Is the console going to become extinct or evolve?

12 Feb 2006
Even the series X is being trounced by the Switch and PS5.

it amazes me is because the game pass really is fantastic value. I never buy games any more. Bg3 was my first game I've bought in ages. And I think the console is great value.

PlayStation have killed it with their exclusives for sure. I can't think of any single good exclusive xbox has had this time. In fact, they were disgusting some of them. Star field is an example. What a terrible game.

It almost feels like xbox/PlayStation are the same as iphone/android, in that there's rally nothing new either can offer over the other, and now if you own 1 and get used to it, you'll just stick with that each cycle.
4 Feb 2011
it amazes me is because the game pass really is fantastic value. I never buy games any more. Bg3 was my first game I've bought in ages. And I think the console is great value.

PlayStation have killed it with their exclusives for sure. I can't think of any single good exclusive xbox has had this time. In fact, they were disgusting some of them. Star field is an example. What a terrible game.

It almost feels like xbox/PlayStation are the same as iphone/android, in that there's rally nothing new either can offer over the other, and now if you own 1 and get used to it, you'll just stick with that each cycle.

And that's why Xbox basically committed seppuku with their Xbox One decisions (which all ended up being good ideas, pretty much) but the messaging was so poor and the media backlash was strong, by the time they had reversed course, the damage to the brand was done.

Classic Microsoft in many ways.
6 Mar 2013
The Xbone was my first real taste of buyers remorse. I spent £300 on it, although it came with Kinect and 2 controllers,fully boxed basically bnib,I had this lingering feeling that I should've bought the PS4 instead, and it never went away. It literally put me off gaming. Every game 720-900p and crap FPS with reduced settings. Meanwhile PS4 was enjoying 1080p with much better FPS and higher settings. It's a shame because the OG Xbox was a hidden gem back then,I almost felt sorry for people playing Splinter Cell on PS2 for example. I even turned mine into a Jukebox. Ah well.
4 Feb 2011
The Xbone was my first real taste of buyers remorse. I spent £300 on it, although it came with Kinect and 2 controllers,fully boxed basically bnib,I had this lingering feeling that I should've bought the PS4 instead, and it never went away. It literally put me off gaming. Every game 720-900p and crap FPS with reduced settings. Meanwhile PS4 was enjoying 1080p with much better FPS and higher settings. It's a shame because the OG Xbox was a hidden gem back then,I almost felt sorry for people playing Splinter Cell on PS2 for example. I even turned mine into a Jukebox. Ah well.
Have to admit the same looking back, I should have just gone to PC the moment I was going to be stuck with this box :D
6 Mar 2013
Have to admit the same looking back, I should have just gone to PC the moment I was going to be stuck with this box :D
I did,and still do have a fully loaded Wii,a Jasper v2 360,plus a PS3 and PS4 and Wii-U,so it's not like I'm hurting for games, but my god the Xbone was a piece of ****.
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12 Feb 2006
my god the Xbone was a piece of ****

i had one but it was much later in it release (iirc about 2 years before whatever came next i forget), and it was bought second hand from here so i got it at a good price and without any of the extra crud. tbh i can't complain with that, but can understand paying for a kinect would have been annoying, and also the UI of the xbone was bad at the start from what i understand due to them thinking it'd be what controls you tv, your sky box etc.

the wii-u was surely the worst though. what an awful device that was.
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10 Sep 2022
it amazes me is because the game pass really is fantastic value. I never buy games any more. Bg3 was my first game I've bought in ages. And I think the console is great value.

PlayStation have killed it with their exclusives for sure. I can't think of any single good exclusive xbox has had this time. In fact, they were disgusting some of them. Star field is an example. What a terrible game.

It almost feels like xbox/PlayStation are the same as iphone/android, in that there's rally nothing new either can offer over the other, and now if you own 1 and get used to it, you'll just stick with that each cycle.
Xbox and the 360 had great exclusives , the one and one x petered off, but the series X is the worst of all in terms of exclusives. However I believe Sony are encountering the same issue.

Basically since COVID there appears to be a massive lack of creativity, the Xbox has killed itself because that idiot Phil Spencer has publicly bad mouthed it, not in exact words but he also hasn't supported it, meaning 3rd parties and buyers alike have put up a guard, which is a shame as actually it's a very good console, and the UI etc is very well implemented it's just the press around it has been poor

The original Xbox didn't sell I'm great numbers, but it was only around for a couple of years but the exclusives and the creativity of the games were fantastic, the 360 built on that although could have done with the rrod, then they brought the one X and basically gave up and put a n rubbish management structure, they've killed their studios, hamstrung them at all opportunities, they insist on these AAA block buster titles that go on forever with large open worlds and tons of side quests, or games where you constantly have to purchase stuff (sure there is a technical term for it) and ultimately that's not what the public want, some do and some succeed, but ultimately we just want a good game that's creative and fun.

