Bombs sent to Obama, Clintons & CNN

17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Oh look, midterms are coming up, need a plan to gin up sympathy for the Democrats and play the victim so they've got another reason to blame Trump for.


Also another suspicious package was found today at Obama's home

[edited out edited picture created byu idiots


Post markings - not everything that gets posted gets watermarked/stamped especially irregular shaped packaged (and there are sometimes issues with the stamps themselves not taking the markings) - I've lost track of the number of items of post over the years I've received that hasn't been marked (the main reason for the stamping is to invalidate the stamp, the postal services aren't too particular about it if the machine that does it isn't working, and if you bung something in a letter box it bypasses what is usually the only time someone manually does it).

Not enough postage - if it's like the UK the receiver gets billed for the under paid postage and you can bet something like CNN will likely have an agreement/account for such things (as anonymous sources may send things in with incorrect postage).

Wow incorrect name spelling, that always stops things arriving and it's so unknown for idiots who are posting explosives to get the name wrong.

OMG a building address that is incorrect or incomplete, the postal services never have to deal with that before - oh apart from the fact that if you put "BBC London" and post it in the US or "CNN New York" posted in the UK/Canada etc or "Fox News, fantasy land" posted in America it'll probably get there if not straight to the right department inside the company (the postal services have over a century of dealing with poorly addressed mail that is far, far harder to deliver than a well known name in a big city*).
Besides anything else postal services usually work on building/business name, so it doesn't matter if you send something to John Smith who doesn't exist if the building address is sufficiently good (part of the reason you still get cards addressed to someone who moved away/died 20 years ago).

Someone took a picture- people have never, ever done anything silly like that before (well apart from the fact I've seen fire procedure signs with notes like "wait until you get outside to post on social media"), or that journalists will take pictures and with the modern phones it's a couple of seconds to do so, not setting up a tripod, lighting and waiting 30 seconds for the plate to be exposed (not to mention they may have taken a picture when calling the police). I mean it's not like a possible bomb at a news outlet is going to be of interest to anyone, or get reported on.

*Read up on how RM deal with poorly addressed mail - they've got a department that can work out "John, by the water mill in Devon" and similar gems;)
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12 Jun 2003
If this was real, no one in their right mind would take a picture of the thing for crying out loud, they know it's fake. If it was real, the whole place would be sealed off in an instant. It's more dirty Democrat tricks and propaganda leading up to the midterms to paint Republicans as violent

Now there's a #MAGAbomber top trending on twitter, amazing....

Comments from a former bomb disposal guy:
19 Nov 2009
If this was real, no one in their right mind would take a picture of the thing for crying out loud, they know it's fake. If it was real, the whole place would be sealed off in an instant. It's more dirty Democrat tricks and propaganda leading up to the midterms to paint Republicans as violent

Now there's a #MAGAbomber top trending on twitter, amazing....

Comments from a former bomb disposal guy:

He may be former bomb disposal but judging by his Twitter he's a huge pro-Trumper.

Safe to ignore.
9 Oct 2018
So let's presume for arguments sake that Soros and the Democrats are definitely capable of and willing to commit false flag attacks.

Do people seriously think Soros and the Dems with all that 'elite' level money would put so little effort into a false flag attack and make such a ham fisted meal of it like the far right are claiming ? That they would hire amateurs who would leave all these so called 'open goals' in place so that any idiot on the internet would have something to claim 'conspiracy' with ?

If they are that stupid and inept why the hell are you all constantly sh*tting bricks over Soros taking over the world ? In your eyes they can't even organise a convincing parcel for a bomb.. but at the same time they are part of a highly organised global secret elite...
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17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
If this was real, no one in their right mind would take a picture of the thing for crying out loud, they know it's fake. If it was real, the whole place would be sealed off in an instant. It's more dirty Democrat tricks and propaganda leading up to the midterms to paint Republicans as violent

Now there's a #MAGAbomber top trending on twitter, amazing....

Comments from a former bomb disposal guy:
Yes, because people (let alone journalists) have never paused for a while to take a photo of something, rather than getting straight off to safety.

And if you think people don't take silly risks because of curioristy, even when it's very clear there is a danger, I've got a lovely bridge I can sell you.

People take photos of all sorts of things when anyone with any sense should be getting out of the way.
Journalists will often go even further if it's a story, to the point of wandering around in active war zones with big cameras, or in areas where there is a history of jouranlists getting killed. It's like they'll take risks for their job if they consider it worth while (hell there are still some independent journalists in Russia, despite the shockingly high "accidental", "suicide" and "unsolved murder" cases).
12 Jun 2003
So let's presume for arguments sake that Soros and the Democrats are definitely capable of and willing to commit false flag attacks.

Do people seriously think Soros and the Dems with all that 'elite' level money would put so little effort into a false flag attack and make such a ham fisted meal of it like the far right are claiming ? That they would hire amateurs who would leave all these so called 'open goals' in place so that any idiot on the internet would have something to claim 'conspiracy' with ?

If they are that stupid and inept why the hell are you all constantly sh*tting bricks over Soros taking over the world ? In your eyes they can't even organise a convincing parcel for a bomb.. but at the same time they are part of a highly organised global secret elite...

If you want a plan to make Republicans look stupid and dangerous, you mail poorly constructed fake bombs that you can take pictures of and smear all over the internet to make people think Trump's "rhetoric" is dangerous. You don't actually want to blow up the targets now do you.

Bit obvious aint it?
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12 Jun 2003
Tip for new players (although I suspect you're not new at all) - yes, he does. He can't post in SC because debate is beyond him.

Wrong, banned for wrongthink. Anyway, debating with you lot is like talking to a brick wall. You guys still think Trump is guilty of "collusion" then all you do is throw up CNN talking points to back up your argument

I'm still waiting for people in this thread to become banned for daring to utter the word Trump
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12 Jun 2003
That's a very good read, no wonder Alex is so proud of his father. Thanks for sharing.

Yeh, you lap that propaganda up like a good NPC. You take side with the guy that helped the Nazis, broke the Bank of England, a currency and government manipulator and funder of extreme left wing groups that sow divison across America and the world.

He's even banned from his home country, that's how nice of a guy he is
19 Nov 2009
Yeh, you lap that propaganda up like a good NPC. You take side with the guy that helped the Nazis, broke the Bank of England, a currency and government manipulator and funder of extreme left wing groups that sow divison across America and the world.

He's even banned from his home country, that's how nice of a guy he is

The propaganda cartoons are rotting your brain.

From the article you linked (

My family is no stranger to the hostilities of those who reject our philosophy, our politics and our very identity. My father grew up in the shadow of the Nazi regime in Hungary. My grandfather secured papers with false names so that they could survive the onslaught against Budapest’s Jews; he helped many others do the same.

This isn't his first rodeo.

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12 Jun 2003
Out of curiousity, what did Soros do that helped the Nazis?

And considering the politics in Hungary at the moment, not surprised he is banned though.

His family, who was Jewish, placed him with the family of a man who was in the Nazi party, and apparently whose job it was to seize the property of those who were taken away.

In this 60 minutes piece that he tried to get bannned, he admits what he did didn't bother him, showed no empathy or anything.
19 Nov 2009
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