Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

25 Nov 2020
Yesterday we used up the last of our Brazil Fazenda Campestre Nº 109 from Rave. Our Wogan order arrived just in time. We can't let them rest unfortunately but looking forward to seeing if they're any good.
27 Aug 2004
Guys, is there any reason why I shouldn't buy a Niche Zero? To be paired with a Sage Barista Express where I feel like the internal grinders has nothing left to give. Id like something that can switch to pourover occasionally but I do have a 1zpresso X Pro for when I'm not feeling lazy.

I don't like the look of the DF64 and don't want bellows, I can't find a reputable dealer in the UK for a DF64V and the I'm too impatient to wait for a Sculptor 064s. We also have quite low cupboards so a Niche Duo wouldn't fit (I wouldn't get the lip open fully).

I'm trying to talk myself out of just buying a black Niche Zero, mostly because I want better espresso but it's just such a beautiful grinder that I keep ending circling back to it.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Guys, is there any reason why I shouldn't buy a Niche Zero? To be paired with a Sage Barista Express where I feel like the internal grinders has nothing left to give. Id like something that can switch to pourover occasionally but I do have a 1zpresso X Pro for when I'm not feeling lazy.

I don't like the look of the DF64 and don't want bellows, I can't find a reputable dealer in the UK for a DF64V and the I'm too impatient to wait for a Sculptor 064s. We also have quite low cupboards so a Niche Duo wouldn't fit (I wouldn't get the lip open fully).

I'm trying to talk myself out of just buying a black Niche Zero, mostly because I want better espresso but it's just such a beautiful grinder that I keep ending circling back to it.

If you want it and can afford it, why not treat yourself? It’s something that will serve you well for years if not decade. I’ve had mine 4 years now, it’s reliability is well and truly time tested at this point.
9 Jul 2020
Bratfud, in't north
I'm trying to talk myself out of just buying a black Niche Zero, mostly because I want better espresso but it's just such a beautiful grinder that I keep ending circling back to it.

I'm very much in a similar boat.

Have a Mignon Facile with Bambino Plus, contemplating a second grinder for decaf plus a touch of upgradeitis. Don't really see the point in getting another flat burr at a similar price point.

Been seeing lots of comments - both for and against - the "flat burrs for light roast/nuance/clarity, conical for medium/dark/chocolate" claims, so if there even is a difference it makes sense to have both.

Not sure I've seen a conical generate as much buzz since the Zero (most current hype seems to be around flats) and also it is a stunner and I just keep circling back to it...

If you want it and can afford it, why not treat yourself?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Is the Niche Zero the best grinder for the money? Probably not. Especially now it has gone up a little with a lot more competition. But is it the best looking? Subjective but I think it is. It doesn't need a bellow, there isn't that much static that needs to be worried about. It doesn't make a mess on the counter when you use it. It "sounds" the best, doesn't have a high pitch noise. Love the metal rocker switch, lots of user/aftermarket parts for the wood accent if you like to mod, or add a bellow that fits inside the lid if you really want one.

I actually do want a Ode Fellow Gen 2 with flat burr for my V60, because for pour over the Niche does make some really fine ground...not sure if I can justify £350 for that yet....may be next year. The coffee is still EXCELLENT but I just am curious to see for myself if Flat burr is better for pour over.

But as a catch all grinder, that is better than most, pretties of all, and reliable. I love the Niche Zero, zero regrets.
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25 Nov 2020
The Niche Zero is a bit ugly but must be a quality grinder as it seems to get consistently good reviews. What else compares to it? Timemore Sculptor 064s?
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14 Apr 2007
Guys, is there any reason why I shouldn't buy a Niche Zero? To be paired with a Sage Barista Express where I feel like the internal grinders has nothing left to give. Id like something that can switch to pourover occasionally but I do have a 1zpresso X Pro for when I'm not feeling lazy.

I don't like the look of the DF64 and don't want bellows, I can't find a reputable dealer in the UK for a DF64V and the I'm too impatient to wait for a Sculptor 064s. We also have quite low cupboards so a Niche Duo wouldn't fit (I wouldn't get the lip open fully).

