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4090 price going up?

Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
At this stage, 4080 not even worth 800 tbh, maybe 700 at a push

True late in the day now, another reason I'm leery on buying a 4000 series card unless very keenly priced. I don't even really need one as everything I play is fine on the 3070 really aside from some incidental mucking around on my 4K display where I can push the VRAM need way past 10GB :( and the machine feels a bit unbalanced with a 14700K in there and a 3070 LOL.
6 Oct 2007
North West
4090FE out of stock again, I see no one is buying the 4080 much LOL.

They really screwed up on the pricing, even if the intention was to shift Ampere stock, the 4090 would sell at almost any price while the 4080 not so much - it is an £800 card at best.
China 4090 ban on, that's why it's selling out.
18 Oct 2002
Maybe £649 is the right price? :D
Most on here...


21 Jun 2018
You pay over 1k for a TV someone else pays over 1k for a phone and some others pay 1k for a handbag and don't even get me started on cars. The vast majority of people splash out in one area at least.

Well, just about everyone would spend more than 1K on cars; some (but very much not me) more than 1K just on the car insurance.
7 Dec 2010
Since when is life about buying the cheapest crap?

There is a reason expensive phones, TVs and other devices are dominating. People are more than happy to pay for better stuff even for e-peen alone.

I agree because a lot of these devices you mention are devices that hardly get upgraded until they die in most cases, like TVs and why people may decide it is a good investment to buy a good/more expensive one for the life of the TV..

BUT we are talking about PC hardware here that goes out of date in some cases in a year or less in the past and now seems like graphics cards are going the same way again with 2-3 year updates on a top end very expensive card to keep up with new software.. Also this video below says enough really and people in the PC tech world are now getting burned out by it, I am one of them and have been using computers for over 35 years and going threw the never ending update cycles but even in the past when it was expensive too we got big hardware upgrades and now we get minor upgrades at even more stupid prices in some cases and software tricks to bait people to buying..

Then software prices have also gone threw the roof too, look at games now standard version £70 and next version up £100 and all way to £150-200 for some games to get everything.. I know you really don't need all that and can wait for sales etc etc.. but real msrps on release has gone silly for all gaming related hardware and software.. Seems consoles are at least trying with hardware prices but again they make the money back if the device is sold at a lost threw the software later, where PC hardware can't do that.

Watch the video below and what he's saying regarding people are happy with what they have in most cases and upgrades currently is not worth it and many other tech sites and tech youtube channels are saying the same thing their traffic is at an all-time low and this is because of issues like the pricing of these devices and how the prices have dramatically doubled in some cases overnight for the same series of card .. eg 3080 to 4080... from £650 to £1200 ... for the FE and cheap AIBS... this behaviour has caused many PC enthusiasts to rethink before upgrading and even in some cases deciding they are fed up and out of the PC rat race and jumped onto consoles or as you maybe seeing the new PC handheld devices are attracting these people now instead of gaming desktops or even laptops ..

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21 Jul 2006
Leicester , UK
Since when is life about buying the cheapest crap?

There is a reason expensive phones, TVs and other devices are dominating. People are more than happy to pay for better stuff even for e-peen alone.
I don't think that's a comparative argument.

My point is that £1000 for top end GPU vs £400 for a console generates a very similar experience, some might argue identical in terms of graphical comparison.

Most people will want to upgrade GPU because they are hitting a limitation on what they can do with their current hardware. So when going to market to be able to play Starfield or Cyberpunk, a console which gives an almost identical visual experience is very obviously the most attractive proposition.

The more you pay, the more you expect. I wouldn't expect the same driving experience and features from a Renault to what i would do an Aston Martin.
3 Aug 2010
I don't think that's a comparative argument.

My point is that £1000 for top end GPU vs £400 for a console generates a very similar experience, some might argue identical in terms of graphical comparison.

Most people will want to upgrade GPU because they are hitting a limitation on what they can do with their current hardware. So when going to market to be able to play Starfield or Cyberpunk, a console which gives an almost identical visual experience is very obviously the most attractive proposition.

The more you pay, the more you expect. I wouldn't expect the same driving experience and features from a Renault to what i would do an Aston Martin.
I would argue there is a bigger difference between a PS5 and an 1000 GPU than a Renault vs an Aston Martin. It all comes down to what matters to you when you buy an item.

You can get a PS5 beating PC for £600 which is absolutely worth it considering all the advantages of PC gaming.

All the metrics indicate that a console to PC switch has been happening and not the opposite @Purgatory.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
The graphical quality between a 4090 and a Series X in most cases is miniscule, you can notice it but if you're playing the game you probably won't notice anything different.
The PC experience goes far beyond that though, it's not just about the GPU (even though it plays a big part in that visual fidelity is +++ on PC with titles like Alan Wake 2's PTGI with ray reconstruction etc.

The other benefits being consoles don't have ultrawide support so you lose some immersion there depending on the game. I've been ultrawide gaming since they first came out and can never game on 16:9 any more because it just doesn't feel right, like portions of my left and right peripheral vision are missing

On top of that FPS games with mouse and keyboard are superior vs a controller. Granted this is preference but twitch movements and quick reactions are simply not possible on a controller.

Plus it's quite hard to drop to a locked 30fps on consoles if you want visual fidelity or 60fps if you can sacrifice some visual quality for a 60fps output. PC is just higher quality textures, shadows, GI, AO, everything. For many the extra cost of a GPU alone covers those benefits as depending on the game, these are things you do notice. This is why I've not bothered with buying a console since the Wii and only caved with a PS3 when GTA5 came out and then The Last of Us as they had no PC release set in sight, and a PS3 back then was no more than £150 anyway so it was an easy decision.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Hey did the 4090fe go up? I could have sworn it was sub £1500 at one point..

Not aware of it being sub £1500 but it has wandered around a bit between approx. £1500 and the current £1579. Not sure why as it is kind of insignificant amounts at that price.

EDIT: Interestingly looks like all the 4000 series FE cards are being de-listed expect one model.
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1 Sep 2003
My new 4090 FE card is quieter than my last few FE's. A lot closer to the best AIB's in terms of acoustics.

Possibly due to my new very well (but silent) ventilated case, unless they have made small revisions to the internals (it has the new connector).
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