Search results for query: Simping

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  1. GGizmo

    Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

    Gervais would have made a joke about how Will is simping in the next room while his wife is sleeping with other men.
  2. antijoke

    Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

    She used to wear headscarves, I believe she wanted to face it full and own having alopecia so she decided to shave her hair and embrace it.
  3. The Running Man

    Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

    Why does she not wear a weave if she is sensitive about it? I like Will Smith, until that simping.
  4. Sankari

    Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

    Belarus is desperately simping for Putin, as expected. Well yes, but 'incredibly dangerous' hasn't stopped us before. We have won two world wars that were incredibly dangerous.
  5. Darujhistan

    GTA trilogy with modern upgrades is confirmed.

    ...caught out with Cyberpunk, as CDPR had a very good track record, but a Blizzard release? I just cannot get my head round why people fall for the same tricks over and over again...then you get people simping for the very corps who just basically stole money from them...such a weird...
  6. jonneymendoza

    New World MMO

    Lol I don't care about your moaning. I'm loving this game and when I get bored, I'll move on. What mmo do you like?
  7. Darujhistan

    New World MMO

    ...well it's not even damage limitation it's flat out BS. Despite been proven wrong over and over again, as they play whack-a-mole with bugs. Here's someone who actually knows what they're talking about. Maybe educate yourself, rather than simping for AGS...
  8. andicole0

    Greta Thunberg

    Me neither.
  9. 200sols

    Greta Thunberg

    I've never heard of simping either, perhaps you could explain what it is?

    Greta Thunberg

    So you only frequent these forums..... I don't belive a word you say.
  11. VincentHanna

    Greta Thunberg

    Why would I know what Simping is? It's only been used 19 times in the history of the forum and the first ever time it was mentioned was last year.

    Greta Thunberg

    8 posts a day and claims to not know what simping is.
  13. D

    Greta Thunberg

    You realise you have almost 24k posts on a forum which in itself is a bit of a weird internet sub culture?
  14. VincentHanna

    Greta Thunberg

    I don't even know what simping is. Probably something people who spend too much time in weird internet subcultures know.
  15. Thekwango

    Greta Thunberg

    it's a tad weird you think that's what's happening here.

    Greta Thunberg

    It's even funnier and very creepy how many men are simping for an autistic teenager!
  17. Caracus2k


    Simping for the Cuban political system must mark a new low even for you Vince. For heaven sake the author of the video you posted has the following bio 'I make educational videos about politics from a Marxist perspective.' Sure he makes the system sound nice in theory doesn't he...
  18. dowie


    You do realise that they have elections too, only a few posts back you were simping for Cuba FFS! :D You don't seem to grasp that you can be pro-equality without choosing to label yourself as a feminist - say you have a positon for equality of the sexes based on not just advocacy for women but...
  19. HoneyBadger

    Order cancellation

    Yup, this 100%. You keep suggesting that @Darujhistan doesnt know how it works in a very patronising way, but in no way do you suggest how it works. Unless you actually work for OCUK you’re full of speculation and hot air. Grow up or stop trolling.
  20. Harlequin

    Order cancellation

    No your account of OCUK are mistaken and your teen boy angst is aimed in the wrong direction, which has been proven already. Go back to reddit and 4chan and keep `simping` over some only fans account - leave the real world to others.
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