Poll: Have you ever crashed your motorcycle?

Have you ever crashed your motorcycle?

  • I'm under 30 and I've never had an accident

    Votes: 23 16.2%
  • I'm over 30 and I've never had an accident

    Votes: 16 11.3%
  • I'm under 30 and I've had an accident

    Votes: 43 30.3%
  • I'm over 30 and I've had an accident

    Votes: 60 42.3%

  • Total voters
13 May 2003
When I told my friends, family, and colleagues that I'd bought a motorcycle, the first thing that most of them said was that it was nice knowing me.

So I was wondering how many of you have actually had an incident that involved you losing physical contact with your bike?

I've introduced an (arbitrary) age demographic element to my poll questions.

1. I'm under 30 and I've never had an accident.
2. I'm over 30 and I've never had an accident.
3. I'm under 30 and I've had an accident.
4. I'm over 30 and I've had an accident.

Feel free to state how long you've been riding for.

P.S. - if a kind passing mod would be good enough to create a poll please.
3 - i must have come off about 3 times since i been on the road (2006)
oil spill , some one brake checked me and the other was some one decided to turn in to a fast food rest-rant whil in the wrong lane

off the road -been riding since 8 and 25 now i couldn't count as im an ex racer.
never come off on a track day though . touch wood
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in 19 years about 4 or 5 times

slow speed spills,worst was I fractured my wrist

you will come off guaranteed,just be carefull
I started riding on the road in 1980, you bet ive stuffed me bike, the last time would be 2007? when I got tangled up in a police chase & had to get out of the way of a herd of cop cars chasing some scrote in a white transit, I wound up on the pavement whilst the bike ended up on its side on the road.
I've had 2 very high speed spills (e.g in excess of 100mph) whilst on trackdays

Never crashed on the road (probably just jinxxed myself), but then i don't tend to push it on the road

Only suffered with a broken knuckle so far

Statistically horse riding is far more dangerous, but no one ever moans about that
Had a few offs since i got my first bike in 2007 (i think). Came off my zzr breaking too hard when someone pulled out on me and the council had just 'resurfaced' the road by throwing loose chippings everywhere :mad: . Came off again on a diesel spill. Came off on a corner (slid on oil that leaked out of my mates bike in front!) riding my mz ts250 with sidecar, went down a banking and crashed into an electric fence! Also managed to wheelie when i dropped a gear and gave it a little too much throttle when going up a steep hill and because of the sidecar it pulled to the left hit a lamp post then a wall and threw me off. Ive also lost count of the amount of times i have come off in the snow but only at low speed so no damage done and riding in the snow is fun so all is good. :)
Its all a learning curve.
Just the one for road riding in 20 years. Came out of work a little tired and gave it a bit too much on yzf600r on cold tyres and turning as it went over a wet manhole cover. Low side slide and messed up bike, leather scuffed to hell, just bruised. Dozens of very nearly's that I managed to stay on. Snow, diesel, roundabout gravel, unexpected tractor mud is a favourite. Off road, too many to count. A couple decent high speed spills on track days, road rash but nothing broken. Though my neck still clicks after I chinned the fairing as part of a superman impression.
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Lowsided my Suzuki GS125 like a boss when I was 17. I was practicing hanging off. Minor scrapes to rider and machine.
yeah that's interesting,most of us over 30's have probably crashed when just starting out

teens/20's ect
Had a little 'off' a while back.....

Had a few minor get-off's since I passed my test in 1989. Then in June 1990 I had a rather big one which almost killed me.

Old guy, 87, who could hardly walk let alone drive, pulled out in front of me at point blank range. Absolutely nothing I could do to avoid it. I ended up colliding with the side of the car at around the "A" post area, somersaulting over the car, hitting the windscreen on the way past and landing on the road before sliding further up the tarmac and colliding with a dry stone dyke wall. It hurt a bit.

Fracture of Femur which ran into my knee joint, smashed to a pulp. Bone graft from my hip was used to provide something to attempt to rebuild it. Meccano set required to pin back together. Whilst one surgical team worked on this another team was carrying out a Splenectomy. Spleen was ruptured but it didn't fully rupture until I was in the operating room and the result was a second team of surgeons was called in to fix that issue whilst the first team worked on my Femur. Lost approx 8 pints of blood as a result of the Spleen being ruptured. Two broken clavicles didn't help either.

This happened at 18. I take Penicillin twice daily and will do for life. The doctors who worked on me reckoned the only reason I managed to survive was my physical fitness at the time was extremely high as I'd just finished 16 weeks recruit training as a firefighter. Despite a full recovery, in my later years however its had knock on effects. My left leg is approx 1.5cm shorter than my right. This has resulted in a pelvic tilt which has put stress on my lower back. I've had back problems for the past 10 years and each year they get worse. I was also diagnosed with Hepatic Splenosis two years ago. When the spleen was ruptured, most of it was cleaned out from my abdominal cavity but a few tiny fragments of splenetic tissue remained. In a bit of a weird medical phenomenon, splenetic tissue can sometimes latch on to another part of the abdominal cavity or an organ within and regenerate itself. I have what is known as an 'accessory spleen' or a little mini spleen now growing attached to my Porta Hepatis on my Liver which is where all the main blood vessels and arteries enter the Liver itself. The accessory spleen hijacks a good bit of blood flow through the Porta Heptatis which means I get can sometimes feel fatigued and nauseous for no apparent reason.

So yeah - that bike crash was a bit of a sucker punch and has a lot to answer for. :cool:

Eeep! :eek:

I should imagine in those days he got the customary risible slap on the wrist?, either way I hope you sued the knackers off the old duffer, not that it'd make up for the health problems your suffering from now.
3 - Came off my RS125 twice in winter, 1 year apart. Both times about 30mph where I simply touched the front brake and the next thing I knew I was sliding down the road. This was when I was 17 & 18, I'm nearly 23 now and haven't been off since so I'd like to think I learnt from my mistakes :). I've had a few near misses over the years, partly down to myself and partly down to other drivers but its all part of the learning experience.

Tried to ride my moped when in ice when I was 16-17. Came off twice in one day! Good times.

Besides that stupidity, I've had one other off about 4-5 weeks ago where I snapped my colloar bone clean in half :(
3. Twice - newb mistakes.
Aged 16 - It was night-time was in the first few weeks of owning a Yamaha Aerox 50cc scooter, felt that my helmet wasn't fastened up and pulled over to sort it out, the scooter slipped over and so did I.. Didn't see that it was proper wet mud I was pulling over onto! Luckily no damage to myself or the scooter, just incredibly dirty :D

Aged 17 - 10 months later, I'm on a Varadero 125, it was wet, little bit icey and I was probably a bit over-confident on a corner, hit some ice and went sliding about 30ft down the road.. Wearing just a textile jacket, work trousers and waterproof over-trousers.. Just a bruise on the hip, work trousers were intact. Kept my head up to save the helmet. About £100 to fix the mirrors, bent footpeg, brake lever, fairing crack etc.

Aged 20 - I've been on the ER-6N for about 6 months now, no issues, came very close to it though when somebody decided to change lanes on the motorway without seeing me (wasn't in blindspot!)
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had two what you would call accidents on bikes, once superman over the bars no damage to me just fairing damage in 2008 and one more serious one in 2010 where I was knocked off by a people carrier, wrist broken in three places and dislocated, now have a plate and 11 screws.

am 25 for reference
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