I'm trying to talk myself out of just buying a black Niche Zero, mostly because I want better espresso but it's just such a beautiful grinder that I keep ending circling back to it.
I was in the same position as you 2 weeks back and settled on the DF64 Gen 2 to go with my Barista Express.

Torn between the Niche Zero, DF64 Gen 2 and a couple of the Eureka grinders. After months of pouring over reddit threads, reviews, YT videos etc, what decided it for me in the end was a half hour chat with the owner of Home Baristas, he convinced me to go for the DF64.

It looks a lot better in person and feels very well made. I can stick some pictures up tomorrow if you like?

Feel free to ask any questions.

Edit: I also ended up with the new revision with the white power button.
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14 Apr 2007
Actually, here you go:

18 Nov 2007
Deepest Darkest Essex!!
Yesterday we used up the last of our Brazil Fazenda Campestre Nº 109 from Rave. Our Wogan order arrived just in time. We can't let them rest unfortunately but looking forward to seeing if they're any good.

Been a while since I ordered that coffee from Rave. I can still taste it, it made such a good coffee. Ive been resting my Wogan order for a month now, I'm due to start it at the end of this week.
Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
Just accidentally went to the start of this thread. It’s amazing how everyone has progressed on their espresso road trip since that initial pictureless post :p
oops - my google storage is at 95% so was clearing out photos only the other day, forgot they were linked to here! Might be time for a new set of photos :)
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8 Nov 2005
Guys, is there any reason why I shouldn't buy a Niche Zero? To be paired with a Sage Barista Express where I feel like the internal grinders has nothing left to give. Id like something that can switch to pourover occasionally but I do have a 1zpresso X Pro for when I'm not feeling lazy.

Been there, done that, would totally recommend it. NZ holds its value very well, so you can even look upon this as an experiment - if you do not like the grinder, you should be able to sell it on with minimal cost of ownership.

I still have my Zero from the days when I had a Barista Express and it still gets used, even thought I have its bigger brother sat beside it. Pourover is not the NZ's forte, but it can certainly handle AeroPress with ease.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
I feel like the Niche still holds up well since its release, it scales up really well even when you upgrade your espresso machine. There are lots of people who pair it with machines in the region of £2-3k. The workflow of it is beautiful, if there is the correct term to describe it. A used one sell for 80% new which is unheard of for tech, most things go like 2/3rd of the price.
15 Aug 2010
N. Ireland
Hi folks. I’m looking at getting a bean to cup as a birthday present. It’ll be my first one. I’ve been looking at the Becko one on Amazon that seems to pop up for £150 and get good reviews from people at hukd. Alternatively there’s the solo from melitta. Their site currently has a refurbished one for £180.

Any other recommendations around this price range. Thanks
Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
In town so popped into Qima for some Yemen coffee - Bait Yasin Deep Fermentation - £80 for 175g beans, or £4.40 for a long black :eek: still one of the best take away cups i've used

Nice, very smooth coffee with some great florals, but I'm not sure it gives more flavour than an anaerobic processed coffee. Certainly not going to be buying any beans at that prices, but defiantly an interesting thing to try.
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29 Jul 2013
In town so popped into Qima for some Bait Yasin Deep Fermentation - £80 for 175g beans, or £4.40 for a long black :eek: still one of the best take away cups i've used

Nice, very smooth coffee with some great florals, but I'm not sure it gives more flavour than an anaerobic processed coffee. Certainly not going to be buying any beans at that prices, but defiantly an interesting thing to try.
That seems like a cheap cup for the price of the beans?!
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
What do people think of this?

I am tempted to give it a try for the price, but not sure whether it is one of those things that it is best to leave it to the professional.
Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
Advantages are you can get green beans very cheaply, you can play with the roast levels to your hearts content and it can be a fun new hobby.

Disadvantages are that it's hard to get consistency with a small roaster like that, you never quite know what your going to get each time, and can't easily replicate it when it goes well. You end up with a lot of waste. Green beans are generally sold in big batches and the good stuff is snapped up by the roasters.

It can be fun but adds annother, massively complex, layer in front of making a coffee :)
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