5 Nov 2010
Are you okay sexy?

Just LOL if you've been fired but are keeping that secret in your desperate need to explain how YES MOM, THIS COULD HAPPEN THE BUTTONS ARE CLOSE TOGETHER ON THE PHONE so that you can win an internet argument even though you've been stripped of your livelihood and are now living in a trailer park in Wisconsin with Mum/Aunty Janey and Daddy/Uncle Pete and you don't even own your own toilet.


Just LOL if you think being able to have the world's knowledge at your fingertips, on a phone, in a different country, is anything other than astounding.


Just LOL if you've never suffered whisky droop while having a sexy times conversation.


Just LOL if you're not some 90's Seattle coffee-scene dude who has his own line of imported beans coming in via a Green trade route you set up to aid the environment and help small start-up businesses flourish in the face of a post-Reagan era corporate chain mentality of conformity and blandness.


Just LOL if you're an ex 90's party boy who did far too many drugs and know believes they're trapped in a cage created by THE MAN who is there to repress everything you want to do and that an internet forum which you publically stated you were leaving for good now moderates the very posts you want to make complaining about your freedoms.


Just LOL if you aren't telling your as yet unborn baby about sex education by yelling at your wife's stomach in the hospital waiting room.


Just LOL if you think that this new spaceport isn't actually a means to get rid of the specials who inhabit Cornwall and pollute our fine country.


Just LOL if your lifelong dream of being a pub quiz host never materialises because you can barely string two words together let alone put together a challenging yet answerable question which most people of some intellect could reasonably argue their way towards.


Just LOL if you can't admit even to yourself that you're in love with your male cousin and you dream of sharing a glass of wine and a nice cigar with your new husband.


Just LOL if you're not already outside the guy's house ready to stand and bang.


Just LOL if you don't spend 3 free hours challenging the best dancer in the Services to a dance off, one walk, no take backs, crowd decides the winner.


Just LOL if you don't realise that mrk was successful in his attempt and is now pants-round-ankles enjoying those sweet, sweet nudez he found.


Just LOL if you're not rocking a pair of camouflage jorts with seventeen pockets to store your Cheetos and Gatorade in.

Last edited:
6 Dec 2005
Let's just take a moment to think about this.

He's sat there in NZ thinking to himself I wonder how long it would take for someone to notice that all of my posts are starting the same and following a basic structure regardless of the topic being discussed. Then he goes and spends time thinking of how the post should start and be structured.
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