Poll: Have you ever crashed your motorcycle?

Have you ever crashed your motorcycle?

  • I'm under 30 and I've never had an accident

    Votes: 23 16.2%
  • I'm over 30 and I've never had an accident

    Votes: 16 11.3%
  • I'm under 30 and I've had an accident

    Votes: 43 30.3%
  • I'm over 30 and I've had an accident

    Votes: 60 42.3%

  • Total voters
I heard that in the US 80% of motorbike accidents involve no other road users, just pesky corners. I don't know if that is representative of the UK.
Will still probably be 50/50 though :p
I heard that in the US 80% of motorbike accidents involve no other road users, just pesky corners. I don't know if that is representative of the UK.
Last stats I read had the UK show 70% of all m/c accidents involved another vehicle, 38% of these being general right of way violations (lane change, wrong side of road, etc) but 87% *specifically* being cars pulling out from minor junctions. This is why you had all those Think Bike ads with car drivers pulling out at junctions. That means you have a 6 in 7 chance of being pulled out on... :eek: :(

Only 15% were filtering & overtaking related, surprisingly.
A mere 11% of all UK m/c accidents were loss of control on bends and were mostly country roads, yet represented 41% of all m/c fatalities. Ouch!

Generally, the number of fatalities in the past decade seems to be going down by around 10% each year, but the number of serious injuries also seems to increase by about the same percentage... surprising.
Also, many of these occur in Summer, when the less-experienced riders drag their Super-Thou sporties out and head off for a blast down the twisties without having ridden for at least 6 months...
I'd owned my (new to me) 1100 mile old ZZR1400 4 weeks when I was knocked off it 1 day into my week long Isle of Man visit this year (1st june) :(

That was by a swiss guy on another bike. I'd been riding over the mountain, minding my own business and riding well within limits of me and the bike - blue skies, clear roads, nothing in front, nothing for quite a way behind. Rare to be able to ride and enjoy the view for once when it's normally a mess of dodging people who are weaving in and out of other riders. Just exited Guthries and BANG! Rammed up the backside, once for initial hit, then again as his wide open throttle forced him past me as I was trying to save from the first bump.

Lowsided at 60-70mph (told you I was taking it easy - day before I wouldn't have been caught up). Gutting to see the bike spin on its side down the road. He stopped about 100 yards further on - he'd hit the wall before me apparently and gouged a chunk from that which broke his engine case too. Must have been going some to catch me on the road. Another second and I would have been on the straight, easy to pass. Some people can't wait.

It's still ongoing - not got bike back yet, injury, leathers, personal loss claim etc. Damage was just short of 5 grand to my bike :( Another £1500 and it would have been written off.

So it's not just car drivers who you need to watch out for.

Another thing to watch for is be careful about having an accident on the Isle of Man - their legal system is different from ours. Foreign rider, plus me (English) on Isle of Man = legal mess.
Only had one off, very low speed when turning left into a junction on my RS125. Front end washed out after hitting something greasy that had poured out the back of the bin lorry that just went by.

I was doing maybe 10-15 MPH. Dropped the bike, snapped the gear level and scraped all of my fairing up.

Interestingly I also (somehow!) managed to buckle my rear wheel!

I had a sore shoulder from where I hit the road, and felt like a bit of an idiot, but that was all.

Thankfully I have had no other accidents. Plenty of near misses though!!

EDIT - Forgot to mention that I have been riding since February 2003. My off was around April 2003, with the RS125 being my first bike.
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Americans do get confused with corners, and the harleys bottom out :p

You only have to watch the YouTube crash compilations to see how inept some of the are.

That and the fascination with pulling wheelies on the street and standing on the seat while doing it, for a few seconds anyway, before falling off and launching it down the street.

The Eastern European riders are the worst on there, they seem to pay literally no attention, at all, to anything going on around them.
Had 1 mild "off"

Went into a corner too hot, went through a hedge @ 30mph.

I was 30 or 31 at the time.

No damage to me or the bike.
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Had one serious accident when i was 20, was riding my RGV250 at the time, lovely sunny february day took it out for a run and met a Sunday driver on the wrong side of the road.

Hit his car head on and im still living with the consequences now at 38. At the time broke my left leg, right wrist, couple of ribs despite being fully geared up. Luckily i was wearing a backpack at the time with some wet gear in it which i was told probably saved me from being in a wheel chair for the rest of my life.

As it is im not gonna be running any marathons and still carry a limp and scars to this day but im a lucky chappie to even be able to walk (all be it poorly :p)

Still riding bikes tho.

