What phones have you had?

I may have missed some as there have been so many

Motorola DynaTac
Motorola StarTac
Nokia 6100
Nokia 6110
Nokia 6210
SE K610
Nokia 7650
SE P800
HTC BlueAngel
SE P900
SE P910
HTC Typhoon
Orange C550
HTC Universal (iMate JasJar)
HTC Universal (XDA Exec)
HTC Hermes
Toshiba G900
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
Samsung Galaxy S2
iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
5110 could have custom operator logos as well! I used to use a site where you could draw your own!! hours of fun making 'nice' logos for people you know and sending them! they couldn't tell where they came from and were often stuck with them:D

was it boltblue by any chance?
I'm a bit of a phone nut so I'm not going to post all of them, but in the last year I've had:
iPhone 4
Samsung Galaxy S2
HTC Sensation XE
Dell Streak
Blackberry 9700
Blackberry Torch
HTC Desire HD

May have forgotten about a few as well :p
Yeah, I changed my 5110 logo to an odd manga/anime one. I just realised that I may be wrong when I called it the Nokia 402, as Substance's picture of the 5110 is exactly the same as the 402.

Nokia 402 was the Orange version. Either that or maybe it was a single band version that Orange used. Dual-band was still a feature then.

was it boltblue by any chance?

I used boltblue to get op-logos but I think it was a different site that had the editor. Ahh the memories of Boltblue on dial-up and the logos appearing one.............................. by one .................................. by one .................................... by one
Full List, since 1999 :
Nokia 3210
Nokia 6210
Ericsson T39
Sony Ericsson T630
Sony Ericsson W810
Sony Ericsson K850
iPhone 4

Up to the T39 I was getting yearly upgrades, then the network stopped being so generous!
Nokia 402 was the Orange version. Either that or maybe it was a single band version that Orange used. Dual-band was still a feature then.

Ahhhhh thanks! Yes, it was an Orange phone on PAYG, so yes it was a Nokia 402 to me. I didn't realise that 5100 was another alias until someone posted a pic of it on page 2 here.

Boltblue rings a bell. Pretty sure that was the site I used for the manga image.
A few Nokias, one or two Sony Ericssons, Samsung D900i, Samsung Galaxy S i9000 and holding out until some new generation phones hit the market now.
Nokia 402 was the Orange version. Either that or maybe it was a single band version that Orange used. Dual-band was still a feature then.

I used boltblue to get op-logos but I think it was a different site that had the editor. Ahh the memories of Boltblue on dial-up and the logos appearing one.............................. by one .................................. by one .................................... by one


I remember getting smsc numbers and replacing the default one for free messages! Must have been around 13-14 then and use a site called vodatones !
OK, so I have had a stab at recalling all my phones.....I think the order is a little off in the beginning, but hey-ho !

Starting in 1992 or 1993 (not sure !) with :

StarTac and a non-flip version of same phone (can't remember name)
Nokia Orange 5.1
Nokia nk702
Nokia 7110 (mmm, slidey !)
Samsung A300 (mmm, blue LCD backlit)
Motorola V3 (mmm, shiny....)
Nokia 6600
Nokia 7650
T-Mobile MDA Pro (XDA Exec etc.)
Nokia N95
Nokia 5800xm
HTC Desire
Xperia Play

....and a few random cheapo PAYG for the glovebox !

Wow - a trip down memory lane - P3 was awesome in it's day, with detatchable huuuge aerial ! Trouble was, back then no-one would really call me on it due to crazy charges :p
I have a quiet afternoon at work so shopped up a little lineup:


From left to right:
Ericsson PF768 (Being able to create your own ringtones in the phone itself was quite cool back then :p)
Nokia 6110 (Got this for free via swapsies with various items...)
Matrix Phone (I knew it under no other name lol, was free from a relative)
Sony J5 (I got this when I started college so around 2002)
SPV 500 (This phone was so **** and slow I returned it in anger a week later and it put me off WinMO ever since)
Sony Ericsson K700i (This changed everything, awesome camera at the time and cool features like Bluetooth HID remote control files to control apps on my PC and media apps over Bluetooth)
Sony Ericsson K750i (So impressed with the K700i, I upgraded when this came out)
Nokia 5800 (I was buzzed about this phone but the moment I held it and tapped the screen which flexed and saw the UI I went off Nokia and returned it a week later)
HTC Magic (The new Android phone "with Google", what's all this about then?!
*Installs Cyanogen some time later on the Magic, forever an Android fan*
HTC Desire (Upgraded via Vodafone from the Magic and Android plus points grew even further)
Samsung Galaxy S2 (Well you all know about this one by now :p, this phone allowed me to do the same things I used my notbook (Dell 13z) for so I sold that and never looked back)

Those are all phones I have owned for personal use of course. For business use and general playing around I've had iPhones, Blackberrys etc but they're not really valid as far as long term usage goes.
first phone ever was a Phillips Savvy on BTcellnet?
Nokia 3310 on Payg got this on release! 100 quid haha
Nokia 8210 on Orange
Samsung S300
Sony Ericsson T60 i think
Nokia 3510
Motorola A835 ( one of the very first Three phones thing was a bloody slab!)
NEC E616V ( amazing phone for the paltry money three wanted for it but urgh crap haha)
Nokia 5230
iPhone 2G 8Gb
Samsung Galaxy Europa
Samsung Galaxy Ace (my brand new phone today)

Had a couple of serious old buffers back in the day, can't remember models for the life but one of them was a Mitsubishi something, serious brick but my friends thought it screamed retro haha


Ericsson T10s
Ericsson T28
Nokia 3510i
Motorola MPX200
MDA Compact
XDA Mini S
HTC S710
Sony Xperia X1
HTC Touch Pro2
HTC Desire
Samsung Galaxy S2
sendo m550 (~50quid I think) age ~13
SE t630 (~160 PAYG) age ~14
SE w810i (~200 all over 18 month contract age ~16)
Nokia E63 (£18/month contract 18 month age 19)
Iphone 3g (£120 quid off my mate age 19)
Iphone 4 (£220 quid off my mate age 20)

A lot of people on here upgrade phones in a very short space of time.... I tend to buy a model 1 or 2 generations behind :P.

Very happy with iphone 4, just as good as 3g but not dog awefully slow. Wont really replace this until iphone 7/something goes wrong.
Feel like I am missing one between the XDA and N80 but may have gone back to the T620. Looks like I keep my phones for around 2 years each which suprises me!


Nokia 5110
Nokia 3310
Sony Ericsson T68i
Sony Ericsson T620
o2 XDA Mini S (worst phone I have had, only one I have ever replaced mid-contract)
Nokia N80
Sony Ericsson W890i
T-Mobile Pulse
HTC Desire HD


Nokia 6310
Nokia 6021
Blackberry 8800
Blackberry 9300
Ones that I can remember..

Some Panasonic thing - off my cousin in 2000 - first phone
Vast amount of Nokias - 3210, 3310, 6300, N95 etc
First colour phone was a Sharp..can't remember name but set me back. 300 notes
Sony - p800, p910, p910i, t630, some silver phone that started with a 'j' x8(current phone)
Motorola - razr...was cack

Plus various others ive forgotten about.
Most were 2nd hand from ebay.
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