New Star Trek series - 2017

I am amazed by the strength of that blast door, especially with a window :p.
Why send in a repair bot when an admiral will do! But wait, in a universe of transporters... a lodged torpedo is a problem... how? Nevermind: one person claims they can't die because 'fate'; the other person can; guess who stays in the death trap behind the door of infinite durability!

Sudden idiot syndrome is a pain in advanced technology settings. It's very obvious when it sets in to help the drama. There are two ways to deal with it:
1) You don't write hard sci-fi and explore human experience (see Star Wars, Dune, Brazil, Ubik)
2) You play by your universes' rules

Yea my thoughts exactly.

Lots of things annoyed me about this.

1) Control was entirely run from Leland? What? Considering this AI was supposed to be so smart how come it wasnt distributed and had multiple backups and copies running on all the starships and drones. Why would it send the entire fleet it had to one location, wheres the redundancy, wheres the backup?
2) In the 30 minutes or so it took them to open the door to get to Leland after he transported over, he didnt make a copy of himself in discoverys computers?
3) Why didnt he just kill the entire bridge crew?
4) Even after the spock speech about suppressing all knowledge of the events and the spore drive, are we *really* supposed to just accept SF would not continue research into arguably the most powerful tactical advantage in the known universe?
5) A torpedo that blows a third of the saucer section away on the enterprise. Pike stood the other side of a "blast door" (WITH A FRIKKIN WINDOW) and was perfectly fine. Why isnt the whole ship made of whatever immortal alloy and windows that seems to be able to take the full brunt of an exploding point blank torpedo?
6) So many other things that when they happened made me think WTF but ive forgotten because there was so much.

I got a drink and enjoyed the colours. It wasn't a thinking man's episode.
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I got strong Macbeth vibes from this one. "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Anyway, rest of post in spoiler tags. This is typed as-watching, so it's once again going to be a bit stream-of-conciousness.

