Water softeners and limescale

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I'm pretty sure I remember testing the water out of my brita jug and the hardness was pretty much zero, compared to tap water which was off the damn scale.

Need to get one of these softeners I think.

There is a softening effect on brita filters, there is in reality a tiny capacity to do so however
The benefit from softened water is less chemicals etc for washing, cleaning really

I mean we needed loads of viakal constantly, since water softener we actually still have the last bottle we bought around 3 years ago as the softener just eliminated the need
21 Jan 2010
I thought I didn't remember you mentioning a softener! One thing I might have sorted before you do :p
Funnily enough we just got back from up t'north and my wife mentioned how much nicer her hair felt with the better quality water up there. I do have an empty 32cm inner width cupboard spare by my incoming water main..........:D
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