Poll: Have you ever crashed your motorcycle?

Have you ever crashed your motorcycle?

  • I'm under 30 and I've never had an accident

    Votes: 23 16.2%
  • I'm over 30 and I've never had an accident

    Votes: 16 11.3%
  • I'm under 30 and I've had an accident

    Votes: 43 30.3%
  • I'm over 30 and I've had an accident

    Votes: 60 42.3%

  • Total voters
Was 22 at the time and got hit by a car pulling into my lane - wasn't my fault. Had been riding for about a year and a half. The beast of a bike still lives on. It will not be killed! :D

That was my first (and hopefully last) crash earlier this year.
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Been riding for 24 years and never had even a minor accident (bike or car). My dad is 71, been riding since he was 16 and also never crashed.

Now looking for some wood to touch *snigger*
I've ridden with a few people on here. I'm certainly not a slow rider, but I don't take risks on the road.

I've ridden track days, off-road, toured Europe several times and recently started motocross. The road is not the place to crash, and should be seen as crap riding not a badge of honor.

This is what makes me laugh about the protection argument. ***** riding too fast in full leathers lecturing me in my jeans and at shirt :P
it don't matter what your wearing

it's gonna hurt!!!;)

if you've never come off in all that time then well done,its part luck and part skill/experience

9 times out of ten you come of due to some plonker or your gunning it yourself
about 40 is the age with the highest fatalities iirc.

old men buying massively fast machines they haven't rode since they were very young if ever.
Been riding for 24 years and never had even a minor accident (bike or car). My dad is 71, been riding since he was 16 and also never crashed.

Now looking for some wood to touch *snigger*

I've been riding 22 years, and crashed once, and it was entirely my own fault.

I only had a leather jacket and a pair of jeans on and got away with it.

Looking back on it, that was 20 years ago!


Driving up and down the A1 A14 everyday and seeing the standard or riding on display, it's not surprising they end of dead.
My favorite one is when they ride between two lorries overtaking each other on a dual carriage way at 60mph.
Because that's safe.
It's not even something you can get away with if it goes wrong, it goes wrong, you are dead so why take the risk?
Then there's the weaving in and out of traffic at speed, leaving no stopping or correction room, riding in peoples blind spots, following too close etc.

Bell ends.
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27 now, riding since I was 17, pretty much all day everyday.

A few small crashes, new rider wet and emergency stop, down I go, highsided twice on dodgy road surfaces, at about 10mph or less.

The big ones :p
My fault, riding swiftly... come up a hill and over the crest and round the bend a Land rover is stopped turning right, cant stop, decide I'd rather take my chances going round the Land rover and smash down the side of the oncoming car, I hit them doing about 50 hard on the brakes and them doing 50 oncoming so a nice 100mph combined crash ;)
Bike totalled, me, broken femur, a knee the size of a football, snapped Ulna, and plenty of lasting problems since that one :p

Not my fault, lady decided to turn into a driveway without looking what was oncoming, lots of front end and fairing damage to bike, but is now repaired and my track bike, plenty of aches pains and brusing to me but amazingly nothing broken, and got POV footage of this one :p

*Oh and wearing full leathers in both accidents, shudder to think the outcome had I not been...
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I've had 2 very bad accidents and one stupid one where a driver rear ended me when I was stationary.
Haven't voted as it isn't me personally, but Dad's most recent accident involved him dropping it on a greasy corner on a country road at 28MPH, the frame grinding across the tarmac made sparks, some of which went into the carb, turning the bike into a moving fireball which he had to try and roll away from mid-crash.

He had only just built it as well... A few months previously. :(

It has been re-built now though, this was a good few years back. :)
Had been riding since 17, about 7 years.

- I dropped my 125 once pulling out of a road, very random, still don't know what happened. Doesn't count.

- Bros 400 lost the front filtering in traffic when another bike stopped in front of me.
Bruised foot and hand. Rode home.

- Bros 400 lost the front expecting someone to pull out of a junction, which they didn't.
Broken rib and bruising. Rode home.

- Triumph S4 didn't judge a coaches approaching speed correctly, had just filled up with petrol and gave it a bit too much throttle and lost the rear (I think there was crud on the tyre).
Bruised elbow, picked it up and rode home.

- Triumph S4 hit a patch of diesel braking for a changing light, front got away, landed on my knee (in jeans) and flipped onto my back, whacked my elbow which broke my forearm in two places. Bike was written off and I was in hospital for 4 nights.

None of my accidents damaged any other vehicles but not had a bike since that which was nearly 2 years ago.
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Only one and not a big one ,but that was a bit of luck. coming up to a roundabout and the lights were green. I was taking first exit to wound it up and lent it over - but I wound it up too much and took a wider line which meant I hit the sediment built up just before the traffic island. front wheel shot away and went towards a stopped type R in the on coming lane. lucky the wheels were pointing the right way and the shocks took the force, leaving no marks on car or bike. 10 ft up from this was a bus.
I've only been off the once, due to lowsiding it at about 10mph on black ice. Despite the low speed I still ended up about 6 feet away from the bike when we came to a stop.
I've dropped the bike a couple of times but only due to stupidity and haste on my part.
Some Blind **** pulled out on me a few years ago & stopped in the middle of my lane as I ploughed into his wing.
Hit my groin on the tank which flipped me onto my back onto his bonnet then got spat into oncoming traffic which stopped fortunately.

I was doing 37mph in a 40 on a clear blue sky day @ 11.50am on a Sunday about 6 miles away from my house & I was wearing a 2 week old Hi Vis vest. :rolleyes:

Insurance pay out was Sweet though, Every cloud & all that. :p
option 3 for me.

crash 1 - was 18 and only been riding a few months. makde a stupid overtake near a junction, they turned right without indicating just as i was passing them. bike written off, i went through the car window. lots of cuts and blood. i won the clai mthough as they never dealt with their insurers!

crash 2 - 8 weeks ago. front brake locked on, threw me off. ruined crash bung and scuffs to fairing. I ended up in hospital with a concussion.

crash 3 - 1 week ago :( filtering past stationary traffic. woman in a CRV decided to do a u turn without looking, smashed me off and the bike into a kerb. waiting to officially hear but a write off is most likely. I was unhurt bar scuffs and bruises.
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