Poll: Have you ever crashed your motorcycle?

Have you ever crashed your motorcycle?

  • I'm under 30 and I've never had an accident

    Votes: 23 16.2%
  • I'm over 30 and I've never had an accident

    Votes: 16 11.3%
  • I'm under 30 and I've had an accident

    Votes: 43 30.3%
  • I'm over 30 and I've had an accident

    Votes: 60 42.3%

  • Total voters
I've had one accident, Car did a U turn in the middle of the road and didn't see me.

I went over the bonnet and nearly got run over by the car on the opposite side.
I was lucky but I was in hospital and NEARLY lost my balls as they got smashed against the tank damn hard, It hurt a lot.

Wrote my bike off.

Im 26
3, 1 my fault.

1) went round a corner and it went from dry to flooded, aquaplaned and slid down the road on the side. My fault

2) day before test while being trained, a driver went through a red light and I went over the roof, although I did jumps, as all I thought is my legs going to get crushed between bumper and the bike.

3) someone reversed out a driving bay as I was going passed, I swerved and just clip the handlebars on a bus wing mirror and came off.
I fell off my moped countless times when I was a kid, I also once rode into the back of a parked car and another time into a grundon bin. I have not voted as I think you mean proper bikes not 50cc puch babe magnets.
I have had a couple of accidents, only one at any kind of speed though and it was down to a throttle cable sticking.
I being truthful in saying all my crashes have been my fault
cant list them as I first rode a bike 41 years ago
my worse crash was a highside on a cbr6 which broke my collarbone
you only have one good accident on a bike:( and its your last

fractured wrist and ankle on two separate low speed off's been my worst injuries that and lots of sore roadrash
Being riding since I was 15 (now 28). Within 30 minutes of having my insurance when I turned 16, I crashed (racing a mate). No injuries.

2nd time I was stung by a bee, panicked and ended up catching the kerb with my brake disc and being trailed up the road from 50mph with my face being jammed into said kerb stone. Only reason I'm alive is because I just closed my visor.

3rd time I took a bike with pure road tyres into a field for a drag race against a motocross bike. Won the race and then touched the front brake - Ended up with me and the bike doing a somersault and breaking the levers, mirrors, indicators and number plate - No injuries to me.

4th time, someone pulled out in front of me and (somehow) clipped the back of my bike. No injuries, but the woman called for the police to do me for dangerous driving. Ended up being turned against her. Again no injuries.

5th time, I was riding up the motorway on a bright yellow 250 hornet with a loud pipe, wearing a high vis. vest; A van drifted from left hand lane into the right and ended up with me getting a face full of mirror. There was no other traffic on the motorway other than us. He just waved at me and drove on! Luckily I didn't fall, but my neck hurt like hell for a few hours afterwards.

That was in the span of 2 years. In all the years after that, not so much as a near miss. Bear in mind that I did around 30000+ miles each year.

Like anything, if you misuse a 1/4 ton of metal it's going to end up getting you hurt at some point. ;)
multiple times, few were noob mistakes (grabbing the front brake half way round a corner), couple of times on ice and once on a pile of corn some kind farmer decided to drop in the middle of a bend.

All bar the corn were my fault, been riding 6 years this october.
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Three crashes in the 7 years of riding - first was a non fault biggy that left me in ICU for 10 days and off work 13 weeks, a week before my first year with no claims! Second was winter roundabout surfing on my R1 (like a dick) - front end tucked, resulting in 800 quid in repairs, and a pinky finger with a spiral break - still screwed together today. Last (and hopefully LAST!) was binning the R1 and totalling it :(
Would you put the first two eventful years down to your lack of experience?

A little, but more like the pure idiocy that comes with showing off around mates.

The one where she clipped my rear end (heh) and the van - Just reinforced what my dad always says to me -

"You don't really have to watch out for yourself if you're not riding like a lunatic. It's the other people you have to keep an eye out for. They're the ones that'll get you."

That's not to say I'm not capable of being an idiot as I am now though :D
29 and touch wood have been shiny side up for the past 10 years, First few years on my 1500 quid cbr400 though that was down the road on a bi-yearly basis, you bounce well at 18 though
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