Surreal thing happened to me today...

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8 Nov 2013
In the pub
It sounds like the officer escalated the situation before he realised he was out of his depth. Only got himself to blame for that.

Well done for stepping in though. Like others, I would have weighed up the situation before committing, and in this case, would have walked away as soon as it started.
18 Oct 2004
Coach stop? Is this a London thing?

OP must be American, or something equally as weird.

Weird? :confused:

There's a couple of coach companies which run commuter services into London from Kent, and presumably other counties. In fact one of them stops at the end of my road...probably the OPs one, as if I remember correctly he lives just up the road from me.

I looked into using them when my company moved office to central London, as they are cheaper than trains. But also take twice as long.
20 Oct 2004
Weird? :confused:

There's a couple of coach companies which run commuter services into London from Kent, and presumably other counties. In fact one of them stops at the end of my road...probably the OPs one, as if I remember correctly he lives just up the road from me.

I looked into using them when my company moved office to central London, as they are cheaper than trains. But also take twice as long.

I was only joking, I'd call it a bus stop regardless.
18 Oct 2002
Liverpool -> London
Coach stop? Is this a London thing?

Coach stations and their associated stops are and have been all over the country for many a long decade...even out in the sticks did you notice the not too recent lack of horse drawn carriages with bags on top, two guys in red livery and one of which was sporting a blunderbuss at all? ;)

As to the situation, seeing as the guy had a copper hanging on to him already I'd probably shout "come on, help!!" and look at a couple of the more meaty guys standing around and then assist. Many hands make light work and all that. If he had a knife it would have likely been out already and to be fair, seeing a copper get knifed while I was just standing there wouldn't sit too well with me at all anyway. That said, I'm 6ft, of rugby player proportions and fairly strong. I've also been punched, kicked and had various objects swung or aimed at me in my time and I can take quite a few hits without it doing very much at all, so the size of the guy shouldn't be too much of an issue even if no one joined in.
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11 Sep 2013
What has society come to? When people would either watch, film or walk away from someone who needed help?
Society has been that way ever since phones got cameras.
I'd personally have gone away and dissolved the entire Police Service throughout the UK, because such people clearly do not deserve to have Police protection, and no-one in their right mind would want to be a cop protecting ***** like that.

I'm also a parent and my duty is to raise my kid to do the right thing, leading by example to make the world the sort of place she'd enjoy living in. It might one day be her that needs help... but if this world is now people cowering behind their smartphones in fear of being stabbed, and coming out with ******** Big Brother excuses, then that's not such a world.

Much respect to HoneyBadger for stepping in. **** anyone else who wouldn't. Take responsibility for the world you live in, don't leave it to someone else.
17 Jan 2016
It seems to be a general attitude these days that most people don't want to get involved.

But thinking about it, how many people have actually been in a fight? At my school only a minority of people used to get in to fights. So unless that person as had some kind of fight training I can understand why they are reluctant to get involved. Fighting and grappling isn't like it is in the movies. There isn't time to calculate moves, it all happens so fast and most of it is based on past experience and muscle memory that you know what to do.

I've found in life its often the most capable looking people that are the last to help. It always seems to be the old man or woman, or some guy with a body ailment that is the first to help. Maybe its a combination of a lack of empathy i.e. imagining they could be in that position needing help one day, or a general fear of being attacked themselves.

Good on you for helping though OP.
21 Jun 2006
That’s an interesting video and scarily accurate based on my thoughts today.

I’m no Bruce Lee or He-Man. I’m a 40 year old fat bloke who got to brown belt 20 years ago. Some of it did come back to me though.

I understand what you’re saying, genuinely but what about the basics of human decency?

It’s a crazy world.

how do you know the copper was in the right and the other guy was in the wrong?
18 Oct 2002
Liverpool -> London
do you have a source to back up that stat?

So you think that the police in the main just stop people for the hell of it...I see. You're not another of those on here that had a bad time in the past with the police and blame them for all of life's woes now?

Anyway, it looks like you clearly missed the part in the OP where he stated, "a policeman has stopped an electric scooter rider for illegally riding his device", so yes, the copper was in the right here.
11 Sep 2013
But thinking about it, how many people have actually been in a fight? At my school only a minority of people used to get in to fights. So unless that person as had some kind of fight training I can understand why they are reluctant to get involved.
I generally find most people getting into fights in public have no training.
Those who do have training are often the most reluctant precisely because they're more likely to **** someone up with that training.
Man of Honour
29 Nov 2008
So you think that the police in the main just stop people for the hell of it...I see. You're not another of those on here that had a bad time in the past with the police and blame them for all of life's woes now?

Anyway, it looks like you clearly missed the part in the OP where he stated, "a policeman has stopped an electric scooter rider for illegally riding his device", so yes, the copper was in the right here.

Maybe not in the main but there’s plenty of videos online of officers stopping people for little to no reason, although I’d admit that it seems more like a US issue.

Police might be in the right for stopping the dude, but not for the escalation.

I’d step in if it looked like the officers life was in danger, but not for a ******* electric scooter!
9 Jun 2009
London, McLaren or Radical
As the officer hits the floor, I make eye contact with him, suddenly I realise my fellow passengers are gone, moved up the road and it’s just me!

What do you do?

I stepped in to assist.

You helped the wrong one.

The police man assaulted the scooter rider and you supported an injustice.

Do people really have such poor moral compasses?
15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
So you think that the police in the main just stop people for the hell of it...I see. You're not another of those on here that had a bad time in the past with the police and blame them for all of life's woes now?

Anyway, it looks like you clearly missed the part in the OP where he stated, "a policeman has stopped an electric scooter rider for illegally riding his device", so yes, the copper was in the right here.

Just ignore him - he’s deflecting from his ridiculous statement.
18 Oct 2002
Liverpool -> London
Maybe not in the main but there’s plenty of videos online of officers stopping people for little to no reason, although I’d admit that it seems more like a US issue.

Police might be in the right for stopping the dude, but not for the escalation.

I’d step in if it looked like the officers life was in danger, but not for a ******* electric scooter!

But if a cop wants to have a word with you about something you've done wrong, legging it is not a sensible thing to do surely. That surely shows the cop(s) that there's likely more to you than just this minor issue...and as a consequence they'll likely try to apprehend you in any and all ways possible.

For me it's more about the act of trying to get away. No one would be making videos of these sorts of things if the people in the wrong just put their hands up and took a talking to, minor slap on the wrist on the chin every time. Instead we seem to have an ever growing minority who seem to think that both fight and/or flee is the right thing to do when they're pulled up about it. That's the part that gets my goat.
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