Bombs sent to Obama, Clintons & CNN

27 Jan 2009
The problem is the Association Fallacy you told us about earlier.

Despite being exploited by the Nazis (and quitting his role once he realized what was going on as the above explains), some folk are trying to tar him with the same brush which is at best incredibly stupid and at worst dishonest.

Well I specifically am not infering anything further from his demonstrable association with the nazi's as a child so I don't see how the association fallacy is relevant either...

A) to me in this case


B) to your original statement about (other) people linking Soros to the nazi's when this is demonstrably true.

An example of the association fallacy would be to say that Soros was associate with the nazi's (true) therefore everything he does is evil (not necessarily true)..... this it the 'fallacy' part

Anyway he's a shady figure who gave money to a pro remain group because of his 'love' for the UK.. . Which is strange because he did not seem to care so much back in '92?

The biggest individual donor is international financier George Soros, a Hungarian-born US citizen, who has given Best for Britain £800,000 in total so far, with £400,000 of that coming since the start of the year through his pro-European Open Society Foundation.

Having made his billions in finance, including betting against sterling on Black Wednesday in 1992 - which gained him a reputation as the "man who broke the Bank of England" - Mr Soros, 87, donated more than £8bn to philanthropic causes between 1979 and 2011.

UK electoral law bans foreign donations but only in the run-up to elections or referendums.

  • Pro-EU campaign gets £400,000 from Soros
  • Anti-Brexit tycoon Soros: EU 'in crisis'
Best for Britain is keen to stress that it has also raised significant sums from more than 8,000 small donors.

But the involvement of Mr Soros has generated a backlash in the Brexit-backing media, with theDaily Mail telling him on its front page: "Butt out Mr Soros. You can keep your tainted money."

Mr Soros hit back at the Daily Mail's headline inan article for the Mail on Sunday, explaining why his love for Britain had led him to campaign against the "tragic mistake" of Brexit
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19 Nov 2009
Well I specifically am not infering anything further from his demonstrable association with the nazi's as a child so I don't see how the association fallacy is relevant either...

A) to me in this case


B) to your original statement about (other) people linking Soros to the nazi's when this is demonstrably true.

An example of the association fallacy would be to say that Soros was associate with the nazi's (true) therefore everything he does is evil (not necessarily true)..... this it the 'fallacy' part

Anyway he's a shady figure who gave money to a pro remain group because of his 'love' for the UK.. . Which is strange because he did not seem to care so much back in '92?

I am not implying that you are making that association, only that many others are.

You know, to smear him and that.
27 Jan 2009
I am not implying that you are making that association, only that many others are.

I'll would be happy to concede others may have engaged in such a fallacious arguing style....

Anyway maybe we should get back on topic

Will be interesting if anyone is arrested identified from the packages.

Seems maybe a little too well planned /coordinated for a complete lone wolf loon to coordinate by themselves?
19 Nov 2009
Need context

Did he "not feel guilty" because he helped warn other Jews they were in danger?

That's what I get from what I've read, yes. He didn't know what was going on and when he realised, he helped warn them before quitting the role.

But you know, "evil Soros" and all that.
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
he worked for the nazi's....

A fact that's completely irrelevant.

One day, Mr Soros was ordered to deliver messages to several Jewish lawyers in Budapest, according to the biography, Mr Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire.

The letters instructed the lawyers to report to a rabbinical school, but Mr Soros realised they would be imprisoned upon arrival. He warned them of their danger, according to the book, and quit his job with the council after carrying out the errand.

As the deportation of Jews increased, Mr Soros was forced to hide his Jewish identity. He assumed a fake name, and his father paid a Christian government official to take the boy in as his “godson.”

Mr Soros once accompanied his Christian protector on a trip out of town, according to the book, where the official had been ordered to inventory the mansion of a Jew who had fled the country.

“George walked around the grounds and spent time with [the homeowner's] staff,” biographer Michael Kaufman wrote.

“He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was [Christian]. Among his practical concerns was to make sure that no one saw him pee.”

...In fact, Kaufman wrote in the biography, Mr Soros would spend years in therapy “dealing with the impact that his temporary, necessary, and pragmatic denial of Jewishness at the age of fourteen had had on the development of his personality.”

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I love how bombs get sent to some peoples homes, which could have killed people who have families, and all people care about is who can score the most political points. Truly fascinating world we live in.

We don't know if they were bombs and the whole thing is about who can score the most political points. Ugly truth, but truth. Regardless of who sent the bombs, the motive is clearly political and both sides are using it to score points.

Has anyone blamed Russia yet?
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
If you want a plan to make Republicans look stupid and dangerous, you mail poorly constructed fake bombs that you can take pictures of and smear all over the internet to make people think Trump's "rhetoric" is dangerous. You don't actually want to blow up the targets now do you.

Bit obvious aint it?

If I was doing that, I'd mail very well constructed fake bombs that looked like real bombs made with a believable flaw that unintentionally rendered them inoperable. If you're going to fake something, do a good job of it. But I think your point is plausible, since poorly constructed fake bombs would serve the same purpose.
20 Oct 2004
This thread, it's like a box of chocolates (forest gump 1996 or something)

Reality has fractured and people are losing grip, keep it up it's made my bus journey pass much quicker.
17 Jul 2007
Oh look, midterms are coming up, need a plan to gin up sympathy for the Democrats and play the victim so they've got another reason to blame Trump for.


Also another suspicious package was found today at Obama's home


The Democrats are getting desperate ....AGAIN
7 Jul 2011
I don't know a lot about all of these "logical fallacies" and "false flag" operations, what I do know however are two inescapable truths, "he who denied it, supplied it", and; "the lady doth protest too much". As such I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that either yadda or tang0 are responsible for sending the fake bombs.

Case closed, I columbo'd it, hopefully now we can all stop this incredibly tedious argument, and I will never need to read about NPCs ever again.
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