*******C.A.R.S - Community Assisted Race Sim*********

Is it me or does the handling (with a 360 controller at least) seem like vastly harder and twitchy on the hardest / most realistic settings? It used to play similarly to forza but now I powerslide with the slightest bit of throttle and steering? Is this because the 360 controller settings are messed up or because the game just got a lot harder?
Release has definitely been put back until March next year.

Basically the November release date is too crowded and they want to spend the extra time polishing the game to a much higher standard.

Attached to this post is a press release which will go live tomorrow which announces that the new release date for the PC/PS4/XB1 versions of the game is now March next year. We wanted you guys to read it here first and to try and expand a little more on the reasoning.

Primarily, this has come about because a couple of other big games have announced they are shipping around the same time as our planned first date. We know it might be a little hard to believe but this would have had a very significant impact on our initial sales (and the initial sales period is critical as that's when the majority occur). It became immediately clear therefore that we'd need to move away from this release window.

The other factor at play here which I'm sure most if not all of you are aware of is that the game is still lacking the fixes and polish it really deserves. We've been working extremely hard on tracking towards the original date, and could indeed have made it, but deep down we knew it wouldn't have resulted in the ultimate level of quality that we wanted. Project CARS isn't "just another game" for SMS, it's the start of our very own IP/brand which we believe can live and be successful for a long time. It's critical the first release is a solid one therefore to lay the foundations for those plans.

As such we decided that a release early next year made a lot of sense all round. January is traditionally a very slow month for game sales (people having spent all their spare cash up to and during the holidays). February is affected to a lesser degree so March is an ideal window.

We appreciate there may be some disappointment but hope most will see this as overall a positive move for the project. The main issue with any move like this is a financial one (paying for the additional development time), but fortunately we've been able to resolve this, so it's full steam ahead now in finishing the game and creating the successful launch the game deserves.

Finally, to answer a question which is sure to come up - the additional time we have will largely be spent on the aforementioned fixes and polish. While we may include one or two smaller features and pieces of content which had originally been pushed to post-release, there really isn't time to add anything significantly new, or we'd just be back in the same position of the game lacking the quality level at release it needs.
what a surprise..... :p

handling to be sorted in 2016.

to cut through the bs if the game released in November it would have bombed hard . still think it will anyway but at least they have sense to finally look at what they doing and realize this. so hopefully they do sort it.

as i have said for ages they slipped up messing with the handling and assetto stole the show.

i do want good car racing games so hopefully they wake up now as come march april they wont be able to say sorry we got more excuses. reason its easter period is just the next best sales period and they just missed the biggest of the year upcoming which will hurt them.
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Since the hyperlink in the facebook link is dead take it with a pinch of salt until something official is announced or someone from the WMD forum can confirm if it's true.

Edit ignore post
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what a surprise..... :p

handling to be sorted in 2016.

Nothing wrong with it at all any more.

I was playing AC and pCARS last night and they feel very similar in terms of FFB and handling.

In fact, driving in the Zakspeed at Bathhurst with an H pattern shifter and heel toe braking was a complete hoot in pCARS.

So I suggest you go back and try the game instead of regurgitating the same comments over and over again.
regurgitating....game just got put back. nothing wrong with it at all.

the real funny thing is i been saying this for how long ? stop defending shoddy work. the game could be great.

if i was wrong it would be coming out on time.

the fanboys keep backing this when will you realize what many realize it had its chance to be the premier car racing title on pc . it missed it and now struggling to even release.

funny thing is you still try and argue with me about it when its straight in front of you ! i told you how it would go :p
Dg - nobody cares what you think. Really. You continue to try and sound like some kind of authority on this game (and others), but all you do is preach doom and tell people you're not going to play nor care about the game and that they should do the same like some kind of figurative virtual suicide cult. However you always come back to post more verbal diarrhoea, completely undermining and contradicting your point(s) - if you even had one to start with.
you dont have to care as i said look at the games status. what i said has come true the games struggling.

hate my responses all you want, its true.

when game bombs just remember who told you it would bomb nearly two years ago . ;).
regurgitating....game just got put back. nothing wrong with it at all.

the real funny thing is i been saying this for how long ? stop defending shoddy work. the game could be great.

if i was wrong it would be coming out on time.

the fanboys keep backing this when will you realize what many realize it had its chance to be the premier car racing title on pc . it missed it and now struggling to even release.

funny thing is you still try and argue with me about it when its straight in front of you ! i told you how it would go :p

I'm not a fanboy.

You edited your post, originally you just mentioned the handling as usual.

The game needs polish and tweaking but the fundamentals are there now and they are good.

As it stands it's a perfectly playable driving sim, but SMS want to release a quality product. As they've said it's new ip for them so it's in their best interest for their future to do the best job they can.
Dg what are you talking about, "it had it's chance" ?
So if it isn't released on a certain day, at a certain time, (which I'm guessing you have to decide for it to be right), it will have missed chance and have failed regardless of what the end product is like? Really?
It's not a struggle to release it is simply better not to go up against huge established titles with a new product.
Furthermore SMS doesn't want to release something they are not 100% happy with. Yes they could release and patch afterwards like most of the other stuff that is released but they want to be better than that. This is the whole point of WMD and not being backed by a publisher.
Yet even when they do stay true to their word about not releasing half finished products people still find something to moan about :(
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you dont have to care as i said look at the games status. what i said has come true the games struggling.

hate my responses all you want, its true.

when game bombs just remember who told you it would bomb nearly two years ago . ;).
I don't hate your responses because you are predicting failure, nor do I hate them because you even speak of the game. I hate your responses because you just don't shut up. Everyone has at one point said this game will fail, I said it 5 years ago, as did many others. You're very late to the party, and you are just so up yourself you can't see that you are repeating what has already been said a million times before.

Meanwhile, against the expectations of many people, the development of the game has continued. Some of us are intrigued by this (for various reasons) and take a mild interest into where it will go.

You have taken a disliking to the game, but unlike the countless masses that have quietly left this game behind, satisfied that just not playing is all the action that is needed, you rabbit on about how awful the handling is (and little else) and are on a personal vendetta against this game. Like some errant child trying to convince everyone (and yourself) that quitting the game is the right thing to do. You are clearly embarrassed by anyone that gets even an iota of enjoyment out of the game because it doesn't comply with your prophecy, so you bark your usual crap - tell everyone you are going to leave, whilst looking over your shoulder to see if anyone is actually going to follow you, and when they don't you run right back to start again.

DG seems constantly preoccupied with with being proven correct with regards to game predictions. Really is tiresome. Quite the 180 degree back peddle with Dayz standalone among others. I dare say people are capable of forming their own opinions.
Anyone who still has access to the game and hasn't played for a long time should really revisit it and see what they think.

I'd be interested on some genuine opinions.

A few months back I'd really got to a stage where I wasn't bothered about it. But I've been giving it the odd half an hour here and there over the last fe weeks and I think there has been a massive leap forwards.

While I wholeheartedly agree that the game needs a very good polish and bug fix, there's a decent game underneath.

And delaying the game is the right decision.

A new ip in an already overcrowded release window is hard enough, but a game that lacks polish and needing a lot of bug patches will just drown.
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