why all the hate for hs2?

17 Oct 2009
HS2 would have removed high speed trains off the main lines to allow for more regional trains and/or freight trains. Only after it began to be cut back did its goals become rather pointless and now we're at a point where it looks like it'll run on exisiting lines designed for tilting trains without using tilting trains - so they'll have to run them slower.
HS2 as a concept is a great idea - right up until the idiots in charge decided to meddle with it.
18 May 2014
The UK.
Read a very good article on why HS2 will now make train travel worse for everyone. The conclusion being it all needs to be built , including ` HS3` or none.
Do you have a link? I'd love to read it.

I'd love a trustworthy financial audit into this.

Setting aside every single one of my misgivings about Labour, if they placed in their mandate that they'd audit every single rotten choice made over the past 14 years, would enact the Leveson conclusions entirely and place a moratorium on all non essential city infrastructure investment in the first term in favour of diverting more funds to devolved government, I'd get off the fence and vote for them. As it stands, as much as I plan to tell my local MP to seek employment elsewhere, I can't bring myself to vote for Labour. There are just too many views I disagree with, and the 28 billion climbdown is - for now - another nail in the coffin. I think the one thing that would sway me back towards them would be a manifesto promise to invest into rebuilding social structure such as housing, hospitals, schools, reinvestment into security and health services...

Sorry. Getting off track. Zing.
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