Whoopsie! My bad I saw two of your posts and decided to put them together...who knows why. Season 8 of GOT was terrible though.
No worries!
Yeah as said I don’t personally think s8 terrible, but it clearly went for ‘concise resolution’ after a lot of drawn out set up.
I personally didn’t mind this, as I was ready for it to conclude - I’m not sure keeping the existing slower pace of the middle seasons was sustainable, but I’m also someone that tends to prefer films over TV shows because films necessarily conclude. There’s nothing worse than a TV show that goes on and on and on. ‘Perpetual intrigue’… blergh!
I’m admittedly perhaps overly sensitive to this. I watched the first episode of the German TV show ‘Dark’ where there is a ‘mysterious letter’ dangled in front of the audience like a carrot. I remember thinking… “if they don’t tell me what this letter says by the end of the episode, **** this show”. They didn’t show the letter, so I never watched episode 2. Apparently it’s a really good show and I understand they reveal the letter in just a few episodes but… **** it! I just can’t be arsed with such tediousness.
Going back to GoT series 8, there were a few ‘micro events’ that REALLY bugged people at the time but honestly I thought people were being way overly sensitive about, like:
Dragon being shot from a boat.
Dragon not being shot at King’s Landing.
Dragon not being shot at King’s Landing.
… and I think, meh, that’s just based on the footage that we are presented. If it could have been edited slightly differently or just added a 2 second clip of explanation, or if it just isn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, I’m not going to let those things spoil the whole, personally.
Finally, despite the manic pace I thought the swift resolution of conflict was absolutely on point for GoT:
The Lannisters / King’s Landing got steamrollered, pow! It was shocking and a total massacre… if that merciless display of brutality isn’t pure GoT then I don’t know what is 

But ultimately, to each their own!
Sorry for the epic post

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