what headphones do you own thread - i own dt150's :)


Been some time now with the Arya Stealth and with the memory foam pads I can say for sure now that these could easily last as long as my HD650 did, 10 years+ - The sound is just incredible, and my only gripe really is the rotating cup pivots, they aren't really damped and even oiling them doesn't seem to change the grindy noise you can hear if hand rotating them, though not audible on the head so it's a nit pick if anything:

The earpads are garbage so those were first to go in the bin, though this is nothing new for hifiman. The memory foam pads are leagues nicer as previously mentioned in this thread.
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Been some time now with the Arya Stealth and with the memory foam pads I can say for sure now that these could easily last as long as my HD650 did, 10 years+ - The sound is just incredible, and my only gripe really is the rotating cup pivots, they aren't really damped and even oiling them doesn't seem to change the grindy noise you can hear if hand rotating them, though not audible on the head so it's a nit pick if anything:

The earpads are garbage so those were first to go in the bin, though this is nothing new for hifiman. The memory foam pads are leagues nicer as previously mentioned in this thread.

Did the new pads change the sound signature at all?
Sennheiser MOMENTUM 4 are £179 at moment in rainforest. Is that a decent deal or should I wait until black Friday? I will use them primarily for my steam deck and other handhelds gaming wise.
Sad news :(

My 4.4mm balanced Linsoul Tripowin cable is now faulty! The right cup's cable if I twist or slightly wiggle it then the audio crackles, wiggle it a certain angle and audio on the right side gets dimmer until I wiggle it again and it resumes the same volume as the left cable :eek:

£45 for a cable you don't expect that.

In my testing to confirm it wasn't the right earcup as people do moan about HiFiMan QC, I used the 3.5mm non balanced cable connected to the MX3S and there is zero issue with that.

Live chatted Amazon who started a return for refund so will drop it off to the shop this week. Now to decide if I want to buy another Linsoul 4.4mm or try something else, the non balanced cable is obviously fine so I reckon I just got a dodgy 5.5mm balanced one :/

Ah well guess I'll be using unbalanced for a short while until a new cable is ordered.
Sad news :(

My 4.4mm balanced Linsoul Tripowin cable is now faulty! The right cup's cable if I twist or slightly wiggle it then the audio crackles, wiggle it a certain angle and audio on the right side gets dimmer until I wiggle it again and it resumes the same volume as the left cable :eek:

£45 for a cable you don't expect that.

In my testing to confirm it wasn't the right earcup as people do moan about HiFiMan QC, I used the 3.5mm non balanced cable connected to the MX3S and there is zero issue with that.

Live chatted Amazon who started a return for refund so will drop it off to the shop this week. Now to decide if I want to buy another Linsoul 4.4mm or try something else, the non balanced cable is obviously fine so I reckon I just got a dodgy 5.5mm balanced one :/

Ah well guess I'll be using unbalanced for a short while until a new cable is ordered.
That's concerning, I have three of them on different headphones with the XLR termination - no problems so far and the oldest is 8 months old but I will keep my fingers crossed.
Sennheiser MOMENTUM 4 are £179 at moment in rainforest. Is that a decent deal or should I wait until black Friday? I will use them primarily for my steam deck and other handhelds gaming wise.
They're now on a black friday week deal. For the exact same amount. :D
Picked up a set of Ugreen Max5C for use at work.

For £18 and change they're pretty damn good once LDAC is on and EQ is changed in the app.

I know they're not the typical fair for this thread but if you need a cheap set of wireless/noise cancelling headphones they're staggering value.
Got that cable now, it's actually very nice, lightweight which is what I needed and a bit shorter than the Linsoul so extra convenience for desk usage. One area I appreciate here is that the connectors for each cup are about half the length of the Linsoul so no longer rub against my shoulders if I turn my head left or right. Little things like that are functional benefits that you don't realise at the time.


Bargain at £22 and clearly better value than the Linsoul unless you do need the full length of those.

Sound quality is of course no different at all.
My HE400SE came with a decent feeling unbalanced cable, short chunky black cable, the reviews mentions the stock cable is a flimsy thing but this feels solid. Is there any benefit of a balanced cable, I'm dubious.
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Yeah hifiman changed the cable in later models, no longer flimsy but rubberised and thick and pliable. Though they are far too long for desk use and unbalanced.

A balanced cable lets you use your amp's power to full effect as the 3.5mm jack is half the power typically, that is if your amp has a dedicated 4.4mm output instead of a "convenience" port which is just a rebadged 3.5mm.
Grabbed a pair of Philips X2HRs while they are on Black Friday prices - been meaning to grab a pair for awhile:


Trying to avoid scratching the itch and getting a pair of Meze 109 Pros - I'm a sucker for black, gold and wood aesthetics but don't need them, aren't end game for me and the sound signature isn't really me either.
Replying to my own post on the Sennheiser HD600s but:

I've got a much older pair, not sure actual age, and they are still fine but my 2015 ones there is now this kind of limpness where it squashes in a couple of mm before you get the proper firmness - kind of hard to explain.

Pulled out my 2015 pair today and there was a smell around them like you get sometimes with new memory foam pillows and the headband foam has gone all completely limp :( still comfortable enough to use but still. Last used them a few days ago and they weren't like that then. My much older pair the headband is still fine.

Comparing them against the X2HR though the HD600s are just in a completely different league, sure they have a more intimate soundstage and don't have the crisp bass thump of the X2HR but they just have a far more complete sound. Think I prefer the X1 to the X2HR which had a bit more of a mellow sound, the X2HR have their uses, but nothing puts the smile on my face that listening to music with the HD600s does.
Pulled out my 2015 pair today and there was a smell around them like you get sometimes with new memory foam pillows and the headband foam has gone all completely limp :( still comfortable enough to use but still. Last used them a few days ago and they weren't like that then. My much older pair the headband is still fine.

I remember our quick exchange earlier in this thread.

I've since joined the ranks of HD6X0 owners club with the HD 650 and HD 58X which I love. Faults and all. The comfort, weight, those mids and none fatiguing sound. My more recent and cheaper HD 58X were purchased as a daily driver and even for gaming they have blown me away a bit. They have slightly more depth in imaging over the 650 - if that's the right way to describe it. Still not as good for gaming as the PC38X and other headphones but a lot better than many reviews suggest. That 'blob' imaging really means left and right stand out, but they also work well with 3D and VSS which I don't think gets mentioned much. I've even stocked up on a set of Sennhesier pads and spare inner foam discs as I don't think these are going anywhere.

Even though I don't need them, the HD 600's are still calling me and I'd love to hear a pair. I think in many ways the warmer sounds of the 650 (and 58X) are more me, but again would be interesting for comparison.

I think in many ways these are my happy place for headphones right now. I'm sure the next shiny thing is just around the corner but these I adore these two headphones.
Argh! that £22 cable,. whilst excellent, has some microphonics! Was wondering what that scratching noise was, it's only audible above the Y splitter on the strands as they brush against my arm.

Guess I have to spend more money now...
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