What would you call an average wage?

Damn Polish!!!

My friends Sister got dropped on an interview for a bar job in the local pub/restaurant and a Polish girl got the job instead.

Found out afterwards that the Polish girl got the job because she would accept live in accomodation and a signed disclaimer to say she would work all the hours god gives.

Absolutely pathetic imo.

Why? From an employers perspective she's the ideal candidate. It's a simple case that some people are prepared to work harder than others.
Most people I know are on around £20kish, mates my age are even lower than that...

I'm on £13.5k for this year (apprenticeship) but will be on about £30k within the next 2 years. So even though it's not far above the national average, I'll probably be better off than almost everyone I know (IRL).
Most people I know are on around £20kish, mates my age are even lower than that...

I'm on £13.5k for this year (apprenticeship) but will be on about £30k within the next 2 years. So even though it's not far above the national average, I'll probably be better off than almost everyone I know (IRL).

But as a wise man once said, mo money mo problems ;)
Jeebus, your a little up your self.

I think hes being pretty reasonable tbh... - for a decent candidate to go into a software development role for less than 20k you'd need to have some other motivation - perhaps a startup with lots of potential or particular project you really want to work on etc... otherwise you're just selling yourself too cheaply.
Around these parts (N.Ireland) I would say £18-19,000.

There's no way it's any higher, becuase most of the largest employers in the North west pay around £16,000 after 2-3 years and no one lasts any longer.
The median wage in the UK is about 23-24k. That means half the working population earns more, half earns less. The average is dragged upwards to about 30k IIRC, thanks to the fact that one oligarch can earn as much as a million peasants.

FWIW I think there are two ways to approach the salary problem. Earn more or spend less. Sometimes the latter leads to a better quality of life, though in recent years that kind of thinking has been somewhat out of fashion. Perhaps it always will be. :-)

Andrew McP (definitely in the bottom half, but far from poor)
This is a very broad question and depends on area, education and a lot of other factors.

It is actually scary to see how low the average is. Also, people need to be more ambitious if they think you have done very well in life if you earn over 40k!
Interesting how the average wage has been dropping and the real cost of living rocketing.

24k today is probably more like earning 18-19k before Labour came to power.
My wage on the PhD,23k to tax paying people, leaves me with money to pay living costs (i live well) and save money.

My car is only a 1.4L so i dont spend a huge amount on the car as inc insurance, tax, service its the biggest monthly expence. If the tories said they would drop car taxes i would sell my soul to the devil!
Depends on cost of living imo. Its not black and white, unless you're asking the statistic for the average wage earning across the UK.
Are these averages worked out from peoples basic pay or is it from basic plus overtime & bonus. If its from gross pay then it must go up and down on a monthly bases, I know im better of under the average wage if im not working like a clown 7 days a week 12 hours a day. I know a few poeple who work like that.
well the amount you need to earn is relative to your outgoings really, i know a family of 3 who live comfortably on 20k a year simply because they bought a house at 20 and only have 5 years left on their mortgage, no need to work for gordon browns tax coffers if you dont need to
23k sounds about right from what I learnt in Labour economics, and if people think they are going to jump out of uni into high paid jobs, for the most, they are sorely mistaken. Be prepared to put hard work in for a few years before you see any real money (40k plus) unless of course you have worked hard during your degree and can easily earn 100K after the second year in the city
And by working hard, I don't mean getting a First class with honours, I mean putting in the hours at an internship at a financial institution for little compensation, and in the summers whilst learning above and beyond your degree :)

Case and point if people don't believe me, cousin doing economics and mathematics graduated and three years later he signed on a contract worth 270k a year, sign on bonus into a million and not to mention the paper slip at the end of the year
Damn Polish!!!

My friends Sister got dropped on an interview for a bar job in the local pub/restaurant and a Polish girl got the job instead.

Found out afterwards that the Polish girl got the job because she would accept live in accomodation and a signed disclaimer to say she would work all the hours god gives.

Absolutely pathetic imo.

LOL, how is that pathetic, and how is it anything to do with being polish, if that is the job requirements and you dont want to accomodate them then why even go for the job in the first place, you dont have rights to a job simply because youre a native, polish girl was probably more attractive anyway lol

lets take the racism out of that post and see how it reads...

Damn girl!!!

My friends Sister got dropped on an interview for a bar job in the local pub/restaurant and another girl got the job instead.

Found out afterwards that the other girl got the job because she would accept live in accomodation and a signed disclaimer to say she would work all the hours god gives.

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