I think that's the character that Glenn Hetrick (head prosthetic and makeup guy) named Osnullus. Played by Avaah Blackwell, supposed to be an ensign. YMMV on gender, but Avaah is a lady so I go with that.
I can't really bash STD much for this because ENT was the first to screw it up. The first time we saw a cloak in Trek ("Balance Of Terror"), Spock reckoned that such a device was 'theoretically possible', albeit costly in terms of power usage. Implying that Starfleet had never come across a working cloak before. Then in ENT we see Romulan ships cloak and decloak (cloaks that really should have made the Earth-Romulan war rather one-sided...), now in Discovery we have Klingons using cloaks that they won't be seen using again until the third movie as well.
This is why prequels are so problematic in this universe...