I may have mentioned that last time I postedIt looks like a cheepo soldering iron
There is regularly a shortage, to the point many smaller hospitals have limited their stocks heldNo never have, in a disaster scenario when blood was required due to a shortage I would certainly
volunteer, otherwise I'm happy for blood donors to be insufferable bores and flaunt their moral superiority at every opportunity.
From what I understand, they’re still trying to rebuild supplies following the period during the cold weather when a lot of sessions were cancelled.There is regularly a shortage, to the point many smaller hospitals have limited their stocks held
I might start doing this, they've stopped sessions at the 2 places that were 5 minutes from my house. Nipping into Brum on a weekend every few months would be easier.Upto my 11th donation i believe. a lot of the time I can't commit to set times as the centre are so sparse with their dates where I live. I just nip in to the permanent centre in Birmingham whenever I'm in the city. Gotta share my O- goodness
I might start doing this, they've stopped sessions at the 2 places that were 5 minutes from my house. Nipping into Brum on a weekend every few months would be easier.