Just gave blood again, do you?

/mini rant/
is anyone else getting annoyed with them, i don't know whats changed. but for the last three months its impossible to get an appointment.
i mean the next available appointment isn't for 3 weeks, which I don't like doing as i don't know want i'm doing, they don't like walk ins.
I can only assume they have shut down other centres in the area so the one i go to know is insanely busy. What takes teh bisuit is almsot daily emails going we need your help, I would if there was any appointments preferably in the next week. The last time i booked like a month out i had to cancel due to change of plans and that also seems bad as they only had like 12 hours to try and fill the slot.
/mini rant/
is anyone else getting annoyed with them, i don't know whats changed. but for the last three months its impossible to get an appointment.
i mean the next available appointment isn't for 3 weeks, which I don't like doing as i don't know want i'm doing, they don't like walk ins.
I can only assume they have shut down other centres in the area so the one i go to know is insanely busy. What takes teh bisuit is almsot daily emails going we need your help, I would if there was any appointments preferably in the next week. The last time i booked like a month out i had to cancel due to change of plans and that also seems bad as they only had like 12 hours to try and fill the slot.

I get no emails or texts or anything like that from them now apart from a couple of days before to remind me and then the one telling me where my bloods gone, the appointments do go quickly though and have done since I started donating at the start of last year.

Saying that I normally find if you have another look a week or so before a few appointments will have freed up.
why the :rolleyes:

I get no emails or texts or anything like that from them now apart from a couple of days before to remind me and then the one telling me where my bloods gone, the appointments do go quickly though and have done since I started donating at the start of last year.

Saying that I normally find if you have another look a week or so before a few appointments will have freed up.

i got very little from them until it was passed my next giving date.
You moaned that you couldn't get an appointment, and then say you cancelled one at the last minute. Not saying you didn't have a good reason to cancel, but have some understanding.
By using a prebook system rather than a walk in, they're more likely to cater for those that like to plan, to maximise turnover and predict service availability.
And get annoyed with them? Haha
understading, its something taht we give for free and it should be made as easy as possible, something that has changed in the last 6 months. It used to be that most days there was 1 or 2 appointments aday that where unfilled and i could go i'm doing nothing tomorrow book up and go the next day. now its lucky if you can go in the next month.
what realy gets me is the emails we have a free appointment tomorrow if you are interest and I click on it straight away and it shows none and this happens every single time so far.
then they complain they don't have enough blood.
So yes i think your rolleyes are a bit silly.
its a service that is absolutely needed and something has changed recently that makes it far worse.
/mini rant/
is anyone else getting annoyed with them, i don't know whats changed. but for the last three months its impossible to get an appointment.
When I gave last time, there weren't able to offer me an appointment for three months later because the dates hadn't been allocated. I kept checking every couple of days and the new dates suddenly appeared in the app.

When I was there, someone did make a comment saying that it's difficult to get an appointment and that perhaps they could add extra dates. The reply was that they try and have the right number of sessions to fill the demand and so if all the sessions are full then they're getting all the blood they need. I don't know how long blood can be stored but is it possible that there could be too much in the system if they were to add extra sessions?

Regarding getting a slot, this again happened to me. I had a session booked which was just a few minutes from where I used to work, when I was made redundant, I cancelled that appointment and looked to book elsewhere but it was fully booked up. I kept checking every couple of days and as soon as there was one slot available (I suppose this was due to a cancellation), I took it.

It's just a case of being persistent.
thought that thread looked small, but the search is screwy, perhaps they are getting enough, which would mean the emails are automated.
just find it funny how they emailing me going we want your blood, then have no bookings available for ages.
Just got my first text remind for a platelet session next week. Will be interesting to see if I get any more texts similar to those others have had when their platelets were used.
Have been giving for a couple of years now and am also finding it almost difficult to donate. Working in the city (or thereabouts) there are a few places I can go to. Despite sending me both text and email reminders r.e. "my blood type is needed" my next donation will be May 31st. This was the earliest possible date when I spoke to them on the 2nd of March. That will be 6 months between donations when it could be 2/3.
finally managed to get into day, they've changed half the whole blood beds for platelets, and there was a massive que for whole blood, no wonder its impossible to get in. But at the same time they cant be short of blood, so why all the texts. however there is a stop receiving invites on the website, so hopefully that solves my main issue with them. Not that its designed for that as it also cancels any appointments you have booked.
#6 today. It's been a while since my last actual donation because when I was next scheduled to go, they texted me to cancel the appointment while I was actually on route to the centre to give. This is the first chance I've had to rebook.

It looks like a bent soldering iron has been stabbed into my arm!

Not given blood recently mainly due to working daft hours and rarely being home at a time to do so, however I do recall I used to always go and have a pint afterwards - used to be a bit like having four for the price of one! :D
Never seen that blue cover before. Always just been a plain needle. You must look unclean :D.

I guess I'm thankful I can't get an appointment in my area means enough people are doing it. Only one I can get is ~20miles away without easy public transport and I can never drive after giving blood :(.
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