***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

After spending ages fully exploring Mars, I can't help but wonder wtf these people complaining about not being able to explore every square inch of a planet are on about. I prefer the zoned off areas. Took me ages to just explore mars and there's God knows how many more planets.

Less loading screens would have been nice and for all the flaws the game has, I'm really enjoying it.
Who do you think is buying the game and releasing the thousands of mods then if it's not something "fans actually want", that's got to be the worst take I've seen and there has been some right clangers.

Nahhhhhh nobody wants this. Especially not the 1 millions concurrent players on launch day. I really hope you don't do any kind of data analysis.

Thanks for posting up a list of media outlets I need never take seriously again! 5 out of 5's and 10 out of 10's for a game that runs like ass whilst still looking like ass and is mega boring for at least the first 10 hours of the game? How anyone can give a 10 out of 10 to a game where the main story line in a game about character interaction is so utterly milquetoast? I have to conclude that these outlets are on the payroll in one way or another.

I listen to a lot of games podcasts and not one have said that this game is amazing. Many like it but make it clear the game has a lot of issues.
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Game runs fine. As Todd Howard said: "...you might need to upgrade your PC" :D

I do agree though, 10/10 reviews should always be suspect. Ignoring it's an awfully limited rating system.
Yes I did say they were cherry picked. However in the context of why I posted that "ThE faNs dOnT wAnt IT" it was fine.

Also can we stop trying too hard to be edgy by saying it looks like ass whilst playing on 1080p low/medium (or having not even payed the game)
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Thanks for posting up a list of media outlets I need never take seriously again! 5 out of 5's and 10 out of 10's for a game that runs like ass whilst still looking like ass and is mega boring for at least the first 10 hours of the game? How anyone can give a 10 out of 10 to a game where the main story line in a game about character interaction is so utterly milquetoast? I have to conclude that these outlets are on the payroll in one way or another.

I listen to a lot of games podcasts and not one have said that this game is amazing. Many like it but make it clear the game has a lot of issues.

Runs like ass? I'm finding it runs very, very well on my 3 year old machine, buttery smooth.
Makes me laugh all these people saying " runs fine on my system ", while on the other hand showing frame rates dropping to the 40s on high or running DLSS :cry:

I would argue that if it runs fine with DLSS then it still runs fine. It's literally a feature of the GPU.
Dropping into the '40s would be quite jarring I agree.

Actually that reminds me of when there is a bug in a game that affects absolutely everybody and you always get that one person. Well, I haven't noticed anything.
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Starfield Manual Re-BAR ON vs OFF Benchmarks

As you guys can see, average FPS increases by about 6-8% and there are some gains in percentile FPS figures as well. The margins might not seem like much but when combined with a GPU overclock for example, you can achieve a double digit perf gain, and in an unoptimized game like this one, you want every frame that you can get...

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I have decided I am now old. To be honest struggled to game much for years, I really liked Baulder's Gate 3, but Starfield, nope.. and I grew up on Elite. Maybe because I have always hated FPS, not sure, but nope. After the first 20 mins in I gave it another hour. Now deleted (from the XBox).
Makes me laugh all these people saying " runs fine on my system ", while on the other hand showing frame rates dropping to the 40s on high or running DLSS :cry:
What does it matter whether DLSS is on or not? If it's smooth, not destroying image quality & on high and above then it's pretty much irrelevant how it's obtained.

I tend to ignore FPS nowadays however the odd time i've looked it's never been under 60, play the game, rather than obsessing over a number.
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I have decided I am now old. To be honest struggled to game much for years, I really liked Baulder's Gate 3, but Starfield, nope.. and I grew up on Elite. Maybe because I have always hated FPS, not sure, but nope. After the first 20 mins in I gave it another hour. Now deleted (from the XBox).

You're old with an xbox? Get out on your bmx mate
Well, done about 20 or so hours so far, my score for it todate is 7.5/10 (or 75%, whichever you prefer). Its good, sometimes very good , though sometimes less than good, but not Great. I actually dont think its failings are down to the game, more down to the engine, I reckon that what they really wanted to do with the game they couldnt due to the engine and so some things were more of a have to do it this way rather than a want to do it this way.

For me, its very much a game of "on this hand but on the other hand" 's , each facet of the game has positives to it but also negatives which detract from the positives. I think the mod scene will make the game much better ( just as it already has in just these few days) but as it stands right now, its between a 7 and an 8 for me. To continue the Sci-fi theme, for me its a Close Encounters of the Third Kind (good but not Great) but not an Alien (Great) :D

I completely agree with what you say here, the biggest issue with the game is the engine they're using, it's a bit of a meme at this point that any Bethesda game is full of janky bugs/issues, but I think this is also detracting from them being able to make a seriously great game.

Imagine never playing older Bethesda games and being a newcomer to the type of game they make, you don't even expect the bugs.

There are bits of the game I don't really care for like the ship combat, and I'm not sure the outpost system will be interesting to me vs just buying what I need and stealing what I don't have. I will try and look at how Outposts work and if it's worth bothering, the game could really do with tutorial missions for outposts as currently there didn't seem to be one (unless am missing it).

Saying all of this, I'm enjoying the game more now that I'm treating it more like FO than a space game, I went back and put more effort into getting around and exploring, and avoiding too many of the basic fetch quests, instead going on bounty runs and getting into combat more.
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I played about 40 hours and haven't been in the game since 2 days now.

exploring planets is basically pointless.
its just the same few copy/pasted places on every planet with almost 0 variety.

Missions are basically just fast travelling back and forth for the most part.

a lot of stuff in the game seems just for the sake of it, like outposts? why bother building one? what do you really need the resources for? so you can build more outposts?

For how long the game has been in development it still feels like an early access game thats waiting to be finished.

Theres no fleshed out planets anywhere apart from neon really and its such a small area.

compared to skyrim the world is pretty much tiny and dead.

it's like a single zones worth of content spread over a whole galaxy
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It's quite funny, I'm encountering way more bugs than I ever did with cp 2077 at launch in terms of floating textures/objects as well as npcs constantly melting down :cry:


Game does have some very nice visual moments though:




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