At the minute I make around 21k with overtime, but that is with full study support and I will be getting a minimum of a 2k rise per year over the next 3 years.
My other half is on 25k and suppliments this with another 4k through working at the weekend, so we have a combined salary of around 50k and a take home of nearly 3k per month. Our mortgage with all bills included is £1200 and we are left with £1800 a month to eat with and pay for misc expenses, insurance, petrol, holidays etc...
For the last 6 months we have saved over 1k each month towards our wedding in October. We have one runaround car and one decent car bought new three years ago. Our flat is great, a good size and in a nice area and we are planning to start a family next year.
People's expectations are much too high nowadays. Most families in the 80s barely had two brass pennies to rub together with nothing to show for their lack of cash, yet today we will happliy avoid children if they are going to have an impact on our living standards or number of foreign excursions you have. Life is not meant to be easy, it's meant to be a challenge, too many people seem to forget that.
I'll give you my other half's brother as an example. He earns 50k a year, but his wife works 2 days a week because they have just had their first child. They decided that they needed a new house because their three bedroom semi wasn't big enough for them and their kid. So, off they went and spent 430k on a 5 bed detatched to house three people. They have a 280k mortgage and they take home marginally more than me and my other half who could happliy bring up at least one child in our appartment.
So, with their mortgage renewal up this year they are facing a 20% rise in their mortgage outgoing all because their expectations of what they should be able to have in life is greater than their means to live that way.
Society seems to have become conditioned into this way of thought, that everything just falls into your lap.
If I have 2 children, a three bedroom house is enough for our needs. I have positioned myself in a career that will pay me 40k or more in the next 6-7 years, my fiance will go to about 35k and we will own our flat outright in 12 years, i'll be 38 at that point. we will have a combined wage that will eb around 80k and probably 2 kids. None of this is a short term plan, that's why it's called building a life, too many people seem to want to just buy one asap.