Fun is lost not just in games but in general society, worrying to much about being offended about stuff in the past etc etc no one seems to do anything for fun, even music is darn right miserable these days, used to rely at least on that to keep us upbeat, even in the quagmire of the early 90.'s we had rave and happy pills to keep us all.sane... No wonder we're a world full of depressives and anxiety ridden individuals.

Anyway rant over , I've had a fair few aspalls tonight so may well be talking shiteeeeee
10 Sep 2022
I hope the console isn't dead, I can't imagine a world where we are reliant on an always on connection and having to play via servers akin to Google stadia, it's just doesn't feel right.

Maybe the lack of physical media is what's killed it, with the advent of netflix like subscription with game pass and Sony ps play, in principle the idea is sound but the reality is, no one is satisfied and consistently want more and more for less and less.
6 Mar 2013
i had one but it was much later in it release (iirc about 2 years before whatever came next i forget), and it was bought second hand from here so i got it at a good price and without any of the extra crud. tbh i can't complain with that, but can understand paying for a kinect would have been annoying, and also the UI of the xbone was bad at the start from what i understand due to them thinking it'd be what controls you tv, your sky box etc.

the wii-u was surely the worst though. what an awful device that was.
The Wii-U is actually awesome. At least once you've modded it. Check out MVG on YouTube,he has a few good videos on what you can do with a Wii-U. Super mario world in bed? Or Bayonetta 2? Don't mind if I do!
10 Sep 2022
The Wii-U is actually awesome. At least once you've modded it. Check out MVG on YouTube,he has a few good videos on what you can do with a Wii-U. Super mario world in bed? Or Bayonetta 2? Don't mind if I do!
Yep very underrated console, think most people didn't even know it existed, very very poor marketing by Nintendo
6 Mar 2013
It's basically an emulation dream. Mod it,and lie in bed or on the couch. Mario bros 3? Yes sir. Streets of Rage 2? Certainly sir. May I tempt you with the entire 16-bit era of games without you having to move your arse? Don't mind if I do! :D

I remember when I first got mine. I bought Zombi U and I was hooked on it. The Wii-U controller really makes all the difference in that game. I would chill in bed playing super mario bros U,and me and my kids had a good laugh with Mario 3d world and Mario Kart 8. That's before even getting to modding.
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13 Sep 2003
I think we will eventually see consoles disappear. I recon eventually things will converge to the point where pretty much every device is basically a tablet. Either they be powerful enough for gaming or games will run in the cloud.
30 Aug 2014
Well nothing has really wowed me other than Sony's first party launch games on the PS5 and since then it's been very slow, I'm not surprised people are losing interest.
7 Feb 2011
Stoke on Toast
I think we will eventually see consoles disappear. I recon eventually things will converge to the point where pretty much every device is basically a tablet. Either they be powerful enough for gaming or games will run in the cloud.
This is the most likely scenario

The ps5 UI is so much better than the Xbox UI so I think we've got some way to go for pc gaming to be as smooth on the sofa as a ps5 imi
16 Sep 2010
I personally can't see Xbox being in the console gag for many years like sony. They are way behind Sony on competition it's not even close. They had a good run with Xbox 360 but after that it's been a shambles I think once they realise those on playstation won't switch consoles because Xbox has cod even if it goes on game pass there abit stuck with Phil in charge! Even to the point now most Xbox exclusives are going over to playstation to try and claw more money in for MS.

This generation the worlds fastest console most of the multiplatform games have run better on the PS5 at the start they was blaming it on the developer tools being different and something as the generation goes on publisher's will get used to? But it's still happening games running better on ps5? Nothing has really gone right for them since Xbox 360 days which is a shame as I would like to use my series X more as I much prefer the controller to my ps5 controller but as things stand it's just literally collecting dust.
16 Sep 2010
Interesting to see more and more people turn against Phil Spencer as when he took over he was pretty much liked by everyone.
What good has he done? Xbox one release and generation shambles and for the Xbox series s and X no further forward? They will never come close to closing that gap. It needs somebody else in charge with fresh ideas
16 Sep 2010
I actually agree with you. GP is great and all but they’ve definitely fallen away from where they were.

Bigger picture? Maybe it doesn’t matter.
GP is very good you can't take that away from Xbox. How can they move forward and stay relevant in the console market pfff couldn't say not how they go about things currently can't see them being around long.
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