1) Recap here, but it only really shows how overwrought SMG's acting has become.
2) "We can attempt to rebuild it"...God, I wish Saru had finished that with "we have the technology" :D
3) The TylerVoq-Burnham relationship is the least convincing one on Trek since Worf-Troi.
4) Spin the camera really fast to try and make it look exciting!
5) "Shields on maximum sir" opposed to...what, exactly? "Oh, I only gave the shields 30% power, did you want more?" :rolleyes:
6) You know why when they were setting out the bridge in the original series they gave it that layout? It was so the bridge officers didn't have to turn and face the captain every time they wanted/needed to tell him something. He can hear everyone perfectly well where they are. So quite why Number One feels the need to spin her chair around to tell Pike that she's got weapons up and running is beyond me...
7) Unnecessary running scene to fill an extra ten seconds of runtime.
8) "Take off every Zig for great justice!"
9) Unless the entirety of NotEnterprise's secondary hull is a shuttlebay then I can't see how they got that many shuttles and pods in there to come pouring out. It's a bit like Voyager and the Delta Flyer, a heartwarming tale of how you fit a 21m long shuttle into a 14m long shuttlebay :p
10) This is rapidly turning into Star Wars again, with all these shuttle engine sounds doppler-effecting their way around the screen.
11) Good thing the DiscoBall has an industrial replicator that's better than anything we ever see later on in this timeline...
12) Not sure about you guys, but I pretty much understood what Detmer was saying first time around. Dunno why Number One needed it dumbing down.
13) Three-way split screen. An...interesting choice from the director there.
14) Ah, that familiar Trek trope of being accurate down to the second on how long it'll take something utterly alien to finish what it's doing. Windows can't even get file copy/move operation times right.
15) Ah, that other familiar Trek trope of asking someone to then take only half the time. Sorry Burnham, but as good as Reno is she ain't Scotty!
16) Burnham giving a rueful look there after being given third degree burns from Reno all but calling her a moron.
17) So the subspace relays are down, and he's attempting to circumvent them. Surely that means that they have backup relays then. So he should just activate those. Unless he plans to circumvent the need for subspace relays by doing...something...magic, maybe?
18) Gratuitous Sun Tzu quote.
19) Nice of Saru to prep everyone for the horror of seeing someone who looks human but isn't. Because, as we all know, this is something never seen in the Trek universe...
20) I miss Michelle Yeoh as the proper Georgiou. !Georgiou is about the least interesting character on that bridge right now, and I'm including the bridge bunnies that we know almost nothing about in that.
21) Okay, are we cribbing from the swarm in Star Trek Beyond now?
22) While everyone on the DiscoBall stares at the viewscreen with dread, everyone on the Enterprise does it with determination.
23) Christ, we're only now getting to the opening titles?!
24) I do love that TOS phaser sound.
25) More dakka!
26) Suit construction technobabble as substitute for anything resembling real dialogue.
27) this 'invoking diplomatic immunity for nicking a shuttle' bit meant to be funny?
28) Oh, okay. Sure. So Po's the only one who knows how to take down the enemy craft. The crews of two whole starships couldn't figure that one out. Makes perfect sense.
29) Grr. Think I preferred the technobabble down in engineering to this conversation between Saru and !Georgiou.
30) See, that was amusing (Reno trying to row back on her insubordinate comment).
31) VFX people must have put in some overtime on this one...
32) How big is this ship anyway? Every time in this series they cut to that turbolift shot and the thing looks absolutely cavernous.
33) Oops, need more jeopardy, gonna blow up the corridor that they're taking the suit along.
34) I expect I'm supposed to care that Stamets got hurt.
35) Back outside, where this series is more comfortable. No dialogue out here. Just explosions. They really can do explosions quite well, this team.
36) Aha, my favourite line so far. Which I'll grant you wouldn't be saying much, but I genuinely did like that from the doctor there. "Any free hands to help us down here?" "Sorry, no, do your best." "No, I'm gonna do a half-assed job because now's the perfect time." :D
37) Yeah Spock, let's waste time standing around looking at the suit and saying 'yep, suit is ready'.
38) Oh God, someone really needed to strangle this storyline at birth.
39) *movie trailer voice* Michael BONEHEAD.
40) "There is no time for debate" they debate it.
41) Good thing there was a shuttle left, eh?
42) Iron Bonehead launches, so once again the VFX team take over proceedings.
43) I'm not sure that this show can decide if it wants to be a Star Wars ripoff or a Marvel Cinematic Universe ripoff. Either way, it's not very good at it.
44) Gosh, imagine that. Leland/Control beamed aboard while you had the aft shields down. WHO COULD HAVE FORSEEN THIS AMAZING PIECE OF STRATEGY?! Apart from, you know, everyone watching at home. Hey ho.
45) And in another brilliantly strategic move, Leland first goes to the bridge to shoot at people and let them know that a) he's what beamed over and b) he's going for the sphere data. Giving !Georgiou and Nhan a chance to stop him now. This show learned absolutely nothing from the Season 1 debacle.
46) At least when Section 31 has it's own show I won't have to put up with this 'want to help me make him scream *twirls villainous moustache*' rubbish any more.
