Just gave blood again, do you?

I thought they used them at all places, definitely remember seeing them a few times, 13 donations given now and the next is booked for 28th december :/ might have to change that though as it gets really busy at work.
No never have, in a disaster scenario when blood was required due to a shortage I would certainly
volunteer, otherwise I'm happy for blood donors to be insufferable bores and flaunt their moral superiority at every opportunity.
No never have, in a disaster scenario when blood was required due to a shortage I would certainly
volunteer, otherwise I'm happy for blood donors to be insufferable bores and flaunt their moral superiority at every opportunity.
There is regularly a shortage, to the point many smaller hospitals have limited their stocks held
don't mind a 3/4 hr wait, but last time, pretty sure I picked up a nasty cold, so in that respect, the venues are like doctors waiting rooms.
I don't know, but since the personnel maybe exposed/immune to a range of bugs - are they nonetheless carriers ?
Upto my 11th donation i believe. a lot of the time I can't commit to set times as the centre are so sparse with their dates where I live. I just nip in to the permanent centre in Birmingham whenever I'm in the city. Gotta share my O- goodness :)
Upto my 11th donation i believe. a lot of the time I can't commit to set times as the centre are so sparse with their dates where I live. I just nip in to the permanent centre in Birmingham whenever I'm in the city. Gotta share my O- goodness :)
I might start doing this, they've stopped sessions at the 2 places that were 5 minutes from my house. Nipping into Brum on a weekend every few months would be easier.
Now I have to receive semi regular infusion of a blood product (immunoglobulin) my donating days are apparently over.

Yet the stupid thing about it is, both the medicine and donated blood are screened for any nasties so seems a bit of overkill. How better to put back into the system which is supplying me with a blood product than donating some of mine back in return. I guess rulez is rulez...
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