottest start to June on record and shouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be the driest too. And thats a big factor in this all this dry weather means the pollen is just blowing around in the environment, on surfaces, coming into our spaces the one thing you do notice when you get a decent thunderstorm is the relief as all that dust is washed out of the air
7 Apr 2008
Lorville - Hurston
Its already officially the hottest start to June on record and shouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be the driest too. And thats a big factor in this all this dry weather means the pollen is just blowing around in the environment, on surfaces, coming into our spaces the one thing you do notice when you get a decent thunderstorm is the relief as all that dust is washed out of the air
That’s bad news as i want it to rain sometimes
31 May 2005
My youngest son who's 19 is suffering bad this year Fexofenadine not working for him it's all nasal so I gave him Dymista nasal spray to try last night .He wanted to go camping with with his mates this weekend I asked if he had thought that one thru :confused:
18 Jul 2021
Land of Gin (I wish)
This morning I listened to the podcast Sliced Bread. Which goes into the detail of products.

The scientist on there said local honey is a myth as the pollen in the flowers doesn’t give much pollen for us to suffer. Though majority of pollen is grass, tree and weeds.

You may get HF from certain flowers. Mine is scented stock. Have some at work and it’s awful!
13 Aug 2021
So, I never got hayfever for 40 years then one year it just appeared, I work outdoors, garden stuff mostly so not ideal :cry:

Kept getting for about 4 years after, just during June and July then last year it is just disappeared, nothing at all, was well weird, kind of waiting for it to happen but nothing.

This year it has come back a bit but nothing major bar I sometimes feel really bad, almost like its on my chest but that is after strimming long grass and only when I get home, gets worse indoors :D but not all the time so no idea whats going on:D
Have a feeling its a certain type of grass seed as its worse at one place I work (I didnt go there very often during June/July last year)when strimming the grass, other place which is basically out in the fields grass up to my arse I don't get anything.

I use the beconase nasal spray so anyone struggling try that as I bet most of you aren't struggling with hayfever and rolling about in grass, bushes, flowers at the same time. :cry:
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26 Jan 2005
My youngest son who's 19 is suffering bad this year Fexofenadine not working for him it's all nasal so I gave him Dymista nasal spray to try last night .He wanted to go camping with with his mates this weekend I asked if he had thought that one thru :confused:
Dymista has worked for me for the last 4-5 years. Always make sure I start taking it from April onwards and it works a charm, barring the odd itchy eye which I use a couple of eye drops for and then get annoyed I’ve spent on a whole bottle for a couple of drops every month!
25 Sep 2012
So, I never got hayfever for 40 years then one year it just appeared, I work outdoors, garden stuff mostly so not ideal :cry:

Kept getting for about 4 years after, just during June and July then last year it is just disappeared, nothing at all, was well weird, kind of waiting for it to happen but nothing.

This year it has come back a bit but nothing major bar I sometimes feel really bad, almost like its on my chest but that is after strimming long grass and only when I get home, gets worse indoors :D but not all the time so no idea whats going on:D
Have a feeling its a certain type of grass seed as its worse at one place I work (I didnt go there very often during June/July last year)when strimming the grass, other place which is basically out in the fields grass up to my arse I don't get anything.

I use the beconase nasal spray so anyone struggling try that as I bet most of you aren't struggling with hayfever and rolling about in grass, bushes, flowers at the same time. :cry:
What I wouldn't do for a roll in the hay(I wouldn't actually do this as I might go into anaphylactic shock)
8 Nov 2003
Having to use the leftover face masks as filtering the air is pointless while the windows are open during this heat. It's working well when the tablets start wearing off and it's too early for the next, already really drowsy.
13 Apr 2009
I haven't suffered this badly for probably over a decade :( I guess everything has aligned to ensure maximum pollen everywhere. Our house is retaining the heat something wicked so we're having to have the windows open all night and it's been killer :(

In the work office now having taken both cetirizine and loratadine and I'm still suffering.
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