47) Are we down to using missiles against the NotEnterprise? Thought this was Star Trek, not Star Fleet Battles. We borrowing from the Kzinti (Mirak in the Starfleet Command video game series) now?
48) Oh. But it's explicitly called a photon torpedo in dialogue. Funny, I don't remember them ever before launching or flying like that. Anyway, the whole 'torpedo lodged in the hull' thing was done already by DS9 ("Starship Down") and Voyager ("Year of Hell").
49) "Everything I saw...this is how it starts"...oh good, there's that Bonehead wide-eyed look of panic again. It's like they decided that was a face that SMG could do, so they would use it every chance they got.
50) Okay, definitely ripping off Star Wars now :rolleyes: They've sent out little repair robots to go look at the damage.
51) *strangled scream*. Oh. My. God. That bit on the DiscoBall bridge. "Come on Burnham." Aw, you can hear the hope dripping from the poor little bridge bunny.
52) Spock has a keen grasp of the obvious.
53) Oh good. It's the NotQuiteKlingons. And Ba'ul ships, with Saru's sister. I can't help but think that one of those cleave ships would have been useful in the future of this timeline. Say, around the time of the Dominion War?
54) Is it just me? Is no-one else really bored with the story and dialogue beating viewers over the head with how awesome someone is when the showrunners need to make that person (Saru's sister in this case) look heroic?
55) Oooh, waitaminute...Spock's just had a 'Jonathan Creek' moment. And yes, now he and Burnham have figured out that it's all wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey. Pity that half the audience was already here about forever ago.
56) More awful dialogue as !Georgiou and Nhan engage Leland.
57) Please, please, please torpedo. Blow up. Then we can have a scene with the NotEnterprise being refitted to look like she's supposed to.
58) Again, how big is this ship? They've only just gotten Stamets to sickbay. Feels like ages since he got hurt. Or is that just this episode dragging?
59) For all the detractors of it (and they are legion), the Stamets-Culber relationship is orders of magnitude better-written than TylerVoq-Burnham ever was.
60) Lord, how is this only halfway through?!?!?
61) "The future is still unwritten"...and yet, the other plot point here is that the future has been written, Burnham has already travelled into the past because otherwise the Ba'ul ships wouldn't be here. Helloooooo, Earth to the writing staff, didn't anyone sanity-check this?
62) *starts humming the Doctor Who theme to himself*
63) More VFX sequences spaffed all over the screen.
64) Oh, that's a shame. Thought we might get to see that science officer Pike brought from the NotEnterprise get splattered again That was one of the better bits of that episode.
65) More flashbacks? Were they that short on story that they needed to pad this out? If so, why didn't they just not make this a two-parter?
66) You know things have turned to worms when Tilly is the only one left to get the shields back up...
67) Credit where it's due, this fight against Leland with the gravity acting up is quite well done.
68) Calling it now, Cornwell is getting written out here in an 'heroic sacrifice'.
69) Nice.
70) More dakka from the NotQuiteKlingons.
71) Called it at 68). Though, small point, they have repair robots that can pop out and wander around on the hull...but they haven't got anything that can take Cornwell's place and operate the manual door lever? Really?
72) Impressive blast door, that. A matter-antimatter explosion right by it and it isn't even dented. Maybe they ought to have made the entire ship out of that stuff.
73) *more strangled screaming* Please make this Spock-Burnham dialogue just stop. Here we have the speech that they were all referring to in the build up to Season 2, about how Burnham is the one who made Spock who he is later.
74) Wonder how many people on the DiscoBall and NotEnterprise got hurt or killed while these two just talk?
75) Question - if Leland is dead and Control is neutralised...why do they need to go to the future?
76) Christ, that torpedo took a hell of a chunk out of NotEnterprise's bow.
77) At this point if these NotQuiteKlingons were actually the same race that we saw in TOS, they'd immediately attack and board the NotEnterprise to steal it.
78) SanFran, and it does kinda look like it did in The Motion Picture. Hooray for continuity!
79) Board of Inquiry time. And I get this funny feeling that I know how they're going to claim that they've made STD fit into canon now...
80) So TylerVoq is going to end up running Section 31. And yeah, that's how they're going to do it. Everyone involved goes under a gagging order. So no mention of the DiscoBall, no mention of the crew, no mention of the spore drive. Now, it's going to be one thing ordering Starfleet officers to obey a gagging order. But family? Saru's sister? Sarek and Amanda? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLY GOING TO WORK?!?! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
81) **** this show. **** the people making this show. Axanar got canned for...this BS. Please, anyone want to step up and defend the showrunners at this point?
82) Sarek and Amanda just won't talk about Burnham when around other people. Yeah. Okay. Sure.
83) Sadly, they put the NotEnterprise back how it was before the battle rather than turning it into the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 no bloody A, B, C or D. Unfortunate.
84) And everyone on the NotEnterprise lived happily ever after. Apart from Pike, who gets crippled later of course. And Spock dies, but at least he comes back.

