Pffft started on the beers early and my new Zealand beer blew socks off
DJ is there anyway you can forward my z beer without looking just going through what I sent and I can't open this file in my sent files might be the decider
I think that he just forgot what he entered and wants to know?
Thanks opened up here no problem just won't open as a sent file from Gmail
Mexico in, not sure how popular it will be but its what I have had set aside for Mexico for a while.
I'm expecting a better turnout this week, somehow
i have another animal one jester if the mythical animals are not allowed. lmk.
@Ahleckz firstly Happy Birthday
As for the next one I've no idea yet, don't forget all those lovely countries we missed out on Points.... I actually didn't think they were that bad? How would you fancy changing it, more spread ie. third popular, bigger gap between them?
Oh don''t forget people.... we still need an idea for 'Y'