Short of making the pasta, sauce and cooking utensils all from scratch how is that possible?
Do you just like to let it simmer/cook for a long time?
Well, all the chopping takes a little while (onion, shallots, garlic, tomatoes, fresh herbs, carrot, small mushroom)
Then start sweating the onion garlic shallot and carrot for a bit maybe 5min or so.
Meat does indeed not take that long to cook [so yes in theory a ten min spag bol is possible.]
Start adding things in the correct order reducing things down until the post red wine phase and pre passata phase.
Once all of that is in it should have been about 30-50mins. Then I like to have it simmer gently for a goodly time to work all the flavours in.
Laziness OP. Laziness.
My housemate eats ready meals that he shoves in the oven. It saddens me.
Get back from a hard days work at say 7pm. Why can one not spend an hour cooking and have eaten by 8.30pm. Still plently of time to raid and watch tv etc....