So, what did the Star Trek universe get out of the 29 episodes of STD so far? Did anything have any lasting consequence? The DiscoBall and spore drive are gone. So are the sphere data. A bunch of people have disappeared but aren't going to be talked about ever again. The Klingon war made it almost to Earth, before stopping and there seemingly being few repercussions or lasting effects from it.

So, with the greatest possible respect to all involved, WHAT WAS IT ALL EVEN FOR?!?!?!
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So was it the Borg or not?

I won’t really complain about the control being destroyed-discovery not needing to do anything as a result ‘thing’. As long as something survives.

The issue really is just if control is in fact dead, then the timeline they’re in is completely different filled with the 31st century time cops. I don’t see how they can just ignore discovery, it seems rather obvious they’d want to seize burnhams suit.

So stupid. Unless I’ve forgotten something about enterprises temporal war, I’m pretty sure they’d be there.
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So was it the Borg or not?

I won’t really complain about the control being destroyed-discovery not needing to do anything as a result ‘thing’. As long as something survives.

The issue really is just if control is in fact dead, then the timeline they’re in is completely different filled with the 31st century time cops. I don’t see how they can just ignore discovery, it seems rather obvious they’d want to seize burnhams suit.

So stupid. Unless I’ve forgotten something about enterprises temporal war, I’m pretty sure they’d be there.
It wasn't borg, well from what we've seen but it had a LOT of Borg cues. The whole way Leland/Control is handled overall is just idiotic as others on this thread have already started pointing out.
I loved it.
i don't care about all the holes and silliness in the plot.
i thought it was a great episode, and a great canon tie-up at the end also.
I very much enjoyed the enterprise at the end, shame that isn't the series we now follow for a while under the guise of 'discovery'.
Guess we get the beta quadrant a 1000 years in the future instead, where they have a database with stacks of info, but no tech to match.
Leland = not Borg, he never was. He's dead and dust now..Well, hopefully ... He's a slippery little robotic so and so after all and if any part of him survived that attack then all bets are off again because they just bough the one thing they were trying to stop along with them for a ride to the future.

Didn't care much for the 'lets never speak a word of discovery or Michael again' thing. It didn't work for me. I'd have preferred the timeline being altered to remove the ship and crew altogether or something. But, meh enjoyed it overall and pikes response to Spocks cut and shave was priceless.
That was an embarrassing last episode of Ender's Game.
Not sure that ai was very clever.
Cringe throughout
God pure cringe, nonsense.
Last 5 mins where nice
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Burnham cries again - shock! Seriously, has there been a single episode where she hasn't welled up about something? Can you please get rid of her CBS, or get a new development team that will write her without all the namby pamby whisper acting. As it stands she's just annoying.

Not my favourite episode by a long way, though I did like the end credits where they meshed TOS with Discovery music.

Now, when are we getting a Captain Pike Enterprise series? :)
Scratch that, control is gone:
Kurtzman said:
All I can tell you is that Control is officially neutralized, but there will be much bigger problems when they get to the other side of that wormhole.


The fans have been heard. Anything is possible in the world of Trek. I would love to bring back that crew more than anything. It was a huge risk for us. One of the most gratifying things is to see how deeply the fans have embraced Pike, Spock, Number One, and the Enterprise. The idea of getting to tell more stories with them would be a delight for all of us.
The enterprise crew is 200x more interesting than the all female/gay discovery line up.

Burnham cries again - shock! Seriously, has there been a single episode where she hasn't welled up about something? Can you please get rid of her CBS, or get a new development team that will write her without all the namby pamby whisper acting. As it stands she's just annoying.
In this say and age it's just not going happen. ;) I'm with you on the Captain Pike series though.
Would be a great time now to continue the story of the enterprise with Pike leading us up to the events of The Cage.

seems to me discoverys story is done and could quite happily be left there
Season 3 will be a completely clean slate in a new universe with no worries about any starfleet/klingon namby pamby for the Discoball. It could end up similar to Voyager in that respect. Hopefully Saru remains the captain, though I can see Georgiou and Crybaby Michael also in line for the chair.

So obviously whatever life they encounter in S3 will be so far ahead of the Discoball's technology that the ship will be out-matched for the most part. Should make for an interesting season as they will likely need to make friends fast. Micheal is good at that...
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Soooo, control got magnetically fraggled in the spore chamber, so why did they need to go into the future?
Again, an episode full of feels, why, pretty sure someone said, we are star fleet "Get it done"...
Pretty sure you could cut all of the feels out and half the runtime of an episode..

So, wonder what S3 will bring, and whats this about a Georgio S31 spin off?

And where timeline wise is this Picard show going to sit?
Soooo, control got magnetically fraggled in the spore chamber, so why did they need to go into the future?
Again, an episode full of feels, why, pretty sure someone said, we are star fleet "Get it done"...
Pretty sure you could cut all of the feels out and half the runtime of an episode..

So, wonder what S3 will bring, and whats this about a Georgio S31 spin off?

And where timeline wise is this Picard show going to sit?

Picard is supposed to be after nemesis, though apparently it’s hit problems. So who knows.
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