Aye, Justin, the 20 fans took over a week to paint. 2 coats of primer, 3 coats of orange, then 2 coats of laquer.

7 coats in total, and waiting 3-4 hours in between in a nightmare.
Part of the problem was running out of orange spray too, took 2 days for more to arrive.

I used 3 cans of orange, 2 cans of primer and 1.5 cans of laquer in the end for 3 rads and 20 fans.
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Well OC board/CPU and LED strips behind the motherboard tray all fitted now.

I hope the XPSC delivery for OcUK arrives on Monday now..... need my CPU/GPU Blocks and also my tube res.

What are you using to give the motherboard that under glow?

Edit: sorry I mean which strips.
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Grey bits on the fan look a bit naff, think you should do something about them.

They are soft rubber for noise dampening, and rubber tends to crack the paint on it when it changes temp due to expansions, so I decided to leave it as it is.
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