Asparagus with Black Pudding
Bunch Asparagus
4 slices Blackpudding
10-16 cubes of Mango
Bag of baby spinach or other leafs
3 tablespoons mayo
2 Tablespoons Lemon juice
Sea salt
Garlic Salt
1) Start by cutting the Asparagus in half or 2-3" length pieces, place in pre boiling water. Blanch for 2-3mins, drain and rinse under cold water. Place to the side
2) take the mango cubes and sprinkle with black pepper and add to a good solid frying pan with a little olive oil, also add the blackpudding. Insure not to over cook the mango, you want it soft but still in one piece and not mush. Best way is to fry on 2 sides only and until just a slight colour.
3) Mean while make the dressing, In a bowl mix: 3 Tablespoons mayo, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, lots of black pepper and some garlic salt to taste.
4) get a large bowl and place the leafs in, add 1-2 tablespoons of dressing and mix until lightly coated. Heap some leafs on to a plate.
5) Once the mango and black pudding is cooked remove and place ontop of the leaves, Break the black pudding up in the process.
6) If you have a griddle pan use that, if not stick with the frying pan and fry the Asparagus for a minute on each side, We still want it to have a crunch. Remove from heat and pile ontop of the other ingredients.
7) drizzle with some extra dressing. Tip: if your serving to people you don't know, then drizzle extra dressing on the plate so they can decide how much they want.
8) enjoy this fantastic starter, or add a piece of bread for main course.