What phones have you had?

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
I thought I'd ask everyone what phones we've all had in the past and when we got onto the bandwagon etc :-)

My first phone wasn't until year 2000, aged 22. My friend, aged 18 at the time was already on his 2nd phone by then! So, first phone was a Nokia 402, brand new at £60 at the time, but was normally the sort of phone that got handed down to your parents 2nd hand as the 402 was considered old even in year 2000. But it served me well for 4 years on PAYG. And yeah, mine had that blue cover rather than the default black.


At the time, Orange was doing this thing where £50 top-up cards doubled up to £100, making PAYG good value for money. Come 2003 and they were phased out, then eventually came back but considerably 'nerfed' to £55 per £50. So this prompted me to get my first contract phone, the Nokia 6600. Big jump for me, with colour screen and camera. Phone was free of charge and my contract was around £30/month for a year. Orange traded in my Nokia 402 for £50. Couldn't believe my luck there!!


Next up was my 1st smartphone i.e. a cross between a PDA and a phone and it had touch screen as well. Sony Ericsson P910i in 2005 on one of the earlier 18-month contracts with £70 up-front fee and £30/month. Orange only offered £30 for my Nokia 6600, so from then onwards, I listed my old phones on the 'Bay and usually got £50-60 for each one.


In 2007, I got the P990i, very similar phone. No up-front cost this time, just the £30/month again for 18 months.


In 2009, I got my first phone to resemble the iPhones. LG Viewty. Again, free and £30/month for 18 months.


In 2010, had the Sammy Apollo, again free and had loyalty discount, £27/month for 18 months.


Then November just gone, I finally went contemporary and got myself a Sammy S2. Free, and £33/month for 2 years, as most places have done away with 18-month now.

Wow, how do you remember? I can tell you some of the ones I had that could be classed as 'decent'

At release I got a HTC Touch Diamond 1. That told me never to get a HTC/Windows phone again.

I then moved onto the amazing N900 which I sold to my sister for £60 only a few months ago.

Now my BlackBerry Bold 9780. Best phone yet.

But before them I had trash phones :p
nokia 3310 > sagem my-x6 > nokia ngage > nokia 6600 > samsung d600 > Sony Ericsson w999i > LG Viewty > Apple 3g 16gb > Apple 3gs 16gb > Samsung Galaxy s2.

(I think this is the right order!)

I used to have a thing for phones, would change every few months (although i have no idea how, since I was only about 14 or 15 at the time! lol)
t610i, k750i, w810i, n95, 5800, htc hero, x10, i9000, i9250

temporarily owned: lg viewty, curve 8520, san francisco,

n95 was probably the best
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most of the time ive had nokia's,then sony Ericsson,first contract phone (15 years ago) was a bt cellnet thingy which had a pull out aerial and a flap,battery was shocking and not one of the best contract phones ive had.

last few years ive had iphones and will always use them now.
In roughly the right order (I don't think I've missed any...) -

Nokia 3310

Motorola StarTac

Samsung V200

Sharp GX30

Nokia 6230i


iPhone 3G

HTC Hero

Nokia N900

iPhone 3GS

HTC Desire

Samsung Galaxy S

iPhone 4

HTC Desire HD

Samsung Omnia 7

Samsung Galaxy S II

HTC Sensation

iPhone 4 (white, for a change)

SE Xperia Play

Nokia N8

Nokia E7

LG Optimus 3D

BlackBerry Bold 9900

iPhone 4S

Samsung Galaxy Nexus
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Nec flip phone

Samsung E900

O2 Cocoon

Samsung U600

Sony Ericsson Walkman W595

Blackberry 9700 (started out black, dropped it in the bath so figured the warranty was gone so I changed the housing, discovered those replacement housings are awfully built so replaced the chrome one I had for this red one, only 3 months left on my contract so not too worried if this one starts falling apart)
From 1995 to 2011 all of the mobile phones I've owned have been Nokias (& the work phones too except for a godawful sony Ericsson T610)
I had an orange San Francisco for 6 months just to try out android. Liked Android, hated the phone.

I bit the bullet in August last year & I have a Sony Ericsson Arc, which I think is pretty good.

Nokia 3310
Sagem my-x6
SE w810i
Nokia 6300
SE k750i
Nokia 6700
Nokia N95 for like 48 hours :D
HTC Desire
Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Always had access to many others though, for example we have iphone 4/s and GS2 in the family too.
nokia's - 5110e,7110,6210,6210i,3410,3510,6230,6230i
others, samsung - sgh-a300, d600m SGS2
sony ericcson - p800,w900,k850i

iphone, 3G,4
This BT Cellnet one:

Nokia 3310

Nokia 3510

O2 X2 (I lost my phone and had to have this one for a while, was alright actually!)

Motorola V505

Motorola Razr

Sony Ericsson K790i

Sony Ericsson W890

Sony Ericsson W980

Sony Ericsson W995

Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc
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Orange bosch
Nokia 3310
Sharpe GX20
Samsung E900
Sony Erricson K700
Sony Erricson K790
Sony Errison C905
HTC Desire HD

Damn. I didn't realise I had so many phones. Im only 20 as well...
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How can you remember all those?!? :eek:

My first phone was a Nokia 8210 when I was 13.. A spoilt little brat I was :D
Most recent phone is a iPhone 4.

Between first and last phone, I've had (may not be in the correct order):

Nokia 8250
Samsung S300
Ericsson T10
Motorola V70 (coolest phone, EVER :D)
Sony Ericsson K700
Sony Ericsson Z520
Sony Ericsson K600
Sony Ericsson K800
Sony Ericsson K850
Sony Ericsson Aino

Yes, I had a thing for Sony Ericsson phones :o
First mobile I had, its was on Vodaphone, and it was the first batch to be PAYG as I remember.

Then in 1998, I got a part time job and splashed out on one of these, possibly the best memories owning this phone lol


Then this, which I still own!

Then got this....and still own

Then the Panasonic flip one had a silver button on it, cant find the image for it...grrr..ahh found it!

Samsung d500


then...and..yea still own..loved this phone!

then...which was ok but the longest phone I had kept and used..and still own lol

Then this..3GS

Then IP4

Then...the SGSII

And now...
Back to the beginning..maker anyways...Nokia Lumia 800
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Think these are all my phones from about age 9 to present.

  • Ericsson T18 (One2One)
  • Nokia 3210 (One2One)
  • Nokia 8310 (One2One)
  • Nokia 6230i (T-mobile)
  • Sony Ericsson K800i (Three)
  • Nokia N95 (Three)
  • Samsung Tocco Ultra (Three)
  • HTC Touch2 (Three)
  • OSF Black (Three)
  • OSF White (Three)
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