Robert Jordan’s fantasy epic The Wheel of Time coming to TV

I'm really looking forward to the third season. Aside from the cheesy Matt & the Heroes of the Horn scene, the season 2 finale left the show in a pretty good place.

I'm not seeing anything in that trailer which looks like Tear. So I guess my suspicions might be correct - they're skipping the third book's plot. Best decision they've made. The Dragon Reborn was such a tedious book :p
Nowhere close. The original plan was 8 seasons. I wouldn't be shocked if that's cut to 5 if the third season doesn't meet Amazon's expectations.
I wouldn't be shocked if its cancelled with this one being the last, cant see it pulling in the numbers to get renewed for a 4th
It be interesting to see how they going to use Elayne as she hasnt had much screen time in relation to the main bunch of characters.
Let's face it, watching TV is quite a waste of your life at the best of times, so watching TV you don't even enjoy is bizzare to me

People watch programmes that are entirely dedicated to complaining. People love complaining.

Some people also have a compulsion to finish something once they've started it.
I've been less than impressed with our so far. Trying not to get my hopes up, but the trailer does look a bit more promising than the previous two seasons and that it's sticking to book plot.

I also think the series really takes off from the Dragon Reborn, so hopefully it dovetails in with this. Although it looks like they might be given Tear a miss... which might create the odd plot hole!
I've been less than impressed with our so far. Trying not to get my hopes up, but the trailer does look a bit more promising than the previous two seasons and that it's sticking to book plot.

I also think the series really takes off from the Dragon Reborn, so hopefully it dovetails in with this. Although it looks like they might be given Tear a miss... which might create the odd plot hole!

This may be a controversial opinion, but...

I think TDR is one of the weaker books. Not a lot really happens in it.

I can't see skipping Tear causing any major issues. Most of TDR's key plot points were covered in S2 already, and the few that haven't can be worked into TSR's plot. The only major reason to go to Tear is to fulfill one of the Prophecies of the Dragon and claim Callandor (and then put it back). But does skipping this actually affect anything? I can't remember if the prophecy concerning Tear has even been mentioned in the show? And Callandor isn't particularly important until much later in the story.
If you’re not enjoying it, why watch it? I really don’t understand those that watch TV programmes just to whinge about how crap they think they are
I really don’t understand people who whinge to people who don’t like crap shows when they comment on a thread on a forum about said crap show.
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