Aside from that one big accident i remember owning a mille which decided to lock the rear wheel while travelling along a dual carriageway. Was able to get it to the hard shoulder before i binned it, only had a broken thumb from that one.

Luckily aprillia acknowledged it was a fault with that years model and there was a recall on them shortly before my accident so it didnt cost me much apart from having to wear one of those stupid casts in a "thumbs up" position :D
im getting a fair share of idiot drivers last few weeks,not letting me in the gap when filtering,one must have been ****ed off he was side by side with me for ages I had to stick my leg out as if to kick his car for him to back off

must be the summer heat affecting their brain?:(
must be the summer heat affecting their brain?:(
Common sense seems to evaporate easily.

But the majority of car drivers won't improve their skills behind the wheel, they will drive at test standard for a while then get worse.

Where as most bikers will constantly try to improve their skills.

Just an observation, nothing to back it up.
Had a few minor get-off's since I passed my test in 1989. Then in June 1990 I had a rather big one which almost killed me.

Old guy, 87, who could hardly walk let alone drive, pulled out in front of me at point blank range. Absolutely nothing I could do to avoid it. I ended up colliding with the side of the car at around the "A" post area, somersaulting over the car, hitting the windscreen on the way past and landing on the road before sliding further up the tarmac and colliding with a dry stone dyke wall. It hurt a bit.

Fracture of Femur which ran into my knee joint, smashed to a pulp. Bone graft from my hip was used to provide something to attempt to rebuild it. Meccano set required to pin back together. Whilst one surgical team worked on this another team was carrying out a Splenectomy. Spleen was ruptured but it didn't fully rupture until I was in the operating room and the result was a second team of surgeons was called in to fix that issue whilst the first team worked on my Femur. Lost approx 8 pints of blood as a result of the Spleen being ruptured. Two broken clavicles didn't help either.

This happened at 18. I take Penicillin twice daily and will do for life. The doctors who worked on me reckoned the only reason I managed to survive was my physical fitness at the time was extremely high as I'd just finished 16 weeks recruit training as a firefighter. Despite a full recovery, in my later years however its had knock on effects. My left leg is approx 1.5cm shorter than my right. This has resulted in a pelvic tilt which has put stress on my lower back. I've had back problems for the past 10 years and each year they get worse. I was also diagnosed with Hepatic Splenosis two years ago. When the spleen was ruptured, most of it was cleaned out from my abdominal cavity but a few tiny fragments of splenetic tissue remained. In a bit of a weird medical phenomenon, splenetic tissue can sometimes latch on to another part of the abdominal cavity or an organ within and regenerate itself. I have what is known as an 'accessory spleen' or a little mini spleen now growing attached to my Porta Hepatis on my Liver which is where all the main blood vessels and arteries enter the Liver itself. The accessory spleen hijacks a good bit of blood flow through the Porta Heptatis which means I get can sometimes feel fatigued and nauseous for no apparent reason.

So yeah - that bike crash was a bit of a sucker punch and has a lot to answer for. :cool:

Glad you are okayish, feel really bad for you now :(
im getting a fair share of idiot drivers last few weeks,not letting me in the gap when filtering,one must have been ****ed off he was side by side with me for ages I had to stick my leg out as if to kick his car for him to back off

must be the summer heat affecting their brain?:(

It's just spite, which seems to get worse in the heat. Can they not just accept that bikers will get past eventually, so why make things harder for them? When I'm in my car and see a motorbike filtering in my wing mirror, I:

a) Move over to the left to allow him more room
b) Thing 'good on ya' for beating the queue I'm wasting my life in
c) Wish I was on a motorbike

I just don't get the negative attitude. Motorists only need to realise that if the guy was driving his car that day, then he'd be one more person contributing to the traffic jam. Beggars belief.
Im 24, riding 4 years and had 2 road accidents (non fault) and many racing crashes.

One was a bike going on fire, not really a crash but insurance like to scupper me for it.
Other was a car pulling out of a side road when there was oncoming traffic and she stopped leaving me nowhere to go but into the side. Joys!

Now I just race as its safer imo than owning a road bike.
An old colleague/friend just send me this: http://1drv.ms/1rNqDTB (click slideshow bottom-right and click through).


He's been in hospital for a while, will see if i can get a picture of the bike afterwards.

Fractured pelvis (front and back)
Titanium plate on groin to hold pelvis together
Broken left wrist/hand/fingers on left with wires in.
Bike, not insured for track days. £2k+ Damage.
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